So I have three strands of hair touching my next goal...


New Member
does that make me APL?

I am being bad y'all. Seriously, though, I often read people becoming upset about people asking what length they are when they only have two or three strands touching their target length. Well, now I am in that state.

My ultimate question is how do some of you grow even hair. My hair is now healthy to the ends, but it grows so unevenly. My hair looks like a W rather than a U or V in the back:nono:. Moreover, I am self-conscous about wearing it down because some is past APL and the other is about an inch past my shoulder. HELP, even-haired ladies before I seriously do one of those threads!
I don't think anyone here has hair that grows evenly all the way around (i could be way off though, just assuming). Anyway,you can always do small trims if it is really bothering you. Maybe just a quarter inch every month or two. Keep in mind that this just may be how your hair grows and it is what it is.
Thanks, Bre Bre. I had professional trims in August (major) and November (minor). My hair grows out that way, and part of my hair would be BSL if I stopped cutting it to even it out. Yet, the other part would be APL. From the distance, it makes my whole head look unhealthy. Maybe nothing can be done, but if you know of anything else. Feel free to add...
NO! Three strands does not equal APL. Don't you confess that yet! I say dust the ends or trim it. YES TRIM IT!

It may or may not even up by itself. Depends on people's growth pattern.
does that make me APL?

I am being bad y'all. Seriously, though, I often read people becoming upset about people asking what length they are when they only have two or three strands touching their target length. Well, now I am in that state.

My ultimate question is how do some of you grow even hair. My hair is now healthy to the ends, but it grows so unevenly. My hair looks like a W rather than a U or V in the back:nono:. Moreover, I am self-conscous about wearing it down because some is past APL and the other is about an inch past my shoulder. HELP, even-haired ladies before I seriously do one of those threads!

OMG this is where I am...but I have a V. I have about 3 strands at APL, but I will not claim APL until I have at least 5 strands touching. :lachen: Seriously though, I plan to keep wearing my hair up or in braid-outs until it evens up.
I think that it great that you know when a few strands have reached a new length. That's caring for your hair!

Here's my take on it and what I do/have done in the past:

My feeling is that if one strand can get there, then it is very possible that the rest will get there. What I try to do is set a goal length. I say, "I want to grow to bra-strap length," for example. So if a hair reaches there, then I nurture and baby that hair and keep it healthy until the rest reaches that length. If the hair starts growing past the goal length, then I trim that hair back to the goal length.

I keep protecting and nurturing and trimming back until the bulk or the majority of my hair is at this length. Once the bulk of my hair is at the goal length, I even it out with a cut or a trim. Then I set a new goal length and let those hairs that drop faster and longer than the rest of the hair do their thing.

I then start the process over. In between time, the hair is uneven but I make two decisions. The first one is: What am I trying to do, have great even styled hair or gain length? The second decision I make is when is it important for me to have even hair , in my natural styles or in my straightened styles. I only trim with my hair pressed straight.

In my fotki I have shots in 2004 and 2005 with uneven ends. But I looked at what was my overall goal. The overall goal was to have even, waist length hair. It's just a matter of determining what the questions are and what decisions you want to make. So if one hair gets there, then theoretically, so can the rest!
Jwhitely I love your hair!

How often do you wear your hair straight? Once I hit my goal of BSL I want to start wearing my hair hair similar to this style.

Can you share your regi?
Chicoro, that WAS really encouraging words. :yep:

I have the same problem with a handful of hairs touching APL. But I was excited when I saw them! It let me know it won't be long until I reach my short term goal!:drunk:
Thanks everyone for responding. Chicoro, I really like your solution. I am a bit scissor happy, but I am now more than ready to reach my goals. It is encouraging to know that my hair does grow, so I am trying not to trim again until February.
If I have 1 hair touching goal I'm calling it!

:congrats: on making APL! :dance7:

My hair grows in a v so there's always going to be just a few strands touching first.
^^^Same here!!:lachen::lachen:

Im claiming APL now regardless of what anybody else says!!!:lachen: Me and my few strands are officially APL!!!!

I say claim it girl~
I think that it great that you know when a few strands have reached a new length. That's caring for your hair!

Here's my take on it and what I do/have done in the past:

My feeling is that if one strand can get there, then it is very possible that the rest will get there. What I try to do is set a goal length. I say, "I want to grow to bra-strap length," for example. So if a hair reaches there, then I nurture and baby that hair and keep it healthy until the rest reaches that length. If the hair starts growing past the goal length, then I trim that hair back to the goal length.

I keep protecting and nurturing and trimming back until the bulk or the majority of my hair is at this length. Once the bulk of my hair is at the goal length, I even it out with a cut or a trim. Then I set a new goal length and let those hairs that drop faster and longer than the rest of the hair do their thing.

I then start the process over. In between time, the hair is uneven but I make two decisions. The first one is: What am I trying to do, have great even styled hair or gain length? The second decision I make is when is it important for me to have even hair , in my natural styles or in my straightened styles. I only trim with my hair pressed straight.

In my fotki I have shots in 2004 and 2005 with uneven ends. But I looked at what was my overall goal. The overall goal was to have even, waist length hair. It's just a matter of determining what the questions are and what decisions you want to make. So if one hair gets there, then theoretically, so can the rest!

That's what I did this time. A few months ago just a few of my strands were at BSL and my hair looked uneven so I didn't claim it. At last retouch, I trimmed the parts of my hair that were past BSL back to the top of BSL for a fuller, even look. It's true what Chicoro says : some parts of my hair grew past BSL so chances are they will all grow past it in a few months. I'll check at the next retouch and see if I need to trim again. This strategy makes perfect sense so you can reach your goal with fuller hair. As long as most of my hair is at the goal length I'm claiming it.
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I think that it great that you know when a few strands have reached a new length. That's caring for your hair!

Here's my take on it and what I do/have done in the past:

My feeling is that if one strand can get there, then it is very possible that the rest will get there. What I try to do is set a goal length. I say, "I want to grow to bra-strap length," for example. So if a hair reaches there, then I nurture and baby that hair and keep it healthy until the rest reaches that length. If the hair starts growing past the goal length, then I trim that hair back to the goal length.

I keep protecting and nurturing and trimming back until the bulk or the majority of my hair is at this length. Once the bulk of my hair is at the goal length, I even it out with a cut or a trim. Then I set a new goal length and let those hairs that drop faster and longer than the rest of the hair do their thing.

I then start the process over. In between time, the hair is uneven but I make two decisions. The first one is: What am I trying to do, have great even styled hair or gain length? The second decision I make is when is it important for me to have even hair , in my natural styles or in my straightened styles. I only trim with my hair pressed straight.

In my fotki I have shots in 2004 and 2005 with uneven ends. But I looked at what was my overall goal. The overall goal was to have even, waist length hair. It's just a matter of determining what the questions are and what decisions you want to make. So if one hair gets there, then theoretically, so can the rest!

Chicoro, thank you so much for these words of wisdom! Just last night I wrote in my fotki journal that I will not trim again until I am a little past APL, and then I will not trim again until I am a little past bsl. That I way I can have a sense of accomplishment and not feel like I'm going backwards. I did a lot of trimming a few months ago and I regret it, all I did was trim away my progress. Gotta stay focussed and be patient with those slower growing strands.