I met my first LHCFer!

:lol: @ being snotty!!!

That was a cute story Sareca!

when i saw the thread i immediately thought this was an old thread....you don't get around these parts to often anymore...
Sareca can you post a link or pic of the waterstick? I am having a hard time visualizing it.

That mine before I assembled it...

Here's it assembled (it's a bad picture, I got it from their website)...

The Shower Water Softener removes iron in the water which makes blond hair appear orange, help soap lather and rinse faster and help fight against eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, skin yeast infections and itchy scalp by removing the calcium and magnesium in the water! They are easily installed by removing your current shower head and replacing it with a Shower Water Softener and a hand held shower head (included). Shower Water Softeners come with all the necessary hardware to hook up to your 1/2" NPT shower head fitting. Once the Shower Water Softener stops doing its job, YOU can regenerate it with plain table salt in less than two minutes! Don't be fooled by shower filters that claim to give you soft water like results. This is a true water softener with an available filter which will also remove CHLORINE, iron oxide (rusty water), lead (trace elements), hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell) heavy metals, sulphur, dirt and sediment. Plus, it balances the pH of the water.
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Aww, hope you find her. I had my own encounter with an LHCF member in the bathroom at a club here in NY. I recognized her by her hair, lol. Good luck!