So Disgusted


New Member
I'm so disgusted at the rate my hair growth is progressing.
All my friends kept tellin me it's growing, but I don't see it. My hair is so wimpy and thin, and I can't take it. I just relaxed this past friday, and it took good. But, it's just sooooo thin
I put a jet black rinse on it to help, but I'm just not happy with my hair. It's really sickening. I was so frustrated last night that I excessively cut my ends and messed the back up. That's what I get, I guess? I'm so tempted to cut it all off and say forget it.
You know I told my dad that it's all his fault for me having this thin hair, and all he could tell me was to stop combing it so much. Gone say, "leave it alone for a month". What the @#$%%. I needed to vent.
O.k. I'm done
i don't wanna sound rude or smart or nothing but if you really think that your hair is way too thin why don't you consider some weave tracks, just to make it appear thicker. i know you probably want all of it to be your own hair but since you're frustrated and even thinking about cutting it off
why don't you think about it? keep us posted. and girl please don't feel sad anymore and don't go and cut that hair off. there are so many things nowadays that you can do..
good luck,

Honeycomb, I completely understand what you are going through. i have had many setbacks this week, and i feel that my hair is thinning. I cut off some today, and just wanted to throw in the towel. I had to go as far as throwing away my trimming scissors because i found out that is it true that cutting split ends creates more splits or worse. If you need to vent you can pm me.
Hi honey comb
Maybe u can try products whith thickening agents, like panthenol. Nexxus headress is a really good leave-in conditioner that will thicken up your hair. You probably just have fine hair in general. We all have different textures, some of use here are fine, medium or coarse haired.
Back in the day I was the weave queen, but I'm so through w/ the glue and madness of weave, I vowed never to go back. The best I can do w/ a weave is a wig, and LORD kons it's to hot for that now.
I hate that I have to go through all the "go-through" just to have some nice, decent lookin locks. I'm just about spent out on products. I'm going to try to use just one product, same line for everything.
Thanx for the advice though.
Good luck Honeycomb....its a bad day, but tomorrow will be better. I use Headdress on my fine hair, and it really thickens it up...sometimes too much...
Hello Honeycomb719:
Hello steph:

Ladies don't concentrate on what you put on your hair, but more what you do to your hair. Example stay away from heating products and any type of products that may weigh your hair down; (eg) heavy conditioners, and shampoos.

It does not matter what type of hair you have, heavy conditioners and shampoos are not for fine hair. I also have fine hair, and although I am winning my fight with Alopecia my hair couldn't be any thinner. My new growth appears to be showing me the fullness that I have always hungered for.

(Please forgive my frankness) but stop looking for the immediate results, but more the long-term results; how can you obtain this? One start is to eliminate most of your sugars, and maybe even salt from your diet. Another would be your inner attitudes to what you expect from your hair growth, anything is possible, if you can have a vivid picture in your mind, as oppose to just thinking about what want.

This cannot be done overnight, it takes time, and understanding.

Take care,

Have you considered a phonytail? You can properly care for your hair while still keeping it somewhat concealed. Or what about a corrective relaxer? My hair looked a lot like yours in the early 1990's. Only I made matters worse by blow drying a hot curling it to make it look real straight.
I ended up having to get a corrective relaxer done at a salon. (Lye relaxer smoothed through to the ends.) Shamboosie talks about this in his book.
I too am a fine-hair. I've been finding pantothenic acid (500 mgs in the morning/500 mgs at night) has visibly increased my thickness. It might be an option for you.

I also agree with the poster who suggested a phonytail. If you check on adrienne's profile, she demonstrates step-by-step with photos. It's served as a nice way to give my hair some rest.

Good luck, honeycomb! and don't give up!
I too am a fine-hair. I've been finding pantothenic acid (500 mgs in the morning/500 mgs at night) has visibly increased my thickness. It might be an option for you.

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I strongly agree with the B5 (Pantothenic Acid) it DOES work. Take 500 mgs at night and another 500 in the morning. You will notice your hair regrowth getting thicker and overall, somehow, the hair looks thicker too. Its worth it cuz it works. I 2nd the Nexxus Headdress too. Its concentrated so you don't need much but damn it really does thicken up the hair and makes it look thicker. Excellent stuff for 'thin limp days.'
I too am a fine-hair. I've been finding pantothenic acid (500 mgs in the morning/500 mgs at night) has visibly increased my thickness. It might be an option for you.

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I strongly agree with the B5 (Pantothenic Acid) it DOES work. Take 500 mgs at night and another 500 in the morning. You will notice your hair regrowth getting thicker and overall, somehow, the hair looks thicker too. Its worth it cuz it works. I 2nd the Nexxus Headdress too. Its concentrated so you don't need much but damn it really does thicken up the hair and makes it look thicker. Excellent stuff for 'thin limp days.'

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B5 long after starting B5 did you notice a difference in thickness?
JenJen, for me I'd say a good 2/3 months of consistant daily use. Somewhere within that time I noticed the change. I relax every 8 weeks and I noticed that for the next touch up after taking B5, my hair wasn't as thin looking on that first day.
Don't cut it off. I am sure that its growing nicely--especially if people are telling you that it is longer.

Are you taking pictures to monitor your progress?
Hey girl, don't get frustrated. It does take time. And Elliot is right, take pictures to monitor to your progress. It helps. I also agree with the other ladies about the B5 and looking for products which will thicken your hair. I have been using Nexxus Headress as my leave-in and it thicken my hair a lot too much!!!

Don't give up!
I'm so disgusted at the rate my hair growth is progressing.
All my friends kept tellin me it's growing, but I don't see it. My hair is so wimpy and thin, and I can't take it. I just relaxed this past friday, and it took good. But, it's just sooooo thin

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I takes time and patience to deal with these hair problems. You are probably too critical of you hair. If someone has noticed then they are probably noticing because it is happening. It is really growing! Try not to concentrate on other people's length and just continue with your hair regimens and the longer less thin hair will come. Persistance is the key and don't give up because as soon as you do your hair will too!
I'm so disgusted at the rate my hair growth is progressing.
All my friends kept tellin me it's growing, but I don't see it. My hair is so wimpy and thin, and I can't take it. I just relaxed this past friday, and it took good. But, it's just sooooo thin

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Have you considered visiting a reputable stylist for a consultation? Maybe you could start visiting a stylist that could help you get your hair back on the right track. I know we all sometimes post our disappointments one time or another with professionals, but, perhaps you could take a recommendation from some of the stylists who have been discussed here positively, like Marcia for example. I would visit Marcia myself but, I live way too far for that.
I would visit Marcia or Marvin if I could I live in Detroit though. I haven't found a good stylist here yet, everyone I've been to say" cut it off". What? I'm trying to grow it silly.
I'm going to go get some Of the B-5 and see how it works out. Thanx ladies for the encouraging words of advice. Someone said tommorrow it will get better, and indeed it has. I have those bouts with being digusted and ready to give up on my hair. But, I have you all to keep me going. That's why I love this site soooo much.

Yes, I'm keeping a picture journal of my grow out process, although, sometimes I'm embarrassed by the state of my hair. I still will post them.
I feel you, babygirl. I sometimes feel the same way. Just throw in the towel.

I trimmed my ends this weekend, too. Hair falls a lot better, but I still need a major cut to get rid of this ugly, old hair-a leftover from my braid days.

Oh well. Just hang in there. Your dad may be right. Sometimes it's better to just leave it alone for a while
You threw your scissors out? Haha! I almost threw mine out a few months ago. I decided I'm trimming twice a year. As long as I have a schedule figured out, I'll be fine.
No need to feel embarrassed...we're all here to help you.

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So true!

I know a great stylist in Ann Arbor if you don't mind driving out alittle. PM if you want her info.
The ladies have given you some good advice. I would see a reputable stylist and get feedback. I know my hair started thickening up after I stop wrapping it everynight. I also use castor oil around my hairline and it help to thicken up my hair.

Don't throw in the towel. Some one said it is not an overnight process. Good hair takes time. Healthy hair= Good hair. It seems to me that other people tend to notice my hair growth more than I do. Sometimes I get caught up in the end result and don't notice the little improvements. I was looking at some pictures from earlier this year and my hair has grown. I just had my tocuh up over a week ago and had my stylist do a braid out. Once I wash my hair this weekend I was so suprised at the length. It had actually grew.
Please do not give up!

I was so frustrated that I felt the same way! I hated my hair and myself. I hung in there and I saw results. Its hard to see results in the begining because we are so used to not getting any results, but if your friends say they see a diffence, let them be your eyes for a while. Be patient and and you will see a difference.

Hi Honeycomb,

What I have done is a type of braided/weaved hairstyle. I have been wearing it for a while now. It is my understanding that one gets a good amount of growth after 1.5 years. Although I have been doing this for a bit longer, my hair has grown out quite a bit. I'm still working on what to do next! Good points: hair is left alone to grow in peace, pretty much wash and go, looks decent when freshly done (I have gotten compliments) and no trips to the beauty salon needed. After 2 years (and taking your vitamins) you should be in decent shape. Bad points: dandruff (or dry scalp), hair dryness if you don't moisturize, looking "big" if you do it wrong and has to be switched out every 3 to 4 weeks.

Anywho, if you are interested in any details, PM me

Kind Regards.
I'm sorry that you are going though this. My hair looked similar to yours before I gave up the relaxer in 1997.

Are you relaxing your hair at home?
I know that a lot of people here would disagree with me but, why don't you try not relaxing your hair anymore. It may help you gain a little thickness. Relaxers are not for everyone.

I feel so bad for you. You sound so sad.

Just remember: Hair does grow back.
I just came back to relaxers this past Nov. 02. I was natural for 4 years, and I gained about 4 inches of hair in some spots, but not as much as I have liked. My hair is sooo delicate that it snapped every time I combed it. So, I don't know what's best for my hair.