So I just met this lady at my job


Island Gyal
She has gorgeous waist length I asked her if it was natural and she told me first she thought I meant to ask if it was hers so she lifted it and ran her hands through and said"yes it's mine" I laughed and told her I knew it was not a weave I just wanted to know if it was natural or relaxed (cause it was straight) She said she has not relaxed in years, she just flat irons. She also told me that she swears by Biotin and advised me to take it because that's what grew her hair.

She told me a couple years ago she went through a divorce and the stress was literally making her hair fall out. A doctor put her unto biotin and in 8 weeks there was a marked difference. Since then her hair has been growing steadily.
There's biotin in my multi, but it's only 30 mcg. Maybe I'll take a separate biotin supplement.
She has gorgeous waist length I asked her if it was natural and she told me first she thought I meant to ask if it was hers so she lifted it and ran her hands through and said"yes it's mine" I laughed and told her I knew it was not a weave I just wanted to know if it was natural or relaxed (cause it was straight) She said she has not relaxed in years, she just flat irons. She also told me that she swears by Biotin and advised me to take it because that's what grew her hair.

She told me a couple years ago she went through a divorce and the stress was literally making her hair fall out. A doctor put her unto biotin and in 8 weeks there was a marked difference. Since then her hair has been growing steadily.

Hrrm, I don't know if I'm ready to hop back on the vitamin train again.... I'll have to wait til the 15th to decide.....
Just be mindful of the biotin breakout. Slowly increase your amount of biotin to see how your skin reacts. I jumped in both feet and had the worse breakout ever. Nice hair, but jacked skin. I don't do extra biotin now. I'm scared to.
This thread really makes me want to jump back on the biotin bandwagon but my face is still recovering from the last time I jumped on.:ohwell:
I got onto Biotin with no breakouts (praise God). However, I also looked up a food that was full of biotin before I purchased any vitamins. Brown rice, that I get from Trader Joe's or Wholefoods is a natural way of getting it into your system; not to mention it's better for you then white rice. :grin:
ok im fairly new here... what does this mean Did you ask THE QUESTION? R U NIKO'S CUZ? i have been hearing this in all the threads. someone please clarify . thanks !:blush::perplexed:sad:
That is the question you ask someone, to find out if they are part of this forum. specially someone with beautiful healthy hair. Just us trying to recognize our members in real life.
Just be mindful of the biotin breakout. Slowly increase your amount of biotin to see how your skin reacts. I jumped in both feet and had the worse breakout ever. Nice hair, but jacked skin. I don't do extra biotin now. I'm scared to.
Not only that, it gave me headaches..
ok im fairly new here... what does this mean Did you ask THE QUESTION? R U NIKO'S CUZ? i have been hearing this in all the threads. someone please clarify . thanks !:blush::perplexed:sad:

Welcome to the forum:grin:

Nikos is a guy that does the maintenance for the forum. So we kinda adopted his name as our code name to ask other women if they are a LHCF memebr without her looking at you like you are crazy.:lachen:

So if you see a woman in the streets with banging hair you ask her "Are you Nikos cousin?" and if she looks at you funny and say's no... then you know she is not a member here. But if she says yes (assuming she really doesn't have a cousin named Nikos:spinning:) then that means she is one of us.

I hope that made sense:grin:
I've never taken any supplements before but after seeing this woman's hair, I'm gonna head to my nearest pharmacy or walmart to get me some. Only thing is I have never been good about taking vitamins ....I always forget :(

The persons who said they broke out, how bad was it? I hope I won't have to deal with that.
Biotin is a great b vitamins that really helps with hair growth - if you are sensitive, make sure to drink MORE WATER so your face does not break out.
Biotin breaks me out too. I now take 600mcg every other day because there is some in my multi vita and my b-complex. I hated those little red and white lumpy bumps. So far every other day seem to be okay.
Take the 1000 - 2500 mcg biotin instead of the 30 mcg for faster results. I heard this from my co worker. She had no hair at her temples then started to take the 2500 mcg and in about 6 weeks she had new hair growth.
She has gorgeous waist length I asked her if it was natural and she told me first she thought I meant to ask if it was hers so she lifted it and ran her hands through and said"yes it's mine" I laughed and told her I knew it was not a weave I just wanted to know if it was natural or relaxed (cause it was straight) She said she has not relaxed in years, she just flat irons. She also told me that she swears by Biotin and advised me to take it because that's what grew her hair.

She told me a couple years ago she went through a divorce and the stress was literally making her hair fall out. A doctor put her unto biotin and in 8 weeks there was a marked difference. Since then her hair has been growing steadily.

i dont take any supplements apart from iron which is prescribed for my anaemia but i just ordered some biotin right this minute!:grin: If it works for me i will continue ordering it.
That is the question you ask someone, to find out if they are part of this forum. specially someone with beautiful healthy hair. Just us trying to recognize our members in real life.

ok lol... i thought you guys really meant Nikko's cousin.. the hairstylist that does Mary j blige's and halle berry's hair lol
Welcome to the forum:grin:

Nikos is a guy that does the maintenance for the forum. So we kinda adopted his name as our code name to ask other women if they are a LHCF memebr without her looking at you like you are crazy.:lachen:

So if you see a woman in the streets with banging hair you ask her "Are you Nikos cousin?" and if she looks at you funny and say's no... then you know she is not a member here. But if she says yes (assuming she really doesn't have a cousin named Nikos:spinning:) then that means she is one of us.

I hope that made sense

yes it does! thanks for being so helpful!:grin:
Ladies, If you take Biotin also take a B-complex vitamin to avoid nasty breakouts!!:yep:

I was going to suggest this as well. I haven't had any breakout problems taking them together and drinking plenty of water. :yep:
Biotin is a great b vitamins that really helps with hair growth - if you are sensitive, make sure to drink MORE WATER so your face does not break out.
I've been trying to respond to you for the's just so busy here tonight

anyways thanks for that advice....I plan on using biotin to se how it works.
I have fine hair and ITA with the ladies on the benefits of taking biotin. I just started taking biotin about a month and some ago and my hair is growing faster and getting thicker. I take 5000 mcg with 1000 grams of MSM, and a B-100 gram tablet. It is working wonders for me and I don't have breakouts since I increased my water intake as well.
She has gorgeous waist length I asked her if it was natural and she told me first she thought I meant to ask if it was hers so she lifted it and ran her hands through and said"yes it's mine" I laughed and told her I knew it was not a weave I just wanted to know if it was natural or relaxed (cause it was straight) She said she has not relaxed in years, she just flat irons. She also told me that she swears by Biotin and advised me to take it because that's what grew her hair.

She told me a couple years ago she went through a divorce and the stress was literally making her hair fall out. A doctor put her unto biotin and in 8 weeks there was a marked difference. Since then her hair has been growing steadily.

That's a bit presumptuous, IMO. :rolleyes:
maybe she gets that question a lot so she assumed that was what I was asking, without really listening.

Right, but I think it's rude and arrogant to start running your hands all through your hair telling folks that it's all yours when the question was merely are you natural or relaxed. Based on your post, it didn't sound like you gave her any indication to believe that you were questioning whether her hair was real or not, so it sounds like ol' girl was on the defensive for no good reason. :nono: With that attitude, I would have lost all interest in asking her about her hair. I think you handled it well though. :)
Right, but I think it's rude and arrogant to start running your hands all through your hair telling folks that it's all yours when the question was merely are you natural or relaxed. Based on your post, it didn't sound like you gave her any indication to believe that you were questioning whether her hair was real or not, so it sounds like ol' girl was on the defensive for no good reason. :nono: With that attitude, I would have lost all interest in asking her about her hair. I think you handled it well though. :)
:lachen: I didn't even bother with that....I just wanted to find out what I wanted to know.... She's 48 so I gave her a break ....besides she was nice about everything