Sl 2016 Challenge

I finally washed tonight. It's been a long time since I've washed every two weeks. I kinda like it :yep: but I can really tell my hair needs a wash around day 10.

I'm doing now and will just twist it up quickly and do 8t in the morning.
I went on an interview Thursday and my hair was just raggedy. I had intended on wearing curls in the front but Wednesday night I didn't feel like being bothered. I tried to do some big flat twist in the front that pinnacle them up but it just looked raggedy :lol: I gave up and decided if they were going to hire me they have to accept my hair the way it is because it stays in flat twist. And some times they look good and sometimes not.
:lol: Hope the interview went well.
I straightened today and trimmed and it came out fantastic! I only trimmed a very little and my hair looks good. I went back over it to give it a curl but I actually liked it better before. Wrapped it and put my silk wrap up on. I'm gonna be cuuute for date night tonight. :gorgeous: And even though my hair still shows neck length in the back you can clearly see the growth in the front. My bangs are longer and my hair completely cover my ears in the front. Weird.

Why can't I upload pics? It says the pic is there but when I click there's nothing.
I straightened today and trimmed and it came out fantastic! I only trimmed a very little and my hair looks good. I went back over it to give it a curl but I actually liked it better before. Wrapped it and put my silk wrap up on. I'm gonna be cuuute for date night tonight. :gorgeous: And even though my hair still shows neck length in the back you can clearly see the growth in the front. My bangs are longer and my hair completely cover my ears in the front. Weird.

Why can't I upload pics? It says the pic is there but when I click there's nothing.
I bet it looks really nice and congrats on your progress! I hate my bangs right now...I trimmed them to death! They probably won't look decent to me until Feb/march.
Hey ladies!!!!

My hair is doing ok even though I still have not posted a picture and I have been creeping! some of my coils stretch to collar bone. I def wont be shoulder length until next year so I will be in the challenge again.
I have been sticking to wash and go's every 3-4 days. It works for my coils they pop and stay moisturized. I style damp with eco styler and eden body works coconut moisturizer.
For elongated wash and go's I wash at night and style my dry hair in the morning with the same products and it is fab.
I think the only way I'm gonna make it pass 8 weeks post is getting an electric hot comb. My new growth in certain areas are extremely thick! I just sectioned my hair and will be washing today. I didn't flat iron, or blow dry last wash day, so I will do it today.
I think the only way I'm gonna make it pass 8 weeks post is getting an electric hot comb. My new growth in certain areas are extremely thick! I just sectioned my hair and will be washing today. I didn't flat iron, or blow dry last wash day, so I will do it today.
I know you're relaxed now but curious how often are you using heat? I think I want to try straightening again regularly. This time maybe once a month so I can see progress but I'm not sure.
I know you're relaxed now but curious how often are you using heat? I think I want to try straightening again regularly. This time maybe once a month so I can see progress but I'm not sure.
Once a week. I think natural hair can handle it. You just can't flat iron again until wash day. My hair reverted too quickly, so I went back to the creamy crack. Plus I like to wash twice a week.
I washed, blow dried, hot combed my roots, then curled my hair. Had a very good wash day! My hair looks nice. I feel like a proper lady again! lol I need some satin rollers. If I can maintain this, then stretching until Jan won't be too difficult.
I bought the generic version of Nexxus Humectrus :look: I think that is what it is. :lol: I had a $3.50 off $10 at Sally's so figured I would give it a try. I need a conditioner to mix with my color since I was all out.

I did a mudwash first. My curls were looking so nice. I wonder why :perplexed. Then I mixed the generic Nexxus conditioner with the ION color and let that sit on my hair for 45 minutes. Next time I'm going to try heat to see if it holds better. I'm skeptical but it's worth a try. I rinsed and spritzed in my leave-in. I installed curlformers. Was able to do it in 45 minutes. Now I'm sitting under the dryer for about an hour. I will let my hair cool for about 15 minutes and then take out the curlformers. I'm pretty sure my ends need trimming but not sure when I will do that.

I'm going to use the TGIN twist and define cream and put my hair on flexi rods for the night. It doesn't have glycerin in it so I'm hoping it will give me hold without the poof.

I want to flat iron and dust but just not sure when I'm going to do that.
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After separating my curls, I n0w know I need a trim and it can't wait. I will flat iron and trim the 1st weekend in December. I may use that for my ending picture.
After separating my curls, I n0w know I need a trim and it can't wait. I will flat iron and trim the 1st weekend in December. I may use that for my ending picture.
You are so patient! I can't wait to see your pics! Are you going to do a silk press, or just enough to trim and length check?
You are so patient! I can't wait to see your pics! Are you going to do a silk press, or just enough to trim and length check?

Why do you say I'm patient :lol: I certainly don't feel patient. I am so over SL and ready to get to APL already.

I'm not sure my pictures are going to be exciting. I remember my last flat iron and it was just OK. I'm looking forward to just moving onto 2017 :yep:

I'm doing just enough to trim and length check. I keep my flat iron at 300 so I don't think I could silk press at that. I really don't even know how to silk press. I think I saw a video but can't remember how they did it.

If I was going to be a straight haired natural I would love to have someone else flat iron my hair. But I think my hair burns easily so I can't risk it.
Why do you say I'm patient :lol: I certainly don't feel patient. I am so over SL and ready to get to APL already.

I'm not sure my pictures are going to be exciting. I remember my last flat iron and it was just OK. I'm looking forward to just moving onto 2017 :yep:

I'm doing just enough to trim and length check. I keep my flat iron at 300 so I don't think I could silk press at that. I really don't even know how to silk press. I think I saw a video but can't remember how they did it.

If I was going to be a straight haired natural I would love to have someone else flat iron my hair. But I think my hair burns easily so I can't risk it.
You are so patient since you can wait it out until next week to flat iron and trim! I would have started cutting right then and there! As the kids say, I have no chill! Lol
You are so patient since you can wait it out until next week to flat iron and trim! I would have started cutting right then and there! As the kids say, I have no chill! Lol
Oh ok. If it had been Friday or Saturday I would have. But it would take me 3 hours to flat iron, trim and roll it up. I didn't want to be up that late since I'm trying to work 2 ten hours shifts so I can be off Wednesday. And since I just colored my hair I will have 5o wait so it doesn't fade too fast.

Not really patient. I was just counting the cost.
Oh ok. If it had been Friday or Saturday I would have. But it would take me 3 hours to flat iron, trim and roll it up. I didn't want to be up that late since I'm trying to work 2 ten hours shifts so I can be off Wednesday. And since I just colored my hair I will have 5o wait so it doesn't fade too fast.

Not really patient. I was just counting the cost.
That makes sense! Your hair turned out nice this morning. I used the rollers and didn't get a super tight curl, no dents, and my ends were smooth.
That makes sense! Your hair turned out nice this morning. I used the rollers and didn't get a super tight curl, no dents, and my ends were smooth.
I have satin rollers but my hair is always too tight. May easily it gets longer I can put more hair on the roller so it's not so tight. But I really like the flexi rods so I will be buying more of them in bigger sizes next time I get a Sally's coupon.
You are so patient since you can wait it out until next week to flat iron and trim! I would have started cutting right then and there! As the kids say, I have no chill! Lol

I didn't straighten but I did trim my ends. I took off between 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch. It's better to do it now before I straighten. Right now I don't know how long my hair is so I won't miss it. If I straightened first, I would notice the amount I cut off.

I put in flat twist to see if I can wear a flat twist out tomorrow.