The lady in the OP experienced depression and loss of self esteem and I'm sure a whole lot of the other items on your list because she woke up from the coma her brother put her in with no eye . It's the no eye part, the being wronged part, that's still causing her problems to this day. Forgiveness is not offsetting the treatment plan.
Consider this:
My homegirl backed my car into the garage and hit something that was protruding from the wall. This caused a dent and a nasty scratch. She apologized and I said "don't worry about it" and I meant it. She could have banged up the whole the car and I would have said "don't worry about it" and I would have meant it. Hell, I'd still let her drive my car if she asked me today. Forgiveness is linked to the forgiver being unbothered about being wronged.
If this same homegirl who I love like a sister shot me 5 times and I had to look (with my good eye) at an empty eye socket for the rest of my life, it's the sixth letter of the alphabet her, forever. If I develop anxiety, obesity, depression and all the other things you mention, it's because I ain't got my eye no more, not because I didn't forgive her.
The lady in the OP does truly forgives her brother. Ain't none of this, well I forgive you but you out of my life forever, no, she has granted the absolution that true forgiveness demands. She feels the same way about the loss of her eye as I do about a scratch on my car and that's okay for her. Her forgiveness threshold is high.