So who doesn't stretch relaxers? Especially coarse haired girls


Well-Known Member

So I've been stretching all my life really I just didn't know the term. My mom never let me get frequent relaxers like the other black girls at school, (now I know she was doing me a favor, then I complained, because 2 months would be the minimum for me)

But when I started my HHJ, I've been stretching while actually knowing the term and it's been disastrous. And not for very long. I stretched for 10 weeks, had knots all in my hair and the relaxer didn't take, I had that last relaxer around March 13,

Then I just relaxed again, today, (well yesterday Friday may 29) and I still had knots even though I was better about detangling this time. My hair grows fast and my ng is unbearable, and it tangles together in HUGE knots after 8 weeks,

should I try again? was it a bad experience because the relaxer didn't take last time?
does relaxing every 8 weeks stunt your retention??
Are you moisturizing enough? I know with insufficient moisture my NG will tangle all back on itself, but when I cowash and moisturize, I don't have that problem - and I'm 14 weeks post right now.
I've always relaxed every 4-5 weeks, and my retention is not stunted. My hair is healthy, and I retain all of my growth. Some people cannot stretch without a disastrous outcome. I don't need to be dealing with breakage and extreme shedding. I think that defeats the purpose. Afterall, we're trying to grow hair; not lose it.
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I am so glad that you posted this! I am beginning to think that I am one of those that can not stretch my relaxers. I am currently only 7 1/2 weeks post and I am struggling.

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Are you moisturizing enough? I know with insufficient moisture my NG will tangle all back on itself, but when I cowash and moisturize, I don't have that problem - and I'm 14 weeks post right now.

I started co washing more often towards the end of my stretch so maybe it was too late and the damage was already done?
I don't really have a good moisturizer ntm slik touch and cds hair butter hardly moisturize my hair
all i use is coconut oil, and conditioner
do you have coarse thick hair?
what do you use moisturize with?
I've always relaxed every 4-5 weeks, and my retention is not stunted. My hair is healthy, and I retain all of my growth. Some people cannot stretch without a disastrous outcome. I don't need to be dealing with breakage and extreme shedding. I think that defeats the purpose. Afterall, we're trying to grow hair; not lose it.

ya i hear you
i feel stretching it more than 8 for me doesnt do much
but then again it could be a lack of good products too
I am so glad that you posted this! I am beginning to think that I am one of those that can not stretch my relaxers. I am currently only 7 1/2 weeks post and I am struggling.

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I feel you...

I started the long-term stretch thread, but I am relaxing in two weeks because I am starting to break at the demarcation line. So, I am going to do a couple of Aphogee treatments over the next two weeks and then go ahead and relax.

When my mom was paying for my relaxers, I went every six weeks and my hair grew to APL even though I was getting a trim with every relaxer. I don't think it's the relaxers that are the problem. I think it's how well you take care of your relaxed hair that determines how much hair you retain. So, I am going to go back to relaxing every six weeks and do my wash, DC's, and rollersets 3x's a week and see what happens.
Good Afternoon Ladies,

The longest that I have went without a relaxer is 8 weeks, I tried to go 9 but my new growth was KILLING me. Nothing I use for moisture works even if I use heat. Even though 8 weeks to some is not that long before I was getting a relaxer done every 4 weeks like clock work and my hair was growing in healthy and thick. But I agree with Denise11 our whole purpose is to retain length and thickness not breakage and shedding. So for now I am sticking with whenever my new growth because totally unmanagable it is time for a relaxer.
Another non-stretcher checking in! :grin: I have very coarse hair. For years, I got relaxers every 4 weeks with no problems. All last year, I got trimmed/dusted every 8 weeks. My hair always got to SL and broke off. It wasn't the relaxer, it was that I didn't know how to care for my relaxed hair until I started doing some research and ended up here. Now my hair is the longest it's ever been and I still get my relaxers every 6 weeks. I'll probably try to go to every 8 weeks eventually, but I'm retaining a healthy length now, so I'll see how it goes.

Also, now that I moisturize daily and cowash 2-3x a week, my newgrowth is much softer and easier to handle.
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Stretching is not my thing. The hair that I loss trying to stretch is just not worth it to me. I relax at the 8 week mark come hell or high water.
I feel you...

I started the long-term stretch thread, but I am relaxing in two weeks because I am starting to break at the demarcation line. So, I am going to do a couple of Aphogee treatments over the next two weeks and then go ahead and relax.

When my mom was paying for my relaxers, I went every six weeks and my hair grew to APL even though I was getting a trim with every relaxer. I don't think it's the relaxers that are the problem. I think it's how well you take care of your relaxed hair that determines how much hair you retain. So, I am going to go back to relaxing every six weeks and do my wash, DC's, and rollersets 3x's a week and see what happens.

SmartyPants, you hit it right on the head. It's not the relaxers that's the problem. Is the amount of new growth on your head. The problem with relaxers is OVERLAPPING THEM. If you get an ample amount of NG in 6 weeks and you want to relax, by all means do so.

As long as you are not overlapping the chemicals. Not putting relaxer on hair that has already been relaxed.

It's not the length of time and a lot of people get that confused.
I did two 12 week stretches. The second 12 week stretch was easier because I co wash more. However I didn't car for doing the extra work the last two weeks, so I decided from now own I will call it quits as 10 weeks. Also to add, the last two weeks, I was seriously looking like a ham.