you're hair is so a white girl's

I'm white, my hair isn't soft or anything, it's a frizzy mess! That's how I ended up in here, trying to get nice, long hair. :lachen: I got my hair braided, relaxed, flat ironed. The only thing that makes my hair look good is black hairstyles!! haha!!!


Hi Gina!! No disrespect, but I did not know that we have white women on this board. I learn something new everyday.:grin:

BTW- All my friend are white and their hair is nice.

I think that when a person refers to black ppl having hair like white girls- it is meant to be a compliment.

In the past, black women as whole have had stiff unmovable hair and hairstyles. The movement "swang" of the white girl hair is what is most likely being commented/compared.

My two-cents!!:grin:
Wantlonghair_1988 - i think BF will soon be calling you from the BSS picking up your stuff. :grin: cause he learned something from experiencing your hair and now you're helping his sisters out.....
You got that remark, too? Yesterday my hair was looking great. It was all bouncy and shiny and I made a lot of growth progress. This is exactly what my Grandfather said "Dang, you got a lot of moss (hair). You got hair like those white folks" I took it as a compliment, but why couldn't he just say I had nice hair? Anyway, as long as it looks good, that's all that matters!
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I'm white, my hair isn't soft or anything, it's a frizzy mess! That's how I ended up in here, trying to get nice, long hair. :lachen: I got my hair braided, relaxed, flat ironed. The only thing that makes my hair look good is black hairstyles!! haha!!!


Hi Gina! Whatever works well for your hair, use it! This board is really helpful to people of all hair types.
Black people's hair tends to be fine. Asian people's hair tends to be coarse. (On average). Coarseness has to do with diameter of the strand. Asian people have thick(coarse) hair strands. That is why it's hard to curl it with
a curling iron; the strands are quite thick.

If someone said my hair is soft like a white girl's, I would correct him/her and say "no, mine is softer"... because it is. :yep:


Basically @ the bolded :yep:
@ ChocalateDiva: Yeah, he could've said "pillows" or something, but no. Damn biscuits...:lol:

Oh, and there are quite a few white ppl who come here from the Long Hair Community (LHC) and really enjoy reading here :yep:
I've actually had white women touch my (one day my reflex is going to kick in and I'm going to pop one of hair and say surprisingly your hair is so SOFT you, you are lucky your hair is not coarse.

First of all, no disrespect to anyone, BUT white people do NOT have pretty hair to me. I still feel that black women with healthy well conditioned hair have the most beautiful hair. Second, my hair is not fine or coarse my strands are medium. Third, I'm going to really start, *NICELY* breaking ignorant people off!
I agree.And why is it such a big deal if black women*gasp* think they have the most beautiful... anything??
It's about time we not only learn to love ourselves but also realize that we are truly blessed:yep:
That has nothing to do with race-bashing(then all others are guilty too) but with self-love.
Why would I be oooing and awwing over x-race hair(I do tough at times) but at the same time get defensive about black women claiming they can have just as nice and desirable hair or even better according to their personal standards??