OP, I think you should really try protective styling, if you're serious about growing out your hair. Braids (e.g. crown and glory method) and wigs might be a good idea, if your hair is not long enough to bun. Please get over your shame of having someone braid your uneven hair. The braider probably won't even notice or care. The key for me when I grew out my natural hair was low manipulation, protective styling, and DC at least every 2 weeks.
It is an unfair fact of life that some people grow and retain hair easier than others. They might have faster growth rates or often it's simply because they have stronger hair that doesn't break off as easily. If my mother / sister were to be as gentle and protective with their hair as I am with mine, they would probably have waist-length hair. As others mentioned the same unfairness is applicable to high metabolism/slimness, clear skin, strong, fast-growing nails, etc etc.
OK, I know that people only seem get offended by being weave checked. I believe they only act offended on the surface, however, not so deep down inside they are flattered that their hair looks nice enough that some people may think it is weave. I believe that is the MAIN reason that people even post about being "weave-checked" so that they could boast that they their hair looks so long and nice, it looks too good to be true. That is also similar to those threads about people asking if they are mixed, saying that they have "good" hair, etc. People only pretend to be offended, but they are really flattered by it.
That's a lot of mind-reading and assuming going on. Because my own integrity is very important to me, I usually take what people tell me on good faith. It would be very presumptuous and speculative to go around imputing motives and my own thought processes to other people, contrary to their own words, unless they have done something to show me different.
As for me, being weave-checked is an insult. If you want to know if my hair is real or not, just ask me and
I will tell you the
truth. It is an insult to think that I will lie to you, and therefore you have to conduct your own "investigation". As a matter of fact, the times when I was weave-checked the person asked me, I answered, and *still* they did the weave check. That's basically calling me a liar.
I just say what I feel lol regardless of the controversy behind it sometimes you just look at stuff and are like "be serious". I never said I had type 3 hair but isn't it a known fact that the least tight of a curl you have the easier it is for natural oils to moisturize your stands etc etc. type 3s are usually bsl by year 3 someone show me a 4 like that.
I know it's not PC to say on here, but I agree with you that *generally speaking* type 3s have an easier time retaining length. That's because they tend to have stronger, more elastic strands and fewer tangles, so combing, brushing, etc. doesn't cause as much mechanical damage and breakage. But a type 3 with thin, weak strands may have a harder time retaining length than a type 4 with strong strands. And I am a type 4 that when natural defintely dmade BSL (straightened) in 3 years, with very low mani and a lot of protective styling.