So Made Me Give Up My Oil....


4C/hi-po/Fine strands/med-low density.
So the SO was visiting for the weekend and in the morning randomnly says : "ahaaa!...i've finally figured out what that terrible smell is. It's your hair! smells like fat from beef that has gone off":giggle:

Needless to say i aint never touching that Doo Gro Megathick growth oil again. And to think i was really starting to see my hair filling up with it!

so ladies, i want to know : what product/ hair accesory have you had to give up purely because SO or DH or any family member hated it?, even though it worked wonders for you or you loved it dearly??
Honestly, the last thing I used that smelled bad was that neem oil and I gave that up before I saw any results because it was so bad I almost wanted to curse the Lord for creating it :lol:

I don't think I could give up something that works for me just because my SO didn't like it... but then again nothing I like smells bad...
You know something...after I found the hair boards this was the first thing I researched after how to grow back my nape. I was all over trying to figure out how to keep your hair smelling good with all the oils and massaging and everything. Turns out all my products smelled good so nothing to worry about.
JBCO but not necessarily because of the smell, and not because SO had an issue.

I put some on my scalp for an overnight prepoo, and had a dizzy spell when I got out of bed and attempted to walk around the next morning. Scared me. Did it one more time with a lot less oil on my scalp...same thing. Now I only spot treat the nape and temples with it.
so ladies, i want to know : what product/ hair accesory have you had to give up purely because SO or DH or any family member hated it?, even though it worked wonders for you or you loved it dearly??

As far as my hair is concerned I do not compromise because of someone's dislikes.
SO, DH or family member. It makes no difference.
Your dislike is your problem, not mine.
Do what you gotta do. Because as far as your dislikes are concerned:

"Frankly Scarlett....................................."
As far as my hair is concerned I do not compromise because of someone's dislikes.
SO, DH or family member. It makes no difference.
Your dislike is your problem, not mine.
Do what you gotta do. Because as far as your dislikes are concerned:

"Frankly Scarlett....................................."


SO already knows the business.
Tea Tree Oil?...has an overbearing fresh smell to it, maybe add a couple of drops to your Njoy

Then again like said, plenty other growth aids lol
Coconut oil. My mom said I was coming around smelling like baby puke. It does stink bad though but I didn't think anyone could smell it. Now I only use it to pre poo. I don't know how people use it regularly and leave it in.
I used to use pure coconut oil because my hair loves anything coconut....But I stopped, because pure coconut oil starts smelling rancid a day later n I don't know why...for some it's really bad. I either mix it with another oil, fragrance oil and so on....but for the past 5 years I always have hairveda's vatika oil. The main ingredient is coconut oil....been working out fine.
I had an SO that didn't like the Coconut Oil pomade that I used to love and use. :giggle:He's gone now.

But really, I wanted to offer a solution: Alter the scent by adding an aromatic EO to the product.
  • Red Grapefruit EO: has been my go-to in the past (it's refreshing and kills that smokey scent).
  • Basil EO: smells like Licorice and is also good for hair growth
  • Lemon EO: refreshing and good for scalp health
I actually used a spritz with a mixture of all of these (and Ylang Ylang) on clients when I do Sisterlock Re-tightenings. They love it (the basil EO makes it smell like candy)
Hahaha! puke!!:giggle:...
EVCO is actually a staple of mine but i think i layer it with so many other goodies to a point where the scent doesn't come through
Coconut oil. My mom said I was coming around smelling like baby puke. It does stink bad though but I didn't think anyone could smell it. Now I only use it to pre poo. I don't know how people use it regularly and leave it in.
I had an SO that didn't like the Coconut Oil pomade that I used to love and use. :giggle:He's gone now.

But really, I wanted to offer a solution: Alter the scent by adding an aromatic EO to the product.
  • Red Grapefruit EO: has been my go-to in the past (it's refreshing and kills that smokey scent).
  • Basil EO: smells like Licorice and is also good for hair growth
  • Lemon EO: refreshing and good for scalp health
I actually used a spritz with a mixture of all of these (and Ylang Ylang) on clients when I do Sisterlock Re-tightenings. They love it (the basil EO makes it smell like candy)
Just wanted to tell you to consider Doo Gro Mega Thick/Triple Thick (one is a thick, oily blue, the other pink). I had a patch of damage and applied nightly to the area. I forgot about it after a week or so. Around 2-3 weeks from applying, I noticed the area had grown 2 inches. No joke. I can't always find this thing now. I have the thin, liquidy blue one and it doesn't work nearly as well. It has a light smell to it and is fruitier. LOL at you smelling like rancid beef fat.
I used to use pure coconut oil because my hair loves anything coconut....But I stopped, because pure coconut oil starts smelling rancid a day later n I don't know why...for some it's really bad. I either mix it with another oil, fragrance oil and so on....but for the past 5 years I always have hairveda's vatika oil. The main ingredient is coconut oil....been working out fine.
Same here with the vatika oil! I only use fragranced coconut oils now. Vanilla monoi de Tahiti smells great as well.
If coconut oil has a smell to it, it's because it rancid. I keep my coconut oil in the fridge and warm it up in small batches once a week.
Mines not. I've experienced the same with a fresh new oil. I've tried everything to get away from that smell. I just figured co didn't like me. In my experience it smells really good in the jar ( weather it's new or old) then after awhile of being in the hair it gets that rancid puke smell. I didn't even know I was smelling until my mom told me.
Nothing. I hate football but I don't see a man giving that up for me and honestly I wouldn't expect him to so he'd better not expect me to give up a hair product because it won't happen. I hate the smell of Njoy oil but somehow I always get compliments about how good my hair smells. It's mind boggling. I use coconut oil on my hair and skin all the time and I've never experienced a rancid smell from it. Maybe it's because of the products I layer over it.
Coconut oil. My mom said I was coming around smelling like baby puke. It does stink bad though but I didn't think anyone could smell it. Now I only use it to pre poo. I don't know how people use it regularly and leave it in.
coconut oil leaves small pieces of coconut in my hair. i went to a club with my friends and looked NASTY. the black lights made the white coconut specks agianst my dark hair very VERY apparent- looked like dirty dandruff. Also whenever it got cold outside, the coconut would solidify in my hair and look crazy. I had to stop because that was embarrassing. I still use it in my prepoo.
Long ago I used to pre-poo/DC using yogurt, honey, olive oil, and ghee (plus random conditioners). I was working out with SO and he was like--what's the smell coming from your hair? It's horrible. And this was after the pre-poo, shampoo, and conditioner. Still stinky. I'm pretty sure it was the ghee.