Hair Stylist Ruined My Hair. I'm so through with stylists!!!

pre_medicalrulz said:
I'm not sure why many people have a hard time speaking up. I know it may seem rude but in all actuality it's not. You're simply and politely telling them, 'I got it'. LOL!

Sometimes stylist are like used car salesmen. They say all the right things then you get in the chair. When you leave you feel like you bought a lemon.

Its gotten to the point I wont go to people friends recommend because I dont want to ruin friendships because your stylist got walked out on.
You can get yourself some hair goodies if that will make you feel a little bit better. Then if you hide your hair for a few months using the goodies you can start to grow it back with any necessary trims while enjoying the hair stuff(or emphasizing any other aspect of your hair that is still good).
OP try bagging your hair for a while and protective styling. It's a reason why you are a member here. To learn to Grow and Do your OWN hair. I'm so sorry this Idiot ruined your hair. Just give your hair more care and Moisture Moisture by Baggying. In 3 months time your hair will be fine. But try to baggy everyday
Thanks to all my sister girls! Your posts were very uplifting during this setback. With much pondering, I decided to head over to Supercuts. The woman, who was white asked me what I wanted done and I explained to her what happened and that I wanted my hair doctored up but I wanted to keep some length. She decided to take a full inch off but every single step of the way she showed me what she was doing and asked if I was satisfied and satisfied I was. My hair looked awesome. It costed $14.00 and I gave her a $5.00 tip which I hope was enough. Right now I'm quite happy. From now on, I will be doing my own relaxers using Silk Elements Lye Relaxer and if I need a trim or cut, Supercuts is my new place for that. No more stylists except for Dominicans which I have never had a problem with. I'm feeling empowered now and I couldn't have done it without you ladies and of course the lady from Supercuts got the job done like a pro. Thanks so much ladies!!!! :grin:
This sucks! I'm horrible about speaking up when it comes to stylist. They intimidate me for some reason. So I choose not to go to one instead. I trust no one!
Im so sorry that happened to you, OP. Personally, I trust no one but myself with my hair, and ditching stylists and salons completely over 6 yrs ago (became a DIYer) was one of the best decisions I made for my life and hair.
This is YOUR hair, don't be afraid to "offend" someone you are only going to see for one hour and probably never again. Some people who have responded are DIYs, don't think this is your only route but if you speak up, you will train that stylist as to what you want for your hair and your relationship will be better. They can still consider you a "difficult" client but if you are nice about it, you both will benefit. Now, if they are rude and think they know what's best and are still ripping out your hair, get up and leave.

I did it once before and believe me, I'm not a confrontational person and quite nice to everybody. I went to male (white) hairstylist with a friend who highly recommended him and who also went with me that day. I was crying because I get emotional when I get upset (stupid,I know but I can't help it) but I stood up, paid him and LEFT. He was really upset, causing a scene, saying that in all of the years he's been a hairdresser none of his clients have reacted like this, didn't want me to pay,etc. It took everything to speak out, but I did and I was very proud of myself that day. It led me to reassess my hair practices, become a DIY for almost everything and my hair has thrived because of it.

I think I've lost another hairstylist acquantaince who relaxed my hair in January. She's really nice and one of the few black hairstylist in this city that I trust, but she basically put the relaxer in and took it out, she didn't listen to what I wanted and to me telling her how my hair is and I ended up with 3 different and very visible hair textures on my hair which led to some breakage. I texted her after that and told her that it didn't take at alla and, and even though I understand she was scared of overprocessing my hair, I feel I can do it myself (and for $100!!). She never got back to me and I'd like to keep her as a stylist for my haircuts, but if she was offended, well, it's her loss. I became a DIY for relaxers too and I'm quite happy, and my money is in my pocket.
OP, I am glad everything worked out for you, despite the setback. I am thinking about getting the keratin blowout from my beautician, but about 3 years ago, she pulled out my hair detangling it. It looked like 1/2 my hair was on the floor and she cut too much. I told her that was the last time I would allow her to do my hair like that, so now when I go to her for my trims, I wash, condition and blow dry my hair and only let her flat iron and trim with my supervision. The problem is for the keratin blowout she told me she has to do everything. I need some advice on what I can do to make sure she doesn't pull all my hair out again. Like prep work or something. From what I have read, the hair will be stripped from the shampoo, so my 4b hair will be a tangled mess.
OP, I am glad everything worked out for you, despite the setback. I am thinking about getting the keratin blowout from my beautician, but about 3 years ago, she pulled out my hair detangling it. It looked like 1/2 my hair was on the floor and she cut too much. I told her that was the last time I would allow her to do my hair like that, so now when I go to her for my trims, I wash, condition and blow dry my hair and only let her flat iron and trim with my supervision. The problem is for the keratin blowout she told me she has to do everything. I need some advice on what I can do to make sure she doesn't pull all my hair out again. Like prep work or something. From what I have read, the hair will be stripped from the shampoo, so my 4b hair will be a tangled mess.

I would follow abcd09 advice and detangle it myself cause lord knows these stylists don't give a crap!
This is YOUR hair, don't be afraid to "offend" someone you are only going to see for one hour and probably never again. Some people who have responded are DIYs, don't think this is your only route but if you speak up, you will train that stylist as to what you want for your hair and your relationship will be better. They can still consider you a "difficult" client but if you are nice about it, you both will benefit. Now, if they are rude and think they know what's best and are still ripping out your hair, get up and leave.

I did it once before and believe me, I'm not a confrontational person and quite nice to everybody. I went to male (white) hairstylist with a friend who highly recommended him and who also went with me that day. I was crying because I get emotional when I get upset (stupid,I know but I can't help it) but I stood up, paid him and LEFT. He was really upset, causing a scene, saying that in all of the years he's been a hairdresser none of his clients have reacted like this, didn't want me to pay,etc. It took everything to speak out, but I did and I was very proud of myself that day. It led me to reassess my hair practices, become a DIY for almost everything and my hair has thrived because of it.

I think I've lost another hairstylist acquantaince who relaxed my hair in January. She's really nice and one of the few black hairstylist in this city that I trust, but she basically put the relaxer in and took it out, she didn't listen to what I wanted and to me telling her how my hair is and I ended up with 3 different and very visible hair textures on my hair which led to some breakage. I texted her after that and told her that it didn't take at alla and, and even though I understand she was scared of overprocessing my hair, I feel I can do it myself (and for $100!!). She never got back to me and I'd like to keep her as a stylist for my haircuts, but if she was offended, well, it's her loss. I became a DIY for relaxers too and I'm quite happy, and my money is in my pocket.


Thanks for such a personal story. It's sad the stylist caused a scene like that but stylists need to know, we are paying them for a service and they need to listen and get it right!
This sucks! I'm horrible about speaking up when it comes to stylist. They intimidate me for some reason. So I choose not to go to one instead. I trust no one!

I feel the EXACT SAME WAY!! I couldn't even bring myself to go to one for a much needed trim, so I bought the Split Ender instead, and I'll never look back. I'm good. :yep:
I feel the EXACT SAME WAY!! I couldn't even bring myself to go to one for a much needed trim, so I bought the Split Ender instead, and I'll never look back. I'm good. :yep:

I think this is what my problem is. I'll speak up to an extent but I don't like conflict and drama so sometimes I'm intimidated. I recently bought the split ender myself so I think I'm pretty armed with the right tools to do my own hair! Lets see, Split Ender, Instyler, Hair Vitamins, (Hopefully the Right Relaxer for a change), CreaClip, The Right Hair Products so yep...........stylists know where they can go!!