Where is tsmith????
:eye: :eye:

2 of my hair idols, as well as some other hair supporters *lub y'all*
told me it was fine for me to claim I am claiming borderline APL:)

MonaLisa said:
Where is tsmith????
:eye: :eye:

2 of my hair idols, as well as some other hair supporters *lub y'all*
told me it was fine for me to claim I am claiming borderline APL:)


Yes, girl claim it cause you are APL!! It looks sooo purrrty too :D :clap: :yay:
:dance7: :band: :bouncy:
amr501 said:
Yes, girl claim it cause you are APL!! It looks sooo purrrty too :D :clap: :yay:
:dance7: :band: :bouncy:

Awwww shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....cacacai....:look: amr501 broke out the happy smileys for me:lol: thank you amr501 {{{hair hug}}}

and that's a big compliment coming from you, I'm always looking at your thick pretty tresses :love:

*I'm in love with so many heads on this's almost sick..*
MonaLisa said:
Where is tsmith????
:eye: :eye:

2 of my hair idols, as well as some other hair supporters *lub y'all*
told me it was fine for me to claim I am claiming borderline APL:)


Congratulations!:dance7:! :bouncy: What are you talking about borderline:confused: That's APL BABY! ALLLLLDAY!!!!:cool:
JuicesN'Berries said:
I was supposed to be on the list......this is my first challenge and now I'm feeling all left out!!!!!! Please put me on the list....So I can feel like I'm apart of something:lol: :lol:

Well I have a question does anyone feel that their goal will now be pushed up due to BT or something else????

Hey Juices,

I'm sooooooo sorry boo. I am just now seeing your post. You're not left out we're all in this together;) and BELIEVE just because your name is not on the list that doesn't mean you're not part of it:kiss: and to answer your question. HAYL yah, BT is the bomb!:lol:
natstar said:
What is considered APL? My nape almost hit to that point, but I have layers :( and the shortest is below my ear. Do I have to wait to most of it catches up to APL? or if one section hits it (i.e. nape area) would that be ok?

I know you asked this a while ago but to answer your question, yep, if your nape area hit APL then you're APL. Alot of women on here is V APL!
MonaLisa said:
Where is tsmith????
:eye: :eye:

2 of my hair idols, as well as some other hair supporters *lub y'all*
told me it was fine for me to claim I am claiming borderline APL:)


congrats... you are there :) :cool: :lachen: :yay: :yep: :drunk: :grin: :lol: :D :creatures :band2: :Flahsssss :notworthy :weird: :wave: :driver: :bouncegre :bouncegre :bud: :trampolin :dance7: :clapping: :love: :woot: :Blush2: :woot: :clap: :kisses: :bdance: :beach: :kiss: :band: :bouncy:
So sad I will not make it to APL by June but Im okay with that. My hair is getting healthier and I have found products that my hair LOVES so thats all that matters. I just joined the APL by December challenge so pray for me that I dont have any setbacks and I make it by then. Good luck to everyone and you all are an inspiration.
tsmith said:
Congratulations!:dance7:! :bouncy: What are you talking about borderline:confused: That's APL BABY! ALLLLLDAY!!!!:cool:

:lol: ....THANK YOU TSMITH FOR HELPING TO KEEP THE APL DREAM ALIVE!! IT WAS DYING A SLOW HAIR DEATH FOR A MINUTE...IT ONLY TOOK 7.5 YEARS....:ohwell: :lol: I'm representin for all the slow arse hair growin chicks!

Seriously, thank you for your hair support :kiss: {{{hair hug}}}:D

@ LADY Z! First, you scurred da )(&(*&(& outta me with them congratulatory smilies..:eek: :lol:

Second, Thank you VERY MUCH! {{hair hug}}:p

Third, Congratulations right back at you!!!!

MonaLisa said:
Where is tsmith????
:eye: :eye:

2 of my hair idols, as well as some other hair supporters *lub y'all*
told me it was fine for me to claim I am claiming borderline APL:)


Congratulations, Mo'!!!!:clap: :clap: :clap:Well earned:wink2:

I appear to be at a standstill so maybe I'll reach my goal by Labor Day:ohwell:
nicki6 said:
Congratulations, Mo'!!!!:clap: :clap: :clap:Well earned:wink2:

I appear to be at a standstill so maybe I'll reach my goal by Labor Day:ohwell:

@ Nicki....thank you chica :kiss: Much appreciated.
We've been in the hair trenches for a minute...thanks for your support. And fingers crossed for Labor Day, you gonna be aiiight, most definitely! {{hair hug}}

@bablou...always health first, that's the most important thing & I had to always remembre that as well....everything else will fall into place...
bablou00 said:
So sad I will not make it to APL by June but Im okay with that. My hair is getting healthier and I have found products that my hair LOVES so thats all that matters. I just joined the APL by December challenge so pray for me that I dont have any setbacks and I make it by then. Good luck to everyone and you all are an inspiration.

You'll definitely make it to APL by December! You got 5 months and you'll be there before then. Wanna bet?:lol:
MonaLisa said:
:lol: ....THANK YOU TSMITH FOR HELPING TO KEEP THE APL DREAM ALIVE!! IT WAS DYING A SLOW HAIR DEATH FOR A MINUTE...IT ONLY TOOK 7.5 YEARS....:ohwell: :lol: I'm representin for all the slow arse hair growin chicks!

Seriously, thank you for your hair support :kiss: {{{hair hug}}}:D

@ LADY Z! First, you scurred da )(&(*&(& outta me with them congratulatory smilies..:eek: :lol:

Second, Thank you VERY MUCH! {{hair hug}}:p

Third, Congratulations right back at you!!!!


Girl, you're very welcome. You bring a smile to my face when I'm going thru more than you really know. Thank you for being YOU:kiss: and I know that you are being you because you're an ARIES baby! and I know how we do!
tsmith said:
Girl, you're very welcome. You bring a smile to my face when I'm going thru more than you really know. Thank you for being YOU:kiss: and I know that you are being you because you're an ARIES baby! and I know how we do!

Awwwww...that's such a nice thing to say. Thank you! :kiss:

You know we do what it do - ba-beee! :lol:


Wonder%20Twins.jpg pretend that the dude is a female....and you see where I'm going with this...:look:

MonaLisa said:
Awwww shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....cacacai....:look: amr501 broke out the happy smileys for me:lol: thank you amr501 {{{hair hug}}}

and that's a big compliment coming from you, I'm always looking at your thick pretty tresses :love:

*I'm in love with so many heads on this's almost sick..*

Aww thanks! I know what you mean- I have too many hair idols to name too :look: :lol:
I am about an inch or so from APL. However, for some reason, I am not happy because my hair still seems to be so fine with not a lot of strands. If I could just thicken this stuff up, I'd be happy.

So, though I'm not at APL yet and I'm sure that I will be there by December--barring any setbacks--I would much rather have hair that is healthy and full than just APL.

For the remainder of the year, then, I will work on overall health and thickening up the hair. That is my #1 goal whether I make APL or not.

On a more positive note, my hair is thickening up some and I'm proud to say that my ends do look healthy and clean. Pics are coming soon...;)

bablou00 said:
So sad I will not make it to APL by June but Im okay with that. My hair is getting healthier and I have found products that my hair LOVES so thats all that matters. I just joined the APL by December challenge so pray for me that I dont have any setbacks and I make it by then. Good luck to everyone and you all are an inspiration.

Don't give up hope, sweetheart! You *WILL* make it to APL sooner rather than later. You are almost there. And you're right: it's ultimately about the overall health of your hair and body, and you are doing the right thing. Hang in there! ;) :kiss:
MsDee4 said:

July 2, 2007

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You ladies are sooooo loyal to the thread. Eventhough, you yall have joined more new APL challenges. You still post your progress in here too.:) Love yall atleast majority of yall anyways:lachen: Yall know who yall be:lol: LOVE YALL:p
:yay: Congrats Rabia and MsDee:yay:

Lol@Tsmith and MonaLisa(Congrats to you too chica:Rose: )
actually DH and I do that ALL the time,we put our wedding rings together and say*marriage power activate*when we're in a difficult situation:look:
Thanks serenity peace and tsmith. Yall are so encouraging. Im not for sure how long my hair really is do to this jungle I have growing on my head. I think I am close to APL but who knows. I will update in Aug so we shall see than. Thanks a lot for the support ladies.

Congrats to everyone who made it to APL. I love looking at the comparsion shots. YOu all are doing a great job w/ your hair and reggies.