So I Made Him Mad


Well-Known Member I finally broke the news to snuggles (that's what' I've nicknamed the guy I have been hanging out with) that I want to stay friends with him, and he wasn't ... mad, but I think he was less than happy.

He basically said he couldn't just be my friend, and left in a huff.

So I am back to Jiffy Pop and Pay-per-view on Saturday nights.... (sigh)
you did the right thing and even if he's mad now, he'll get over it.... you can't force what you don't feel.... :)
Good for you for being honest and not stringing him along and playing with his emotions. He's probably just feeling a little disappointed and rejected now but will hopefully appreciate you for doing this in the long term.
You made him mad or did you make him sad? This would make me sad if a guy I was seeing told me he just wanted to be friends. I have been there. Even though it is better than being strung along, it still hurts.
Why do you not want to take things further?

Is there a previous thread explaining this?

:lol::lol: Oh yes there's a thread! He is a nice enough guy, but my pickiness just got the best of me in this situation, and I don't have the energy to "fix him up"

The pros: He's tall and had had really pretty hazel eyes... a good hairline...

The cons: (The list has gotten longer)... He has about 30 pounds he could stand to lose (spare tire in the mid section), though he SAYS he has a college degree, he DESTROYS the English language (the latest blunder:... his friend at work got DEMITTED... you know the opposite of promoted:lachen::lachen::lachen:. You're kidding me, right) He smacks when he eats. Seriously, the man chews like a cow, and the main one... HIS BREATH IS AWFUL!!!!!!! Consistently!!!!

The night I broke the "friend news" to him, we were sitting in my car (his is about to fall apart by the way) talking and I had to roll the windows down because his breath was permeating my car! I am not lying....

So, I remembered that I had some GUM in my purse. I took a stick and offered him some.... WHY DID I DO THAT? I could hardly focus on the conversation after that because he was smacking so loud. Close your mouth FOOL!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
:lol::lol: Oh yes there's a thread! He is a nice enough guy, but my pickiness just got the best of me in this situation, and I don't have the energy to "fix him up"

The pros: He's tall and had had really pretty hazel eyes... a good hairline...

The cons: (The list has gotten longer)... He has about 30 pounds he could stand to lose (spare tire in the mid section), though he SAYS he has a college degree, he DESTROYS the English language (the latest blunder:... his friend at work got DEMITTED... you know the opposite of promoted:lachen::lachen::lachen:. You're kidding me, right) He smacks when he eats. Seriously, the man chews like a cow, and the main one... HIS BREATH IS AWFUL!!!!!!! Consistently!!!!

The night I broke the "friend news" to him, we were sitting in my car (his is about to fall apart by the way) talking and I had to roll the windows down because his breath was permeating my car! I am not lying....

So, I remembered that I had some GUM in my purse. I took a stick and offered him some.... WHY DID I DO THAT? I could hardly focus on the conversation after that because he was smacking so loud. Close your mouth FOOL!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
:lol::lol: Oh yes there's a thread! He is a nice enough guy, but my pickiness just got the best of me in this situation, and I don't have the energy to "fix him up"

The pros: He's tall and had had really pretty hazel eyes... a good hairline...

The cons: (The list has gotten longer)... He has about 30 pounds he could stand to lose (spare tire in the mid section), though he SAYS he has a college degree, he DESTROYS the English language (the latest blunder:... his friend at work got DEMITTED... you know the opposite of promoted:lachen::lachen::lachen:. You're kidding me, right) He smacks when he eats. Seriously, the man chews like a cow, and the main one... HIS BREATH IS AWFUL!!!!!!! Consistently!!!!

The night I broke the "friend news" to him, we were sitting in my car (his is about to fall apart by the way) talking and I had to roll the windows down because his breath was permeating my car! I am not lying....

So, I remembered that I had some GUM in my purse. I took a stick and offered him some.... WHY DID I DO THAT? I could hardly focus on the conversation after that because he was smacking so loud. Close your mouth FOOL!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

So much for trying to help him :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: You can't win :lol: :lol: Oh dear, thanks for the laugh :lol:
Lawd have mercy, you have me rollin over here. I wouldn't even want to be his friend with his funky breath LOL! I'm glad you broke the news to him though, he probably got his feeling hurt but he'll be alright.

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