Are products w/ mineral oil bad for your ends?????


Well-Known Member
I bought some 'Doo Gro Triple Strength anti breakage growth lotion' before I learned about the perils of mineral oil. It has mineral oil listed as the first ingredient, but i was only going to use it to moisturize my ends.

So are products with mineral oil bad for your ends?

I paid $5.99 for it, but I cant take it back b/c i'm was visiting another city when I got it. I would hate to waste it and I don't want to give it away if it's going to bad for someone else's hair. What do you ladies think?

Some of the products I use to protect my ends contain mineral oil (even petrolatum) and I don't think they are bad for your ends. In my case they keep them from drying out. I just think it's a personal preference, whether you want to use products containing it or not. And since you can't take it back, there's no harm in getting your moneys worth, right?
I've never had an issue with mineral oil. Infact, when I was little my mom used to slap that grease in my hair like it was nuttin! (And I had really long hair) I just don't like how it weighs down my hair, so I only use serums now.