So..What Are YOU "Addicted" To???

What Do You Love?

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PJ Rehabilitation Center
It seems as if the Number of PJ's on this Forum are Multiplying "quickly" and I was wondering what is YOUR Product Passion?

Is it Deep Conditioners, Cowash/Rinse Outs?

Is it Leave-Ins, Butters, Gels, Oils, Serums?

Is it Shampoos? Hennas? Ayurvedic Powders & Pastes

Or is it Tools? Blow Dryers, Flat-Irons, Combs, Brushes, Curl Formers?

Come on Ladies....Come Clean!:lol:
Hair gel! I wish I didn't love it like I did. Ever since I found eco styler..I can't even fight it! OH man..that felt good!
I am addicted to finding the perfect mix of everything! the perfect Deep Conditioner mix, Hennas mix... You name it i've mixed up some concoction to try and perfect it....even shampoos!
Conditioners hands down! Wen, Destination Hydration, Vanilla Silk Cream, Curl Junkie Daily Smoothing Conditioner, and Curly Q's Coconut Dream Conditioner have been my favorite's lately.
Conditioners. I swear I have so many bottles sitting around in my bathroom that I haven't even tried yet!!!
Wow, you really stacked some of the answers. Um, I was only going to vote for deep conditioners, but why did you put three items per answer???
I think with the amount of conditioner I have: If I DC like normal once a week, I wouldn't have to buy any more conditioner for the rest of 2012...and a good portion of 2013. :look:
virtuenow Because you can only use 10 Poll Slots (and I haven't done an Actual Poll in a while) *fumbling around*:lol:

But Please Feel Free to Share ALL of Your Hair Passions!:lick:...:lol:

Gurl...we 'won't' talmbout "Hoarding"....Let's not go there.:look:

I have these conditioners I've been saving for Summer and now that Summer's here, I still don't want to use them. SMH.:blush:

One reason is the company went out of business and I am trying to hold on to them.:sad:

Anyway, I voted DC'ers and Butters, Creams, Lotions Too!:spinning:
Hair accessories!!!!..Since my hair doesn't like alot of products, i can't experiment (without a setback anyway), So my addictive tendencies is shifted towards accessories! sticks, headbands, banana clips, Hair Zings, ETC. ETC. i just love accessorizing my hair....
I'm addicted to being lazy with my hair (and still wanting it to be fabulous in spite of me :lol:).

I buy enablers to this addiction :yep: eg. :

A super moisturizing deep conditioner that I may have to use only once or twice a month and still have perfectly moisturized hair???? I'd be all up on that!

A good detangler that will make my hair forgive me for ignoring it? Yep, worth the investment!

A flat iron and serum that would make my presses last 3 weeks in humid Florida? Yup, that would be bawwt!

Protein/powder/growth aids/grease/sprays that would have my hair on cruise control to lush waistlength awesomeness without having to stop and analyze what's up with it every 3 days? Already on next month's credit card statement :yawn:.

Don't get me started on hairstyles that allow me to take 1.5 mins to get my hair ready in the mornings before work :lachen:. I'd kill it for 3 months str8 :ohwell:...pretty hair clips and hawt earrings are my crutch :lol:.
Deep conditioners and setting lotions. There's just so many good ones, I can't help but want to see if the next is better than the last!
@MrsJaiDiva @JJamiah

One day, I was talmbout folks that buy Gallons, Liters, etc....and a Coupla' Folks in our U1 B1 was buying 10lb Pails of DC'ers :look:

Then one day it Hit Me, I had like 6 Jars of this and 8 Jars of that (same product) which basically added up to either a Gallon or a Liter...after that, I had to SMH.:blush:

And, it actually makes way more sense.

So, *cough* This is the Judge Free Thread.:look:

Not to mention @chebaby and her 60 Jars of Gel.:lol:

So, Hey, if you like to Get Down....Let's hear about it!:lol:
Conditioners! I love conditioners. I am constantly seeking the high of running my fingers through soft, slippy, moisturized hair as I rinse out that fab conditioner. :love:. I have met quite a few I'll invite in every day and night and many I'll kick out before the night is over.
I would have to say I am addicted to conditioners and deep conditioners. However moisturizers are a close second.
Conditioners esp those you wash out. Most of my stash is conditioners sadly. Now if i could get a leave in addition I would be great.
Conditioners and butters. The crazy thing is I needed a real DC and it took me forever to buy one. And my hair doesn't really like butters LOL! But I keep buying. I finally bought what I actually needed, a styler/gel, since my hair frizzes like nobody's business!
Well according to my stash I'm addicted to Rinse out conditioners... which is weird because I'm not obsessed with deep conditioners. I been using the same deep conditioners for a year now... I just can't say no to the drug store isle. I'm still trying to find a frikken bottle of Tresemme naturals vibrantly smooth add to the collection.