Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Hey Tiffers, I've always loved your hair and could not tell you had a thyroid issue. Luckiestdestiny has thyroid issues as well. she has managed to find many organic and natural alternatives that has aided her into loosing weight and getting her body back healthy, Chlorella being a HUGE one of them. Dont know if you've checked out the Chlorella thread. But PM LD because I know she had loads of information and I've heard and seen from her testimonials the things she has discovered that has helped her combat this disease and get her body back in order. This certainly is a lot to bear, and although it is true that God gives us what we can handle, it is also true that our burdens can be heavy. Otherwise, He wouldn't say, "come to me all of you who are burdened and heavy laiden, and I will give you rest." Rest in the knowledge and comfort that the Lord will take care of you, and he will supply your needs, and that He is even concerned about the things we make think sometimes is small... Your concern for your hair is not simple vanity, but is real and legitimate. I will pray for you, that you would recover well and fast, and that you would also find the answers you need to help along the way. Be encouraged in this time, I know it is difficult, but know that the Lord is with you and hears your cry... Much love! T.
Thank you so much!

I've had lots of conversations with LD, she's very sweet and helpful! I am taking chlorella right now, but it's the tabs so it wouldn't be econimical to take 7g a day