SO Lies Out of Embarrassment. . .

Thanks. I think you know good and well the issue.

Problem is I have no beef with the issue, so I don't see why he has to act so shady about it. I would really just like him to be more open about it. Stop acting like you're so guilty, because NOW you're making me not like you when that issue comes up. We've never shared that issue with others because most of my male friends know how I am so they know I'm not tripping. He knows I'm not tripping, but he does things regarding it to make me trip.

Accountability? Well I have something I have been planning to do that I only put off out of respect for him. Since he doesn't get it, he'll get a dose of his own medicine when I am through.

What I'm gathering from what you are saying is that he doesn't trust you. Meaning, he doesn't trust your words. I'm thinking that there is someone in his past that he's talked to about this before, maybe a girlfriend, maybe one of his boys and maybe that person didn't hold up the end of the bargain. Maybe he thinks that you will roll even though you say it isn't an issue. Just let him know that you need him to open up if he wants to keep you.

Otherwise mommy, do what you gotta do. Just give him time, but resolve this before you get married!
What I'm gathering from what you are saying is that he doesn't trust you. Meaning, he doesn't trust your words. I'm thinking that there is someone in his past that he's talked to about this before, maybe a girlfriend, maybe one of his boys and maybe that person didn't hold up the end of the bargain. Maybe he thinks that you will roll even though you say it isn't an issue. Just let him know that you need him to open up if he wants to keep you.

Otherwise mommy, do what you gotta do. Just give him time, but resolve this before you get married!

He was brought up in a religious family that goes to chruch and Bible study regularly. This may have some effect on it. I am not his first girl but I am his first serious girlfriend... but I am in total agreeance that he doesn't trust me anymore with this issue. I think he does think I'm just fronting because when I tried to call him out on his dishonesty relating to this issue in the past, he's quick to say it's because I don't approve instead of hearing how his lack of honesty affects my tolerance level.

This definitely needs resolve because it is the elephant in the room of our relationship. Instead of talking about it, we're acknowledging it and only talking about what should be done but nothing's been effective til now.

Everyone is O so nosy and Lauryn just aint tellin :lachen: Anyways just wanted to tell you I always thought u were so darn pretty. Good luck with your S0 though. Hope things get better.
Everyone is O so nosy and Lauryn just aint tellin :lachen: Anyways just wanted to tell you I always thought u were so darn pretty. Good luck with your S0 though. Hope things get better.

Thanks :drunk:

Well we finally had our talk, and I can tell by what went down that he's obviously learned that lies will not fly, not for any damn reason whatsoever. I told him that for every lie he gives me I have something I will do (that he doesn't want me to do) to check it.

Among that, we'll be speaking with a counselor at a church to help give us guidance on the issue further and seriously taking further steps toward Christ. We both have a relationship in Christ but we obviously need to spend more time with Him to deal with these changes, especially because it will be hard to get the support we need from our peers.

I thank all you ladies who chimed in and gave advice... all of your posts are appreciated !
Everyone is O so nosy and Lauryn just aint tellin :lachen: Anyways just wanted to tell you I always thought u were so darn pretty. Good luck with your S0 though. Hope things get better.

She's very pretty. I hope everything works out. I cant give any advice because I dont have a man but good luck to you.
Aww thanks. :)

I would just come out and tell you guys but my SO is a really private individual, I wouldn't want this to be in 'Net land forever. If it was a me, myself and someone I ain't care about issue, I'd spill otherwise lmao...
Aww thanks. :)

I would just come out and tell you guys but my SO is a really private individual, I wouldn't want this to be in 'Net land forever. If it was a me, myself and someone I ain't care about issue, I'd spill otherwise lmao...

Smart girl. YOu never know whos watching!!
I wanna know I'm nosey... is it porn?

drugs? he does pain pills???? WHAT ??? You're killing me!!!

Oh... umm...

if it's such a non-issue... just drop it and move on
do you really want to be back in the single/dating world
over something you really don't even care about???...
Maybe he'll come around eventually but if you want to
be with him you just have to accept it and move on
because this worrying about it isn't worth the energy it's
draining you of.

But if his lying is that serious to you... it's a DEAL BREAKER... just walk away now.

I wish I knew what you were talking about it's just some things
are acceptable to tell white lies about, he could be in denial...
maybe he's lying to himself about it too... i just idk...
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Was he molested? I know some people can be embarrassed at that, especially guys :ohwell:

Well, whatever it is, I hope everything works out LaurynDoll, and y'all can learn to trust each other and get through the rough patch.