Someone asked if i was Nikko's cousin?

This cracked me up! It's not creepy ladies :) I thought we were SUPPOSED to ask that question as a code? Dang... what about those of us rocking pixie cuts? No one will ever ask me LOL!
This cracked me up! It's not creepy ladies :) I thought we were SUPPOSED to ask that question as a code? Dang... what about those of us rocking pixie cuts? No one will ever ask me LOL!

I've seen some woman, especially at my church doing BC's and I want to ask so bad. also, when i see braid outs and twist outs, andcute buns.
Why can't someone ask me if I'm a cousin of Nikos'? You're lucky OP lol. Tbh I'd feel honored haha. All I get is "Are you mixed?" :(
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It was me :sekret:

Girl, you're in Ohio :lachen:

I asked a natural sistah here if she was Nikos' cousin. I was scared to do it, but figured wtf? She just said no and kept the conversation moving. I think if the person has never been on/heard of LHCF they literally think you're asking about a person.
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I want to be asked R U Nikkos Cousin? I want to Weave Checked, I also want to have a story about how the gals were hating and looking hard and I had to finger comb my hair LOL!
Creep me out please, I beg of you!
On a day that I wore a nice twistncurl, I had someone ask me if I knew of curlynikki's blog. We started talking and she was a nikos cousin and frequented a lot of curly/natural sites.

Also, I had someone ask me in a BSS if I'd used the Mixed Chicks line - I hated it - and then if I had any sites to recommend for hair product reviews. When I mentioned here, she was a cousin.
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I want to be asked R U Nikkos Cousin? I want to Weave Checked, I also want to have a story about how the gals were hating and looking hard and I had to finger comb my hair LOL!
Creep me out please, I beg of you!

You are a trip! Your time is CERTAINLY coming!!!
I sometimes carry a bag made by Chicoro (click here to see is Boston ladies) so that somebody, anybody can please recognize me on the red line. With my luck my hair will look busted on the day I meet Nikko's cousin LOL

:lachen::lachen: That's what I'm afraid of! I work from home so I never really style my hair unless I'm going OUT-out. And I only ever see possible cousins at Sally's.... and ya'll know I'm not doing my hair to go to Sally's.
I think an LHCF "uniform" day would be AWESOME!!! I like the Black and Lavender idea....with the pearls:yep:....and then add some light blue (the colors of the Forum)...and wear it like twice out of the every 2nd and 3rd Saturday can be Nikko's Cousin Day!...And then i can be on the look out for these chicks here in the CLERMONT, FLORIDA area who be hoggin all the AO HSR out the Vitamin Shoppe!!!:laugh:
Girl, you're in Ohio :lachen:

I asked a natural sistah here if she was Nikos' cousin. I was scared to do it, but figured wtf? She just said no and kept the conversation moving. I think if the person has never been on/heard of LHCF they literally think you're asking about a person.

This has been my experience as well. I ask all the time, especially at airports. I try to act like I am asking about a real person,"Ahm...excuse me...but do you have a cousin named Nikos?"

5 for 5 -they all just said,"No", thought nothing of it and kept it moving. Then I say,"You hair is pretty." It is - and that's why I asked if they were Nikos' Cousin in the first place.

Ask ya'll! Ask! :yep:
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This has been my experience as well. I ask all the time, especially at airports. I try to act like I am asking about a real person,"Ahm...excuse me...but do you have a cousin named Nikko?"

5 for 5 -they all just said,"No", thought nothing of it and kept it moving. Then I say,"You hair is pretty." It is - and that's why I asked if they were Nikko's cousin in the first place.

Ask ya'll! Ask! :yep:

Being of the 'extremely, extremely, extremely shy persuasion, I understand speaking up and then immediately regretting it. Or saying something I did not want the other person to hear and then being mortified when they actually heard it. Like maybe she recognised you and yelled that out and then realised she didn't mean to actually say it out loud.

I always want to ask but then I am afraid the person will come here and be like "this girl with jacked-up hair asked me if I am Nikos's cousin today! :nono:" I will not ask until my hair is long and pretty.

Since you didn't see her, maybe it was some huge coincidence and some person was on the phone lol. I dunno. Poor girl, I hope she isn't too mortified and comes in to say her side.
I think an LHCF "uniform" day would be AWESOME!!! I like the Black and Lavender idea....with the pearls:yep:....and then add some light blue (the colors of the Forum)...and wear it like twice out of the every 2nd and 3rd Saturday can be Nikko's Cousin Day!...And then i can be on the look out for these chicks here in the CLERMONT, FLORIDA area who be hoggin all the AO HSR out the Vitamin Shoppe!!!:laugh:

I'd cruise the Big Lots to find out who's buying out all of the skala :lachen:
Being of the 'extremely, extremely, extremely shy persuasion, I understand speaking up and then immediately regretting it. Or saying something I did not want the other person to hear and then being mortified when they actually heard it. Like maybe she recognised you and yelled that out and then realised she didn't mean to actually say it out loud.

I always want to ask but then I am afraid the person will come here and be like "this girl with jacked-up hair asked me if I am Nikos's cousin today! :nono:" I will not ask until my hair is long and pretty.

Since you didn't see her, maybe it was some huge coincidence and some person was on the phone lol. I dunno. Poor girl, I hope she isn't too mortified and comes in to say her side.

See I'd like to talk to all Niko's cousins short, long, jacked up, or silky and layed to the side lol! Everyone has bad hair days and this site is all about ladies helping each other reach goals and to have as few bad hair days as possible!! :yep: So if yall see me and either of us is having a bad hair day or good hair day.......feel free to say HEYYYYY!!!!! :grin:
This has been my experience as well. I ask all the time, especially at airports. I try to act like I am asking about a real person,"Ahm...excuse me...but do you have a cousin named Nikos?"

5 for 5 -they all just said,"No", thought nothing of it and kept it moving. Then I say,"You hair is pretty." It is - and that's why I asked if they were Nikos' Cousin in the first place.

Ask ya'll! Ask! :yep:

It's not that easy :nono:

It's psychological! People are afraid of rejection or uncertainty, hence, they will avoid asking whether one is a cousin of Nikos in fear that the response may be the stank eye or utter ig'nance. That's my reason anyway lmao.

Don't let me fool you. I took psych last semester and have been quoting that textbook all summer :lachen:
we need to establish an international Nikkos cousin day. We'd all agree to wear a certain color combination(can't be just one color because then the likelihood of "outsiders" wearing "our" color would be too high). lol

On international Nikkos Cousin's day we could all feel free to just ask whomever was wearing. . . . .sayyyy, black bottoms with, lavendar tops and. . . .pearls, yeah, that's cute.

I like this idea!!! :yep::yep::yep:
I almost did it once but I'm glad I never did. I've also been recognized by someone here who was too shy to come and ask me lol. It was crazily coincidental too. She asked me on my profile page and I freaked, I couldn't believe I was recognizable by the tiny pics I put up :lol: I just wish I'd gotten a chance to see/speak to her...
There's a lady at my bank that ALWAYS wears protective styles. One day she wore here hair down, and it was BEAUTIFUL and LONG!

I want so bad to ask her if she's Nikko's cousin.

OMG! I wish I were with you because I would definitely ask her!!!! I just love asking out of the way and crazy questions like that!!!!:grin:
It was'nt me. I'm not shy I once saw a member of the forum whom i recognised from her avatar, I called her by her screen name and we had a chat she was such a nice person......... :afro:
BM, Boston is so small I may very well bump into you at Venus, the Hair Stop Shop or another one of our BSS. If I do see there, or on the T, trust I'll say what's up :yep:

I sometimes carry a bag made by Chicoro (click here to see is Boston ladies) so that somebody, anybody can please recognize me on the red line. With my luck my hair will look busted on the day I meet Nikko's cousin LOL