So Close I can Taste It! How About YOU? lol

Are you close to your goal?

  • Yes! I can almost taste it!

    Votes: 56 37.6%

    Votes: 88 59.1%
  • Other:

    Votes: 5 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I'm getting soooo anxious with my hair. I can't wait to take out this weave in April, and see how much closer I am to WL. lol I've never really wanted to take out my weave ahead of schedule, but I can't help it. Viewing the 'Living Vicariously through long hair' thread hasn't helped either. :grin:

You would think that I'd be use to it by now since this is the primary way I hid my hair when I transitioned for 2 long years. I was a bit peeved with myself after I chopped my relaxed ends last year because I knew I could have been really close to WL. Now, I'm actually happy that I decided to end my transition because when I get to WL this year, I'll be all natural. :)

I'm thinking I'll probably need to trim, and get a rinse. I'm hoping my hair starts hanging down too. Can I admit that I'm been considering relaxing? :blush: I know. I know. I love my natural hair, but I can't imagine having WL and not being able to show up with it straight all the time. lmbo Anyway, I know I'm rambling. lol

Those of you that know you're so close to achieving your ultimate goal, how do you fight back the excitement and what do you do so that you don't think about it so much?
well I thought I was close but the last six months didnt turn out as expected and since I really dont know how to make it better I think my vote would be ummmmm no!
Congratulations first off for almost achieving your goal. I use to have an ultimate goal of glazing BSL by July 2010, but I have surpass that goal almost 6 months early so I changed my goal to MBL in the back and BSL in the front which I hope to achieve that by July. I'm happy I'm almost there, but I had more fun in between that makes me even happier. Not only have I learned to retain my length, but I learn how to keep it healthy. Now I'm just cruising on to my goal and enjoying all the hard work and money I spend in between.
I voted yes. I am 1.5 to 2 inches away from full sl and to keep down the excitement, I just stick strictly to my regimen and keep my hands out of my hair when i'm not co-washing. I also volunteer for a couple of organizations. Keeps my mind focused on doing good things for other people..not just my hair!

Ediese, you'll be WL in no time! Love your hair.
well I thought I was close but the last six months didnt turn out as expected and since I really dont know how to make it better I think my vote would be ummmmm no!

Sorry to hear that. I probably shouldnt' have posted this because you know how things always seem to popup when you're rounding the finish line. Don't'll get there soon enough! :)

Congratulations first off for almost achieving your goal. I use to have an ultimate goal of glazing BSL by July 2010, but I have surpass that goal almost 6 months early so I changed my goal to MBL in the back and BSL in the front which I hope to achieve that by July. I'm happy I'm almost there, but I had more fun in between that makes me even happier. Not only have I learned to retain my length, but I learn how to keep it healthy. Now I'm just cruising on to my goal and enjoying all the hard work and money I spend in between.

Thanks! Congrats to you too! It has definitely been a fun journey.
I voted yes. I am 1.5 to 2 inches away from full sl and to keep down the excitement, I just stick strictly to my regimen and keep my hands out of my hair when i'm not co-washing. I also volunteer for a couple of organizations. Keeps my mind focused on doing good things for other people..not just my hair!

Ediese, you'll be WL in no time! Love your hair.

Thanks! Congrats! :) I try to keep pretty busy too, but EVERY TIME I come to the hair forum, I get tempted. lol
OMG I know how you feel! I'm nowhere near my goal of classic length just yet... but I feel so close to having full WL that I am going crazy over here! I'm just trying to stay patient. I did enjoy playing in my hair for a couple days, as I mentioned in the living vicariously thread, but now my precious is all braided up again.... :cry3: and I'm hoping that at least by my birthday in June I'll be full WL, grazing HL.
Im about three inches (2.5) from APL. Not sure how long its going to take me. If every thing goes according to my evil plan I should be there by summer.
hi ladies!

my first goal is only apl, so yes, i can FEEL it happening and really have to resist the urge to do daily length checks! LOL!!!

"i can almost taste it" because i am doing soooooo much for my hair now....stuff i NEVER used to do like taking vitamins, eating those hair foods, not to mention the products and the ways i use them now.

i've done a total change, so yes, i am ready to count the days until my next relaxer and have promised myself to stop checking my hair until then!

Sorry to hear that. I probably shouldnt' have posted this because you know how things always seem to popup when you're rounding the finish line. Don't'll get there soon enough! :)

Thanks! Congrats to you too! It has definitely been a fun journey.

I'm glad you posted it because it reminds me that my goal is not unobtainable and that it is all in what I do not luck or genes so it makes me just focus, up my game, and continue to work to figure out what works!
I'm feeling like i'm going to reach my goal this year of WL...i'm 4 inches away. I never though i could have hair this long, but looking at the ladies on this site i realize it is attainable.
My goal is to be APL by May and I am so close I can taste it! My hair has grown a little since my sig picture so I think I should definitely be there by May. I'm trying to keep the manipulation to a minimum, but it's so hard. I wish I could get braids or something so that I don't have to think about it so much.
I selected, only because my FNL challenge that i'm in, ends almost at the end of this year. But, congrats to you i hope you make it. Lokking forward to your reveal too.
Congratulations first off for almost achieving your goal. I use to have an ultimate goal of glazing BSL by July 2010, but I have surpass that goal almost 6 months early so I changed my goal to MBL in the back and BSL

Wow! 6 months early. That's great. Get it girl! :yep:
naw, i'm not tasting it....cause i don't know what food i'm tryin to eat yet. :grin:
explanation: I don't really have a concrete length goal right now. i might let it get to brastrap, and then chop to a really full APL. i love that length on me.
I'm striving for BSB/L this year and I cannot wait to get there. APL was significant to me because my hair has never been that long, so APL signified the actual ability to grow my hair longer. BSB/L is the official mark of long hair to me. You can't tell me my hair isn't long then! MBL is my ultimate goal. This goal is actually my "dream come true" length.
Hopefully, I will see BSB in June (need 3 inches) and BSL in December, butyes Ediese, I can taste it.

Oh, and I keep my hair in braids and am planning to do so for a few months (at least six). If I keep my hair out of braids I will drive myself crazy stretching my hair to see if it grew.
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I can taste it and its killing me. I'm only 1.5-2 inches from APL my first goal of this year. I really hope I make it by April 10 (I know wishful thinking). Only because thats my aunts wedding and I would really love it if I could walk in there with APL hair. But i'm nowhere near my final goal of 2010 which is BSL. I'm about to start doing just about everything I can to get these last few inches out. If I don't make it to APL by april c'est la vie. I still have the rest of the year.
I am about 1-1.5 inches from touching my goal (BSB). I just abandoned my braids for winter challenge for two weeks with straight hair. Now I've seen it, snapped it, and anti-climaxed, I'll probably be back in braids next week!
I'm so far away. It feels like its gona take ages!! I can't wait till I'm at least APL. BSl is my goal – unstretched!!
OMG Ediese, everything you just said, I have been feeling and thinking. My hair progress is right around the same track as yours(maybe im an inch or so behind you though), and right now im dying to take this install out to see where im at. I am sooo hoping to be Full MBL by June and grazing WL soon after(my MBL and WL are only 2inches apart, so I only have about 4" to grazing WL).
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I'm not doing too well.*shaking my head*I think about it all the time!

People here are tired of hearing me blowdrying dates move every other day. I'm sorry.
I decided to keep, at least, the month of the 8 month progress pic steady...February 2010.

I set aggressive goals and I help with a little hair anorexia. I'm never convinced that I'm THERE yet so I keep postponing my reveals or progress pics "just a little more, a little more, more...etc."
OMG I know how you feel! I'm nowhere near my goal of classic length just yet... but I feel so close to having full WL that I am going crazy over here! I'm just trying to stay patient. I did enjoy playing in my hair for a couple days, as I mentioned in the living vicariously thread, but now my precious is all braided up again.... :cry3: and I'm hoping that at least by my birthday in June I'll be full WL, grazing HL.

You're definitely going to get there by June. I just love your hair!!!! I can't imagine having it braided up though. That's torment. How long do you wear your braids?

Im about three inches (2.5) from APL. Not sure how long its going to take me. If every thing goes according to my evil plan I should be there by summer.

That's definitely attainable. Good luck!! :)

hi ladies!

my first goal is only apl, so yes, i can FEEL it happening and really have to resist the urge to do daily length checks! LOL!!!

"i can almost taste it" because i am doing soooooo much for my hair now....stuff i NEVER used to do like taking vitamins, eating those hair foods, not to mention the products and the ways i use them now.

i've done a total change, so yes, i am ready to count the days until my next relaxer and have promised myself to stop checking my hair until then!


Good luck! You'll get there sooner that you realized, and then will probably be wondering how long it'll take to BSL. It's a vicious cycle, but I love it. lol

I'm feeling like i'm going to reach my goal this year of WL...i'm 4 inches away. I never though i could have hair this long, but looking at the ladies on this site i realize it is attainable.

I need 4" too. lol We will definitely get there this year!
no!!!. :cry4:i was never worried about gorwing my hair out because i know it will grow. but im planning a second big chop because the front of my hair is all scab.heat damage i dont know which one and it must go. so thats gonna set me ack maybe 6 months. and my hair doesnt seem to be thickening either. im just so *sigh* i dont even know.