So, I got married!


Well-Known Member
I got married last month! It rained, which made me sad :sad: , but it was still nice. And the photographer did a pretty good job! Some of these are reduced and any photos that don't look clear are all my doing. His originals look great! So as promised, some pictures :grin:

Shoes. You guys voted on them in the Fashion forum!

Earrings, custom ordered from Etsy

Doing my hair, and a nice picture of one of my bridesmaid:

Since we are LHCF, another hair prep shot

There was an issue with the dress. The alterations dept took off or forgot to replace or something the hook on my dress! So it had no hook. My bridesmaids had to make a kind of impromptu hook with sting and a button or something. But they managed:

At this point it was raining off and on and I still had hope that we could take pictures downtown at the Chicago museum campus, so I was still happy

But then it started to rain harder, and that part of the photos had to be cancelled. Which really almost made me cry. So we just went back to the venue and took pictures there. I had to smile through the pain :ohwell:


Did I mention my bridesmaids and I made our own bouquets? We did!

At this point, DH wasn't even there yet. He misunderstood "downtown photos off, meet at venue for photos" to mean he could come much later. :ohwell: Well, he did come in time for enough photos. I'll post more in the next post.
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Okay, so we did the table centerpieces ourselves, too

Each table had a lantern with light, two vases with submerged light and floating flowers, rose petals, and a card that described one of my and my husband's dates. The one below is of a Bill Maher stand up comedy show

DH loves that damn phone!

I don't know how the groomsmen feel about their pics online, so I'll just give a small group shot.

While the groomsmen were taking pictures, I talked with my father

Did I mention I knit my and the bridesmaids' shawls? I did! Don't my friends look so pretty?

Our cake. It was vanilla flavored with raspberries mixed in whipped cream inside. We had so many flowers left over from our flower order, the cake people just went crazy with it

Favors were chocolate covered sunflower seeds


So finally it was time to actually get married:


The preacher forgot to tell me to put his ring on. He was about to pronounce us husband and wife and I was like "um, still have a ring here!"


It was short and sweet. We're married! I think I was saying "these shoes are killing me!" Fortunately, I brought some more comfortable ones to change into


Okay, reception photos (in adjacent room) coming up
Maybe the rain is a blessing. It rained on my parents wedding day and they've been married 30 years. Every one in my fam who has had rain on their wedding day has had very long lasting marriages. You look very beautiful despite.
We cut the cake:

Took a bunch of family photos


And then the best man called for toasts and people said many things. Most of what his family said was "have babies" :lol: but they also said I can call on them for anything, and my family said many nice things, too. It was all very touching
my brother and bridesmaid

his cousin

My father

his friend, our dj

My friend saying "you don't have to have babies right away" :lol:

Then we danced our first dance. Hmm, we really should have practiced

Well, that's my favorite picture of the first dance, and we hadn't even started to dance yet. Maybe that's why it's my favorite. Slow dance over, we started up some Shalamar "Make this a night to remember" and danced the night away
his friend, my . . . cousin twice removed?

My mother and stepfather


There was sooooo much cake left:

And that was our wedding. I'll post another thread later (today, or sometime this week) of pictures from our honeymoon in Costa Rica.
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Beautifully done! Your personally made touches are so winsome! That personal injection into preparations must help to make the memories indelible. [And, I adore turquoise.]
OMG congratulations!!! You look sooo beautiful. All the decorations are so delicate and perfect.

Sent from my iPhone 10 using LHCF
Aw, love it! That's the colour scheme I plan to use, just with navy blue!

You and your hair look gorgeous x
Congratulations! You looked gorgeous and I love that cake. Those DIY decorations were fantastic!

Sent from my phone...expect typoooooos.
Beautiful! Just beautiful! Wishing you many many years of happiness!

P.S. My DD said "Oh! She's so pretty! Did the cake taste good?"
Omgosh, Congratulations, mwedzi....! :flowers:You and your spouse make a handsome couple--and you were such a lovely bride!

Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful photos. I love your colors and your wedding party was gorgeous.

I heard that rain on your wedding day is lucky! :grin:
Congratulations, beautiful wedding. Thanks for sharing. Your hair is lovely; bridesmaids dresses and shawls awesome colors and styling; and centerpieces are glowing-- so pretty.
Thanks, everyone :)

Sooo beautiful!!!! I love every detail. Did you make your hair accessory? I love it!

Thank you. I didn't make my hair accessory. I got it from Etsy at this retailer

Beautiful! Just beautiful! Wishing you many many years of happiness!

P.S. My DD said "Oh! She's so pretty! Did the cake taste good?"

Thank you, and thank your DD too. The cake did taste good. I did a cake tasting and so choose the tastiest one. It wasn't the same as the day I cake tasted because it had been prepared in advance and frozen, and I could tell, but still pretty good.