He got mad cause I wouldn't sleep with him!!!!

I think he may be lying. Like maybe he used to date this girl and she dropped him too. You denying him sex (turning him down) is causing way too much drama for a man who is supposedly sooo happy. I mean why is he so mad?

Yeah, something in the water ain't clean.

If he's getting some elsewhere and is so happy, he wouldn't be bothering with the person who isn't giving him any.
So sorry this happened but just think: You just weeded out a guy that doesn't need to be in your life in any way (including intimate). So I think even though you're sad now, that you'll sigh relief a little later down the road.

I think his anger stems from the fact that you shut down his game.:lachen: He thought he was setting up a side piece, and realize dthat wasn't happening.

Can yall believe this cat still texting me about this chic?? I mean for real!!. If she is the bomb why isn't he all up on her. Leave me alone!!

Because the issue isn't with his girl or you, he has some personal issues with himself. His "ego" (or peen, in this case they're one in the same) has been taken down a few pegs because you denied him, now he's probably hoping you'll feel so inferior to his girlfriend that you'll change your mind about not sleeping with him in order to prove you're better than her.

I hope she finds out he's gross (trust me, you're probably not the only one he has done or will do this to) and leaves his butt so he doesn't have anyone.

Can yall believe this cat still texting me about this chic?? I mean for real!!. If she is the bomb why isn't he all up on her. Leave me alone!!

You better stop worrying about his childish/crazy self!!! He still texting you must mean Ms. White aint keeping his interest that much. :lol: You dodged a bullet, seriously. Block his disturbed butt.
Brighteyes35 said:

Can yall believe this cat still texting me about this chic?? I mean for real!!. If she is the bomb why isn't he all up on her. Leave me alone!!

What? What kinda stuff is he saying?

'you know my girl birthday us today'?
'we just had sex, it was awesome!'

Lol....I can't even imagine what he is saying.

Dudes are crazy.

You actually nailed it. He will text me and start it out real soft.......like "how are you? Just checking on you and wanting to say hi. Well I gotta run cause my girl wants to do it. Her appetite is so huge. One of these days you should meet her cause she is an intellect just like you"

I'm like Kneegrow please!!! Why even go there!

You actually nailed it. He will text me and start it out real soft.......like "how are you? Just checking on you and wanting to say hi. Well I gotta run cause my girl wants to do it. Her appetite is so huge. One of these days you should meet her cause she is an intellect just like you"

I'm like Kneegrow please!!! Why even go there!

Are you responding or is he just texting you? He's beyond creepy at this point. If you're responding maybe if you ignore him he'll stop if he thinks you aren't getting the texts.
Are you responding or is he just texting you? He's beyond creepy at this point. If you're responding maybe if you ignore him he'll stop if he thinks you aren't getting the texts.

At first I was responding and then I stopped then he kept on. I'm like okay, clearly something is wrong with you homeboy. Get a life!

You actually nailed it. He will text me and start it out real soft.......like "how are you? Just checking on you and wanting to say hi. Well I gotta run cause my girl wants to do it. Her appetite is so huge. One of these days you should meet her cause she is an intellect just like you"

I'm like Kneegrow please!!! Why even go there!

OMg....he is so weird!

Girl...he is CRAZY!! :nuts: Don't answer anymore of his text messages. Just put him on ignore. :nono: I once dealt with this crazy guy too. I met him and his gf while out w/friends, and all of us were exchanging numbers right? Well...I thought it was innocent enough since everyone else was doing it, but I should have listened to my gut instinct because I just kept getting the vibe that he was kind of interested in me while at dinner.

Well....low and behold, a few days later, he texts me saying: "hey, what's up? how are you doing?" :rolleyes: Classic. I thought it was innocent enough so I responded. Well, needless to say to make a long story short, he kept on texting me for weeks on end, and I would respond most of the time thinking that okay...well the convo isn't bad or anything, just light chit-chat.

Well, one day I joked w/him using a nickname that his gf had told us at dinner that time we first met, and he got all serious and was like: "My gf says you can't use that nickname for me...only SHE can". I told him that I was sorry and that it wasn't my intention to use something that was only for her. And I told him that I didn't play that...:naughty:

Then do you know that this crazy dude had the nerve to continue to text me for months after that? Even when I would NEVER respond back to him, he kept texting me! :wallbash:

Eventually he stopped, but geez! :nono: Some guys out here are psycho lol! :nuts: