So What's the New Challenge?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I've been a member for a year, but I haven't really posted anything recently.
I was really inspired by the "Hide your hair til Christmas" challenge, and I wanted to know what the new challenge was (if any).
I apologize in advance if a new challenge has been posted and this is a repost, but I didn't see a new challenge as of yet.
Thanks and have a Merry Christmas.
Maybe. I'm trying to do a search now, but there's so much info to read. LOL.
I don't think I can do the Bootcamp least not yet. I just braided my hair last weekend, and I didn't take any pics so I can't really post anything yet.
I would not be able to post anything until sometime next month (for the bootcamp challenge anyway).
I'm gonna keep searching for the July 4th challenge and see what the requirements are for that one.
I started a weekly deep conditioning challenge that I will be starting the first week of January. Even if I'm the onliest one on the challenge all of you will be kept informed of my progress :lachen: :lachen: