So...I BC'd


New Member
I told myself that I wasn't going to do it, but after I co-washed my hair one night, I finally got tired of wondering what it would look like natural. So I grabbed the scissors and chopped it off. I transitioned from September 20th 2008 to February 21st, 2010...I will have other pictures, I just didn't get much of a chance to take any.

At first I was angry with myself, because I was getting attached to the length and I wasn't remembering the reason for my transition in the first place! I'm going to wear micros for a few weeks because right now co-washing everyday with the ridiculous Ohio weather is not working.
I'm ready to embark on this new natural life!:grin:
That's is pretty. I see you are already styling and profiling. When I BCed I just put on a headband. Go you. Enjoy!
Congrats on the BC. I know what you mean about this weather here in Ohio. I am in Cleveland and you know it can be 75 degrees one day and 30 w/ snow the next. But I still co wash 4-6x a week.
Your hair looks amazing! I definitely know how you feel about always wondering what your natural will look like after a long transition. I've been transitioning since August 08 but I plan to transition for 6 more months. Congrats on your BC!