So Close I can Taste It! How About YOU? lol

Are you close to your goal?

  • Yes! I can almost taste it!

    Votes: 56 37.6%

    Votes: 88 59.1%
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    Votes: 5 3.4%

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I bcd to about 1/2 an inch of hair last June.. My goal is BSL hair.. so yea.. no :look:
I'm close to my ex-ultimate goal - BSL. I absolutely cannot wait!!!!!!!! To take that pic, to wear it out, to have it hang down in the shower.

I've been a bunning fool since I realized how close I am.
We're in the same boat!! I have this weave in right now and I want to wear my real hair again so bad!! I'm gonna stick it out and do one more install after I take this one down. Then hopefully by May I be WL or really close to it. Good luck to you!
My utimate goal is MBL/BSB but i'm VERY close to hitting my first milestone of APL. It's a big accomplishment for me since I started above EL. Some say I'm already there but I'm going to wait until I relax in Feb to claim it. So yeah, I'm so close that I can taste it. :)
If I wore my hair straight I would be fine with my current length (APL). Since I prefer it in it's natural state I want my hair to be a little past shoulder length shrunken. But since my hair likes to shrink so darn much I'm not sure if that'll ever happen. So naw, I'm not close at all. :nono:
i voted "Yes! I can almost taste it!"
my last relaxer i flat ironed the back of my hair to check the length, i was pretty stoked at the length- a little past bsl, which after my last set back this is amazing- i think i will make to wl before the end of the year- being under 5'4" is finally paying off.
just wish my sides were as long
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My only and probably final goal is full APL, maybe an inch or so beyond that (because of shrinkage) but I think BSL would be too high maintenance and not suit my personality.

and YES, I can taste it. I should be APL come my next relaxer in March, and a bit past FULL APL (after a solid trim) in July! Can't WAIT! :-)
My utimate goal is MBL/BSB but i'm VERY close to hitting my first milestone of APL. It's a big accomplishment for me since I started above EL. Some say I'm already there but I'm going to wait until I relax in Feb to claim it. So yeah, I'm so close that I can taste it. :)

You are SO there!!!:yep::yep::yep:
So close I can taste it.:lick: I had my first "Hair Dream" last night. I was WSL and was holding the front of my hair down to see how long it was. My mother was looking on saying I looked like her aunt I knew. Must be a good omen because August is my goal date for WSL. HHG.:grin:
I'm about 1/2 inch from APL stretched so I've already started looking towards full BSB/BSL by December 2010. Don't I have a nerve, barely at one goal and already looking at the next goal. :look:
I feel like im a couple inches away from reaching hip length so close i can taste it, i just try to relax and not focus on it or worry about if i make i make if i dont i dont maybe next time.
I can realte to the "bunning fool" I am pretty close to bsb/bsl. I can't wait to get to mbl though (about 4" away) so I can FINALLY cover my back fat lol. I started at sl last Feb. and would be ECSTATIC to reach bsb officially in one year.
Great threat Ediese!
I am tasting something; hopefully it is my BSL, I set a goal for June 2010, and MBL goal for december 2010. I am close but right now NO cigar!!!

But I don't smoke anyway so, hey I like to eat I might be tasting that BSL!! NOT BLT!
My final goal is thigh length. Which I will give myself another 4 years to accomplish. I have set a goal of WL for Dec 2010 though.
Ok..........I am nowhere NEAR my final goal of WL! I'm at APL and have about 9 inches til I'm there.

In the meanwhile, I guess I'll be able to "taste" my second goal of BSL by around April, since I'll BE (I claimed it y'all) BSL in July. :). I've never been BSL!!! =) (I don't think I've been APL either, but I've always been below SL and I'm just not so sure ... anorexia ... )
My goal is to be APL by May and I am so close I can taste it! My hair has grown a little since my sig picture so I think I should definitely be there by May. I'm trying to keep the manipulation to a minimum, but it's so hard. I wish I could get braids or something so that I don't have to think about it so much.

I think you'll definitely be there by May. Good luck!

I selected, only because my FNL challenge that i'm in, ends almost at the end of this year. But, congrats to you i hope you make it. Lokking forward to your reveal too.

Thanks!! I'm sure your reveal in December will be great too. You could still grow up to 6" by then.

No, i' just started my journey, so i'm not able to see the end yet

That's ok. We all have to start somewhere. Have fun with your hair at every stage!

girl I'm right with you APL is taking forever

You'll turn around and it'll be there when you don't even know it. Good luck!

Using my back fat...I am about a "butter roll" and a half from full MBL! I can taste it!

You're hilarious! Full MBL? I'm loving that!

I am about 2-2.5 inches from goal APL, but now I think I may change my goal to BSB so that will be about 4.5inches to go.

You should get there by August/September. Then, you'll change it again to MBL, then WL. It's haironexia. lol

naw, i'm not tasting it....cause i don't know what food i'm tryin to eat yet.
explanation: I don't really have a concrete length goal right now. i might let it get to brastrap, and then chop to a really full APL. i love that length on me.

lol Really? You don't think you want to go all the way to WL? I think I just really want to see if I can do it.

I'm striving for BSB/L this year and I cannot wait to get there. APL was significant to me because my hair has never been that long, so APL signified the actual ability to grow my hair longer. BSB/L is the official mark of long hair to me. You can't tell me my hair isn't long then! MBL is my ultimate goal. This goal is actually my "dream come true" length.
Hopefully, I will see BSB in June (need 3 inches) and BSL in December, butyes Ediese, I can taste it.

Oh, and I keep my hair in braids and am planning to do so for a few months (at least six). If I keep my hair out of braids I will drive myself crazy stretching my hair to see if it grew.

I know what you mean. You'll get there this year especially if you're protective styling. It's definitely possible to grow 3" by June. Keep doing what you've been doing. Good luck!!

I can taste it and its killing me. I'm only 1.5-2 inches from APL my first goal of this year. I really hope I make it by April 10 (I know wishful thinking). Only because thats my aunts wedding and I would really love it if I could walk in there with APL hair. But i'm nowhere near my final goal of 2010 which is BSL. I'm about to start doing just about everything I can to get these last few inches out. If I don't make it to APL by april c'est la vie. I still have the rest of the year.

You know what, if you grew 1" from Jan-February and another from March-April, I think it's possible to get your 2". Good luck!

I am about 1-1.5 inches from touching my goal (BSB). I just abandoned my braids for winter challenge for two weeks with straight hair. Now I've seen it, snapped it, and anti-climaxed, I'll probably be back in braids next week!

lol I think that's exactly how I'd be if I took down my weave now. Check the length, enjoy it, and then be ready to put it back up. lol You don't have that far to go at all to BSB, probably Mar/Apr. Good luck!

I'm so far away. It feels like its gona take ages!! I can't wait till I'm at least APL. BSl is my goal – unstretched!!

Don't worry about that. I think we've all been there. Just keep doing what you're doing. It'll sneak up on you.

OMG Ediese, everything you just said, I have been feeling and thinking. My hair progress is right around the same track as yours(maybe im an inch or so behind you though), and right now im dying to take this install out to see where im at. I am sooo hoping to be Full MBL by June and grazing WL soon after(my MBL and WL are only 2inches apart).

That's crazy, but you're so right. We are on the same track. lol April. That should give me 2", but I wanted this to be my last install for a while. Not sure if I want to get another from April-June/August. I don't know why, but I always feel like my hair doesn't retain length when it's not braided up.

When are you taking out your install? I was thinking to go until I need 2" to MBL and then 2" to WL. That's why I'm not even worrying because even if I don't make WL by June. I'll be MBL.


I'm not doing too well.*shaking my head*I think about it all the time!

People here are tired of hearing me blowdrying dates move every other day. I'm sorry.
I decided to keep, at least, the month of the 8 month progress pic steady...February 2010.

I set aggressive goals and I help with a little hair anorexia. I'm never convinced that I'm THERE yet so I keep postponing my reveals or progress pics "just a little more, a little more, more...etc."

lol I don't feel so bad because it sounds like you got it worse than me. lol Do you ever hide your hair so you don't have to keep *secretly* doing length checks. lol
That's crazy, but you're so right. We are on the same track. lol April. That should give me 2", but I wanted this to be my last install for a while. Not sure if I want to get another from April-June/August. I don't know why, but I always feel like my hair doesn't retain length when it's not braided up.

When are you taking out your install? I was thinking to go until I need 2" to MBL and then 2" to WL. That's why I'm not even worrying because even if I don't make WL by June. I'll be MBL.

I've had this install for 8wks, trying to stretch it until the end of Feb (12wks). I already have nearly an inch and a half of new growth so im really excited. I don't know if I want to put in another install after this one either. But I probably will do one more install between take down of this install and June. After that I think I will be retiring my indian hair. lol I should be at my goal of MBL by then, so it will be my time to enjoy my hair. yaay I can't wait.
I'm not too close to my ultimate goal (natural unstretched wl) but I think maybe in 1-1.5 years I'll be there. However, last night I found out a hit a mini goal. I had more hair grazing wl. :] I think by march-april I'll be full wl... maybe.(my hair grows slow) I'm speaking it into being XD
My goal of WSL is so close. I don't even flatiron anymore, just rollerset and bun. I want to "surprise" myself in April when I finally do use the flatiron. Right now I'm full MBL and trust me I'm enjoying every inch of my hair right now :yep: I love it. I will probably be WSL by the end of February but I want to wait till April to flatiron my hair straight.

I really want hip length and that seems like forever. Right now I'm not worried about it though. I don't wanna be greedy LOL If I get to hip length by December that'll be my Christmas present to myself. I'm not thinking that far ahead though. I'm looking forward to the spring and summer and my daily co-washing.

I'm close to my ex-ultimate goal - BSL. I absolutely cannot wait!!!!!!!! To take that pic, to wear it out, to have it hang down in the shower.

I've been a bunning fool since I realized how close I am.

I am a bunning fool too! LOL I'm hoping it will speed up the process! Or at least let me retain every.damn.inch.

Im about three inches (2.5) from APL. Not sure how long its going to take me. If every thing goes according to my evil plan I should be there by summer.

LMAO we both have evil plans muahahahaha (evil laugh)
hubby measured my hair in the back, as he so patiently always does and told me that i've only got an inch and 1/8th to go till i am at APL!!!!!

yes, i can taste that!!!

BUT, since i'm in the apl and the bsl challenge, now, i'm really setting my eyes on BSL in 2010!!!

i've got quite a few inches to go, but it ends in december 2010 so i'll be workin it and prayin it up until 11:59pm., december 31st!

p.s. i hear ya, BostonMaria! i'll be a french twistin fool before i let these new inches break away!!!
My original goal was BSL and as you can see in my siggy I'm very close. I'm now aiming for BSB by June. After BSB, I'm just going to let it grow as much as it wants, maintain my length, but concentrate on thicker strands.

My true goal is to be a self-relaxer...but don't tell my stylist:look:.
All I'm saying is that if I am not WL by June, somebody's gonna get hurt! :boxing:

Yeah, I am a bit impatient but super-grateful for what I already have. I think if I flatironed my hair today, it would reach WL, but I don't want to do that.:nono: I want my "textured" hair to reach the "wait" continues... :)
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I'm about 2 inches from APL...hoping to get there by June. Whenever I get frustrated I just check out my progress pics. I've made a lot of progress in the past year, and (as long as I don't get scissor happy and keep on keeping on) I will meet and hopefully exceed my goals. Good luck to all of us!
I am very close to BSB. I gave myself until May to get there though. I think I will get there by the end of March. But I am thinking of cutting. The longer it gets the more horrible the layers look. I just want blunt hair and I don't know if I should just cut now or wait until I have reached MBL.
I said that I can almost taste it because my 1st goal is APL...I am currently about 2 inches past shoulder length so...I know that I will be there by the July- which is the goal. My ultimate goal is hip length, but I am definitely taking it one day at a time and loving every minute of this hair journey. Best wishes to you Edise...your hair is absolute gorgeous and I think that our natural textures are similar too!
I am very close to BSB. I gave myself until May to get there though. I think I will get there by the end of March. But I am thinking of cutting. The longer it gets the more horrible the layers look. I just want blunt hair and I don't know if I should just cut now or wait until I have reached MBL.

sorry, i'm a newbie, what's the difference between bsb and bsl?:perplexed


i hear you, NikkiGirl! i have layers, too, and only my longest layer is coming up on my first goal of apl....
it's frustrating, but i think the time it'll take to grow out my layers will be worth it in the end....also because my only other choice would be to cut up to chin length!:nono: and that's not happening!