So white girl's hair doesn't just grow???


Well-Known Member
I was on facebook and a girl that i went to high school with, who is white, posted a message saying "I wish my hair would grow"

Lawd i know this sounds so ignorant on my part but i honestly believed that white people had no issues with their hair growing.... that it basically just..... Grew.:perplexed

Don't get me wrong, i know they still have to take care of it but i honestly, n don't laugh yall, honestly thought growing their hair was like second nature to them

I guess this is because I literally know NOTHING about caucasian hair. NOTHING. I guess you learnin something new everyday...

What have your experiences been with your caucasian friends?
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I was shocked to learn the same thing last fall. A group of us were discussing hair care practices, 2 black & 2 white. One of the white girls had butt length hair and we asked her what she did. She said she just keeps it in a ponytail and never cuts it. The other white girl said her hair won't grow beyond shoulder length. I told her about protective styling and the next day she came in with a bun. :grin:

They have their problems too, too much heat, too much manipulation, etc...
I have an Asian acquaintance who does the Japanese straightener, blond high lights, flat irons on the regular, blow dries every day, and sleeps with her hair out on cotton pillow cases. Her hair has been stuck at ratty shoulder length for I don't know how long. Sometimes I just want to jump her and clip then baggy those scraggly ends... This is a prime example that it doesn't matter if you have naturally straight coarse, hair; if you do multiple chemical process, use heat frequently, and don't protect your hair, it will break off. It is not limited to black girls.
One of my best friends who is a caucasian Jewish girl has the same hair issues as I do. She is kinky curly hair like I do and has alot of trouble moisturizing it. I told her about cowashing and Elucence. she used and it worked for her. She also uses relaxers that are marketed towards african americans
I was on facebook and a girl that i went to high school with, who is white, posted a message saying "I wish my hair would grow"

Lawd i know this sounds so ignorant on my part but i honestly believed that white people had no issues with their hair growing.... that it basically just..... Grew.:perplexed

Don't get me wrong, i know they still have to take care of it but i honestly, n don't laugh yall, honestly thought growing their hair was like second nature to them

I guess this is because they literally know NOTHING about caucasian hair. NOTHING. I guess you learnin something new everyday...

What have your experiences been with your caucasian friends?

Anyone of any race can have slow grow, no grow hair. Genetic diversity is just that - everyone has different grow rates and different length capacity but as far as hair growth goes I think Asians and south Pacificers (who are part Asian in heritage) have a much higher percentage of long hair genes than Europeans do. It is also not true that black people don't have/can't grow long hair. It's just that in recent history because of many factors such as slavery, invasions, colonialism and war conditions we didn't have time to sit around playing with our hair and the knowledge was lost for a while but we are getting it back again so this stereotype/misconception is going to change. Now again there are always exceptions - there's no race or tribe where every last body has long hair. There are even Indians believe it or not who get weaves. The mom of one of my childhood friends had very stringy, thin, anemic hair that was the same length - i.e. just at her shoulders all my young life. The friend is biracial btw and the mom is white and blonde. Also she was salon adverse and it wasn't a money issue coz she and her hubby were both high level professionals. I know we used to say many times she needed to go to a salon and get it cut and sometimes if we saw a pic of a white woman with a nice looking short cut we'd say - so and so needs to get her hair done like that. I recently saw pics of her and her hair is a little fuller and the ends are neatly clipped, etc., she looks a lot nicer than I ever saw before so maybe she finally does go to the salon but the hair is not any longer.
I use to think the same thing "that white girls hair just grew". I was raised with a biracial background and it seemed as if the white girls in my family hair just grew while me and my black cousins hair just stayed the same legnth forever. But a worked along side a white girl who constantly was trying to find a way to thicken her hair and u guys wont beleive this ... I had another coworker who is hispanic struggle with growing and retaining length. If I hadnt heard it with my own ears I wouldnt have believed a hispanic and a white with hair problems. So sistas we are not alone after all :)
Funny, because I use to think the same way. When I saw 5 isles of hair products at an ordinary Bed bath and Beyond, i started to think differently. If it was just "our problem" there probably wouldn't be that much of a selection.
Many of my white friends in school complained more about their hair being thin. It grew like crazy but was so thin.

Only recently have a I met a few hispanic women who complain about their hair not growing. And one in particular has very thin and fragile hair and she's only 21 y/o :perplexed

As for native americans, their hair is so long and I have yet to met one that complains about it not growing. In fact, I know one who cut her waist length hair to shoulder and it grew back in a matter of 2 months. I was shocked. I remember saying to her, "your hair grows fast. What's your diet like" :lachen:
So you've never seen LongHairCommunity then?

ETA: Plus when you think about it, when you go to the store there are a couple of shelves for 'ethnic' hair then the WHOOOOOLE rest of the aisle contains products made for their hair. Protein treatments, antibreakage serums, deep conditioners, reconstructors etc etc. Someone's using them, no?
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My experience with white girls and their hair is that they are always trying to make their hair thicker. A lot of them tease their hair at the crown (which is basically when you back comb your roots to create a big matted mess that looks like a birds nest). They get volumizing products and try to make their hair bigger, thicker, bolder. I'm glad it comes naturally to me :rolleyes:

As for growth, I've never met a yt girl with growing issues. In school I remember during the school year their hair would start at their shoulders and end up at about BSL. Plus their usually haircuts in between. Not fair :sad:
Everyone's hair grows (barring scalp/hormonal/etc issues); it's retention that seems to be the issue for many. And, yes, many white women deal with the same issues we do. I have advised more WW before and after starting my HHJ...Many/most of the WW I know are not 1A hair-types, overuse heat, don't know much about DC-ing, leave-ins, etc.
I don't get why some are so dependant on curling and flat irons. their hair dries straight anyhow??? :perplexed If I can airdry they can too! haha.

I do go on longhaircommunity pretty often, don't post much, and they often do a lot of the same stuff.
my co-worker who is white had WL hair and cut to APL two weeks before I cut/BC my MBL hair to APL. Her hair is still the same length and it's been 2 months. I haven't seen ANY growth whatsoever. Mine has even grew a little.
I used to think the same thing until my friend who is white told me her hair won't grow passed a certain point (apl)...she's taken hair vitamins among other things and nothing works...she believes its her terminal length
One of my best friends who is a caucasian Jewish girl has the same hair issues as I do. She is kinky curly hair like I do and has alot of trouble moisturizing it. I told her about cowashing and Elucence. she used and it worked for her. She also uses relaxers that are marketed towards african americans

I have several jewish friends that relax their hair, (some male), and you wouldn't believe the number of white people I see in the ethnic aisle at Sally's.
I don't get why some are so dependant on curling and flat irons. their hair dries straight anyhow??? :perplexed If I can airdry they can too! haha.

I do go on longhaircommunity pretty often, don't post much, and they often do a lot of the same stuff.

I believe most white people have wavy or curly hair.
I think everyone has hair issues no matter what. I have had one friend whom was white with very difficult hair, it was baby fine and would not even hold a barrette! apparently it is just hereditary her hair type, other family had similar hair. Another friend had hair so curly and stiff she pretty much just kept it short, the curls seemed to be beyond curls if that makes sense.
I don't get why some are so dependant on curling and flat irons. their hair dries straight anyhow??? :perplexed If I can airdry they can too! haha.

I do go on longhaircommunity pretty often, don't post much, and they often do a lot of the same stuff.

Boy I was wondering the same thing
ummm yeah some of them do have problems. And I noticed lately white girl's don't have that hair that I used to think was so fly when I was younger. It usually looks a stringy limp fly away mess.

Anyways I know this one white chick and her hair is still the same length it was 4 years ago. not only that it's thinner now. Her hair is broken off in the front on the sides and she pats them down sometimes like they are baby hairs. her hair just looks ugh to me. I be wondering if when she's getting intimate if men even bother playing with it's limpness. LOL. They got hair problems too. And that's ANY ethnicity. I just think we know about our more because we are what we are and are around us more.
LOL I used to think the same until I took cosmetology classes in high school. I'm trying to get one of my white friends hooked on coconut oil. She is having a problem with her hair being dry and straw-like from, you guessed it, flat ironing her hair 1-2x a week.
What I didn't know if that white people describe their hair as coarse or fro-like. :/
I think everyone has hair issues no matter what. I have had one friend whom was white with very difficult hair, it was baby fine and would not even hold a barrette! apparently it is just hereditary her hair type, other family had similar hair. Another friend had hair so curly and stiff she pretty much just kept it short, the curls seemed to be beyond curls if that makes sense.
I am learning this is true
I used to think the same way, that white girls just had it like that. But when I began to pay attention to hair, I started to see that white girls had the same rentention issues. For instance, I have been working at my current job for 3 yrs now and all of the white girls have stayed the same hair length.
My experience has been different. All the Anglo people (personal and co-workers) I know get regularly scheduled hair cuts. If it is short, they choose to have it short.

I do not know of any that complain about not being able to get past shoulder length. Now getting past apl length, I have heard some complaints about.
What I have noticed is thin hair.

Actually, one person did complain a little but again she goes and gets hair cuts all the time. She complained that her stylist was scissors happy. I was thinking, if you want your hair to grow out, stop getting it cut!
I have a lot of azn friends and I have never heard one of them complain about their hair not growing. I have heard some complain about their hair being short, (and this is like when they were apl or just a bit above) and I would always give them the sideeye with my CL hair, lol

I have a chinese friend who was APL last year. She is now waistlength. another cacasian acquaintance who was scraping CL last year as well and now she's BSB. It's a little disheartening, but whatever. their hair is not my hair.
Some white girls do have a hard time growing their hair out. A former coworker of mine had very fine, thin hair that she dyed and bleached. After watching my hair grow over the 2 years we worked together, she started asking me for hair tips. I think her biggest problem was over manipulation combined with the dye.
I have a lot of azn friends and I have never heard one of them complain about their hair not growing. I have heard some complain about their hair being short, (and this is like when they were apl or just a bit above) and I would always give them the sideeye with my CL hair, lol

I have a chinese friend who was APL last year. She is now waistlength. another cacasian acquaintance who was scraping CL last year as well and now she's BSB. It's a little disheartening, but whatever. their hair is not my hair.
They are probably taking care of their hair
Let me just say. I LOVE LHC!:love:....its so funny that the only difference between this board and LHC is that they have more extreme Hip and below, their hair length goals are like...."i hope to get to KNEE LENGTH by the end of next year!!" or somethin like that....and also we have the natural/relaxed thing here....over there its not really alot of that.

But they are hardcore about hair toys:love:....i hope to get to Hip Length so i can do some of those ridiculous buns they be puttin together over there!!:yep:...but they too do PS'ing and avoid heat and things like that.
i believe it just grows.

i know only two white girls whose hair doesn't grow; they both have baby fine, naturally blonde hair. their hair has always been the same since grade school up til now. ♥