I met Cathy Howse today!

quick question who is Wanakee and where is her method?
http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=405590&highlight=wanakee for a full pic of who she was/is

http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=19299&highlight=wanakee links to her little hair guide that came w/ her products. It's her system/technique.

Her products are still being sold on www.hairoil.com but you can use the techniques w/ any products.

Wanakee was and still is a relaxed head, but her products and techniques worked well for naturals too, unlike CH's IMHO.

A brief summary of her techniques: protecting and oiling the ends of your hair. She encouraged people to "hide" their ends in their hair on order to keep them. Wanakee, unlike CH, believed more in moisture than protein. She didn't discourage protein, but emphasized moisture.
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loca CH's book 1st came out in the very early 90s. In this book she gave instructions on how to make her conditioners. She basically used a blank conditioner you could get at a healthfood store (remember, no net back then) and doctor up yourself. I think she also had one for her Dew. I used to see her UBH book at Border's sometimes in the mid-late 90s.

She started selling products sometime in the late 90s. She, Wanakee, and Lisa Akbari were around from the mid-late 90s. I can't tell you how I found them back then, but I somehow did.

LOL...LHCF is only about 8 years old. Before this site, we used to hang out on other boards LHC, BHT, Naturallycurly, Karen Shelton's HairTalk/HairBoutique, etc)....then the Yahoo Challenge happened for Black hair growth. Out of that Yahoo Challenge is our humble site.

OMG!!!!!!! You dont know how badly I needed help with my hair and no one could help me. My stylist didnt know what to do. I was in high school and I got picked on because of my hair (I would come home in tears) but I didnt have a clue why it was breaking off and what to do to stop it. *sigh* I guess better late than never:ohwell:
Cathy Howse does, we KNOW this for a fact, but most people even in the hair biz don't know this and other sites like LHC or Hairboutique. Most beauty people have no interest in super long hair other than to cut it.

Hmmm, I don't know too much about the bolded. I'm not going to make any comment on it. I do think a lot of hair stylist from the local neighborhoods may not know about it.
loca aww that's terrible. I was in my late teens when I came across this and I grabbed everything I could cuz there was almost nothing easily available about caring for Black hair, esp. natural Black hair back then. Yup better late than ever tho.
Hmmm, I don't know too much about the bolded. I'm not going to make any comment on it. I do think a lot of hair stylist from the local neighborhoods may not know about it.

Grow up Celestial...this is getting old. You made the comment that you think most people in the hair biz know about these sites. Quit w/ all this nonesense. Why would you think hair care professionals are sitting up online reading this stuff? We come here to learn self-care techniques....hardly something hairdressers would encourage. LOL
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I just wanted to chime in that CH is a proponent for moisture as well. Her book is about protein and moisture balances and applying a moisturizing leave in who's first ingredient is water to hair @ least once daily. It is because of this she believes AA hair needs to be washed more often (more than biweekly).
Grow up Celestial...this is getting old. You made the comment that you think most people in the hair biz know about these sites. Quit w/ all this nonesense. Why would you think hair care professionals are sitting up online reading this stuff? We come here to learn self-care techniques....hardly something hairdressers would encourage. LOL

But from a marketing stand point why wouldn't they know? It is their business to know where they should advertise their products and what their consumers are looking to buy.
I saw her too! She was really nice! i told her i've been following her before she got the ad on the radio and that she has a big online following. she told me she no longer has a relaxer, her hair is ridiculously thick and healthy looking. I bought a small size of her moisturizer and the next book. She was very informative and Im gonna give it a try.
I saw her too! She was really nice! i told her i've been following her before she got the ad on the radio and that she has a big online following. she told me she no longer has a relaxer, her hair is ridiculously thick and healthy looking. I bought a small size of her moisturizer and the next book. She was very informative and Im gonna give it a try.

I saw some people at the table and I was wondering if I saw some LHCFers.

Let us know how you like the moisturizer.
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But from a marketing stand point why wouldn't they know? It is their business to know where they should advertise their products and what their consumers are looking to buy.

You'd think, however I doubt it's the case. Most salons use/sell products by license and encourage their clients to use the products they sell at home.

Most hair boards are full of people using all different stuff...some use Sauve, some Rene Furterer....so how would this info be useful to them in terms of promotion? How many stylists are going to sell pure shea butter in their salon or give henna treatments?
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You'd think, however I doubt it's the case. Most salons use/sell products by license and encourage their clients to use the products they sell at home.

Most hair boards are full of people using all different stuff...some use Sauve, some Rene Furterer....so how would this info be useful to them in terms of promotion? How many stylists are going to sell pure shea butter in their salon or give henna treatments?

Point taken but I was referring to those who are in the business of hair that CH is in. Like the glovers and MT ads I see on the site frequently.

I may have misinterpreted.
Point taken but I was referring to those who are in the business of hair that CH is in. Like the glovers and MT ads I see on the site frequently.

I may have misinterpreted.

Glovers might just read here cuz several women use it (including myself). :grin: I think some of the more indie people like CH also read/belong here, but they can't sell their products outright.
I definitely don't think that people in hair business are aware of LHCF.
If they were, then Luster would stop making that Pink Oil crap, because they would know that we were on to them. :look:

Obviously, there are stylists who frequent the hair forums, but those are few and far between. Most everyday stylists are ridiculously uninformed about proper haircare techniques. They can't even use neutralizing shampoo correctly, or detangle hair without ripping it out.

Even star stylists don't know what they are doing when it comes to black hair. Look at Naomi Campbell. I'm sure if her stylists knew about LHCF, they would give her some MTG or some Bee Mine, or some JBCO, or something to grow back her edges. They wouldn't still be just slapping wig glue on them and calling it a day. Or the people who do Tyra's hair. They still think that hair doesn't grow if you don't lop it off, talking about some...cut it to grow it. :nono:

Just because LHCF is on the internet and is pretty much open to all doesn't mean that everyone knows about it. You still have to look for it and since everyone thinks that black hair doesn't grow, no one is really looking for it.
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I met her several years ago at a women's convention. I stopped by her booth to ask questions concerning better hair care. She was pleasant, but she's an "up-front" person, with a confident attitude. I bought her dew conditioner. I can't remember if I benefitted from it. Now I use the CH recipe I got on this site as a pre-poo.
I definitely don't think that people in hair business are aware of LHCF.
If they were, then Luster would stop making that Pink Oil crap, because they would know that we were on to them. :look:

Obviously, there are stylists who frequent the hair forums, but those are few and far between. Most everyday stylists are ridiculously uninformed about proper haircare techniques. They can't even use neutralizing shampoo correctly, or detangle hair without ripping it out.

Even star stylists don't know what they are doing when it comes to black hair. Look at Naomi Campbell. I'm sure if her stylists knew about LHCF, they would give her some MTG or some Bee Mine, or some JBCO, or something to grow back her edges. They wouldn't still be just slapping wig glue on them and calling it a day. Or the people who do Tyra's hair. They still think that hair doesn't grow if you don't lop it off, talking about some...cut it to grow it. :nono:

Just because LHCF is on the internet and is pretty much open to all doesn't mean that everyone knows about it. You still have to look for it and since everyone thinks that black hair doesn't grow, no one is really looking for it.

Pink Oil Lotion...oy vey. Who still buys that pink sludge? You can get a knockoff at the dollar store and do just as well. :lachen:

The part about Naomi cracked me up cuz she goes to Ellen Levar and has been for years. That woman charges around $1,000 to do a weave these days (I guess that's who the big O was speaking of), so Naomi's edges should be on point. Sadly, they ain't. :ohwell:

Most stylists are focused on style rather than hair care. They actually have incentives to NOT promote healthy hair care because you don't need them to do it.

My mother's stylist is a case in point. He studied in the stone age and hasn't updated his techniques and knowledge. In addition, he uses crappy products. So I have to counteract his badness w/ my goodness! :grin: He's impressed w/ the condition of her hair inspite of the abuse he heaps on it. Fortunately she has me around!

I know...why does she still go him, you ask? I keep asking her but it's a generation thing, he used to not be so awful. I'm young and mean...I'd tell him "see ya" in a NYCsec! She doesn't want to hurt his feelings :rolleyes: I'm working on her tho to find another stylist. She's starting to really consider it seriously.)
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I definitely don't think that people in hair business are aware of LHCF.
If they were, then Luster would stop making that Pink Oil crap, because they would know that we were on to them. :look:

Obviously, there are stylists who frequent the hair forums, but those are few and far between. Most everyday stylists are ridiculously uninformed about proper haircare techniques. They can't even use neutralizing shampoo correctly, or detangle hair without ripping it out.

Even star stylists don't know what they are doing when it comes to black hair. Look at Naomi Campbell. I'm sure if her stylists knew about LHCF, they would give her some MTG or some Bee Mine, or some JBCO, or something to grow back her edges. They wouldn't still be just slapping wig glue on them and calling it a day. Or the people who do Tyra's hair. They still think that hair doesn't grow if you don't lop it off, talking about some...cut it to grow it. :nono:

Just because LHCF is on the internet and is pretty much open to all doesn't mean that everyone knows about it. You still have to look for it and since everyone thinks that black hair doesn't grow, no one is really looking for it.

ITA not to mention most stylist well not all , but the few I know are to arogant to learn anything new when it comes to black hair:nono: They feel because they went to school for hair that there licence is the alpha and the omega as to being the hair authority:ohwell:. Although I do respect some of there advice I don't follow it to the end because some professionals in the hair care buisness are still in the stone ages when it comes to something new on the hair care horrizon:perplexed. I have some who inspite of my hair progress still roll their eyes at me when I start sharing the new techniques I've learned on this board.:yawn: And this is after they asked me what I'm doing to get my hair to grow so healthy:dizzy:....sheesh why ask then if you just going to blow my answer off?:clubu: Sorry for the long rant I'm just saying.
I started my HHJ after reading Cathy Howse's book but LHCF is where I really gained my knowledge.

I use her Dew on and off. I use it if I need to detangle my hair in between washings or when I want to add a wet moisturizer (it's very light).

I also use her protein conditioner which works very well for my natural fine hair.
I was there sunday as well and stopped by her table. I purchased the moisturizer as well as the deep conditioner for 3 dollars. Didn't get any of her books I can get all the knowledge I need on here. Her hair was a lil frazzled she said that she has been relaxer free for 8 months.
Wannakee was on longhairdon'tcare online talk show last Wednesday I believe for those who may want to hear what she had to say.

CH was the first one I came in contact with via internet about haircare. The main thing I used from here was the conditioning and no heat challenge for a year.

That started me on my journey. I learned about Wannakee a year or so later.

FYI: The product that Beverly Johnson is selling that was Wannakee's product is not the same. They have changed the recipe, just in case you were interested in purchasing it.
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It was bitter-sweet your meeting with her(ie., friend hating & her stank attitude). But she is the reason that I began my haircare and still believe in long hair after years of trying and failing due to horrible hairdresser advice. However, she is a good hair person--I just wish she learned the value of being supportive.
Wannakee was on longhairdon'tcare online talk show last Wednesday I believe for those who may want to hear what she had to say.

CH was the first one I came in contact with via internet about haircare. The main thing I used from here was the conditioning and no heat challenge for a year.

That started me on my journey. I learned about Wannakee a year or so later.

FYI: The product that Beverly Johnson is selling that was Wannakee's product is not the same. They have changed the recipe, just in case you were interested in purchasing it.

Thanks for the heads up. Her original Verifen Complex line was so nice, even if it was costly. Darn shame it's not the same formula anymore.