He got mad cause I wouldn't sleep with him!!!!

He is a lying loser arsehole. You did good girly. That's right hold dem draws up til you feel like droppin em like its hot. LOL Continue waiting because sex too early can surely cloud judgement and/or get you caught up with a ninja that isn't worth the change in your pocket.
Gee! I am sooo proud of you for being so smart, strong and an example of a woman who knows what she wants. I truly hope you will not lose too much sleep over any hurt he may caused. Just remind yourself of his selfish, trifling behavior and then question yourself..if that's the type of relationship you would like to "endure" just to be with him. More importantly, don't take it personal. Some folks just have no morals or decency, you could have been the most loving person in that 2 mos. period and he wasn't Man enough to recognize a "good one". I feel sorry for him. Thank you for sharing....I learned something...there are truly some lowdown, scoundrels out there. :yep:
Brighteyes35 did you confront him? What were you sayng/thinking as he's breaking out the pictures? How did he mention sex and did he just snap off when you told him no like "I got a girl anywayz...."

So many questions! I so glad you didnt give him more of your time.
That's great that you stuck to your morals and said no to him. His girlfriend is with a real loser.
Congrats for dumping that POS! This is why I don't believe in dating...I like getting acquainted with a guy by being his friend FIRST-you don't need to sleep w/a man to know he's an AZZH**E!!
As much as it hurts, just know that you dodged a bullet. You should be commended for sticking to your guns instead of giving in.
I don't take things like this lightly. Personally I would have contacted his girlfriend and told her what "we had". He would regret the day he ever met me. :grin:
Glad you didn't give up the goods!

...But it is kinda strange he held on that long just for some....
most guys know within a week or two if a woman is worth wasting that kind of time over.

He's a weirdo.

That would have been a fabulous idea! Oh and that picture of Michael Spears gives me the chills.............Love it but Adam Beach and Sean Mah are still my leading Native men!!

That would have been a fabulous idea! Oh and that picture of Michael Spears gives me the chills.............Love it but Adam Beach and Sean Mah are still my leading Native men!!

Believe it or not, Morgan Freedmen, Al Freemen, Jr. (When We Were Colored "poppa") and Will Sampson (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and Rodney 'Kang' Grant...they still are my man. :blush: They've just got something in their personalities I lurve. Oh, and of course, Moses Brings Plenty. Shoot, I wish he would bring me a wedding rang. :lachen:

Girl when he showed me that picture it took every bit of strength not to cry but I was crying on the inside like crazy. I really liked this guy and thought we had so much in common so it was such a big blow. After I rejected having sex with him I left and went home. He then texted me telling me about his girlfriend and how wonderful and hot she is and how great she is in bed blah blah. He sent a picture (she is white btw) and I have to admit she is gorgeous but it broke my heart that he did me like that. I was beginning to believe I had actually found someone decent and then BAM.............it was like I got hit by lightening and rain came pouring down. Such an awful feeling!!
Ladies thank you so much for your words of encouragment. Needless to say, I'm still hurt and upset but reading all of your posts uplifted my spirits. Sometimes I think I'm too prude when dating but after reading your comments, I feel like I'm on track! Thanks!

I wanted to specify I meant Sean Wei Mah. I forget there is another (white) Sean Mah. I have a weak spot for Cree men. I can spot them from a mile! Was at a powwow once and walked up to one hot one and said, I know you are Cree. He was pleasantly surprised!! :grin:
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What a jerk! He wasn't in a position to get angry. I'm sorry he played with your emotions; that's not cool. Those kinds of guys still shock me partially b/c I've met so few of them, but also b/c they are SO unfeeling and manipulative. Good thing he didn't string you along further and you knew enough 1. not to give it up so easily and 2. not to continue seeing him.

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Waiting for sex helps weed out the arseholes. Good for you!

All amazing advice, but this was probably the best one for dating. :yep: Total failsafe way; tell him and you can see if the guy is as nice as he seems (there are some guys who will wait :yep:), or if he's a broke joker who reveals himself...:look::lol:
That would have been a fabulous idea! Oh and that picture of Michael Spears gives me the chills.............Love it but Adam Beach and Sean Mah are still my leading Native men!!
Adam Beach is hot. I need to find a place to watch Arctic Air online. How about Chaske Spencer? And Eric Schweig. And Nathaniel Arcand.

Girl when he showed me that picture it took every bit of strength not to cry but I was crying on the inside like crazy. I really liked this guy and thought we had so much in common so it was such a big blow. After I rejected having sex with him I left and went home. He then texted me telling me about his girlfriend and how wonderful and hot she is and how great she is in bed blah blah. He sent a picture (she is white btw) and I have to admit she is gorgeous but it broke my heart that he did me like that. I was beginning to believe I had actually found someone decent and then BAM.............it was like I got hit by lightening and rain came pouring down. Such an awful feeling!!

why wasnt Miss white giving him some?

Girl when he showed me that picture it took every bit of strength not to cry but I was crying on the inside like crazy. I really liked this guy and thought we had so much in common so it was such a big blow. After I rejected having sex with him I left and went home. He then texted me telling me about his girlfriend and how wonderful and hot she is and how great she is in bed blah blah. He sent a picture (she is white btw) and I have to admit she is gorgeous but it broke my heart that he did me like that. I was beginning to believe I had actually found someone decent and then BAM.............it was like I got hit by lightening and rain came pouring down. Such an awful feeling!!

You better than me. I would have told him about himself

Girl when he showed me that picture it took every bit of strength not to cry but I was crying on the inside like crazy. I really liked this guy and thought we had so much in common so it was such a big blow. After I rejected having sex with him I left and went home. He then texted me telling me about his girlfriend and how wonderful and hot she is and how great she is in bed blah blah. He sent a picture (she is white btw) and I have to admit she is gorgeous but it broke my heart that he did me like that. I was beginning to believe I had actually found someone decent and then BAM.............it was like I got hit by lightening and rain came pouring down. Such an awful feeling!!

You can still go back and pour some hot fish grease on him. :look:

Seriously, though you should have reported him for harrassment.

Almost forgot about my boy Nathaniel Arcand................love em!! I really do think I need to be up in Canada. The states just aren't working out!! LOL!!

Can yall believe this cat still texting me about this chic?? I mean for real!!. If she is the bomb why isn't he all up on her. Leave me alone!!
I think he may be lying. Like maybe he used to date this girl and she dropped him too. You denying him sex (turning him down) is causing way too much drama for a man who is supposedly sooo happy. I mean why is he so mad?