SL 2013 Challenge!!~~~

Silk Dreams keeps giving good reviews. I have a sample. I hope it works as well on my hair

The funny thing is, I was just contemplating if deep conditioning 2x week was really doing anything for my hair. It really wasn't until I used vanilla silk. I know you have lo-po but with a heat cap or steam I think your hair will feel great. Everytime I moisturize and seal I feel the difference. I hope it works for you.
2 inches away from partial SL. Being impatient. But my hair is liking being up during the winter. Plus that keeps me from length checking every five minutes if its curly/in a bun/under a hat/in a pony tail.

It issss getting healthier though. So very very good.
Hey guys HH to all. Believe it or not but I can already see and feel a difference.I have been 3x weeks post relaxer and I can already feel the NG but i moisturize and seal 2x a day so it helps a lot.I am currently at neck/chin length and i really want to be at Sl by maybe summer.Thanks for everythingm
Here's my lil bun. I just needed something that looked decent in the back. I used a few small tracks but purposely made it small because ppl know my hair isn't long. The front is kinda sideswept n laid down. Next time I'd like to try some French braids or bangs in the front.


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I am still cowashing and bunning my hair daily. The nape of my hair is almost touching SL and the rest have a good way to go especially since I have 2 scheduled hair trims for this year - one in March and the other in August.

I am using the Moroccan Lunar Cutting Method for thick hair growth. I am really not that concerned about length as I am about achieving thickness at the moment. I hate long sickly stringy-looking hair anyway, so I am praying that this works well. Next year I may concentrate some effort on trimming for strength and length alternately.

I have been air drying my hair and bunning. Between no heat and using my Jamaican Castor Oil my hair has been thriving! My ends are looking gorgeous!
Noticing NG. Steeping for tea rinse tomorrow and gonna start scalp massages to help. trying to figure out how to thicken up my nape. Its still in some rough condition (short as all get outt... I've always had problems with my nape) due to reasons I dont know yet.

I dont think I will be full SL for awhile because of how my hair is cut, which is fine. Goal is for my longest layers to be SL and keep my other layers shorter (long V shape)
Cowashed and DC tonight after prepooing for 24hrs... hair is feeling good. Will put some plaits in probably since I stay under a scarves and hats. I realized that my hair and airdrying don't really get along so I'm trying to figure out what else I can do...
Here's my lil bun. I just needed something that looked decent in the back. I used a few small tracks but purposely made it small because ppl know my hair isn't long. The front is kinda sideswept n laid down. Next time I'd like to try some French braids or bangs in the front.

It looks nice. Very neat and classy :yep: It's going to look even prettier as it gets longer.
I wore my first real puff today :yay: So now I know its possible for me to cowash and then just puff and go. I thought it would me a few more months until I reached this milestone. Not going to go crazy though. Will be putting my coils back in tomorrow or Monday.
I wore my first real puff today :yay: So now I know its possible for me to cowash and then just puff and go. I thought it would me a few more months until I reached this milestone. Not going to go crazy though. Will be putting my coils back in tomorrow or Monday.

Did you take a pic?
Hey ladies!

I haven't been posting much since I'm still trying to get my apartment situated. (Unpacking sucks!!) But for New Years Eve, I braided the left side of my hair and put in some curly tracks on the right side. I'll be redoing the look today or tomorrow. (Sorry I don't have better pics.)



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I am still cowashing and bunning my hair daily. The nape of my hair is almost touching SL and the rest have a good way to go especially since I have 2 scheduled hair trims for this year - one in March and the other in August.

I am using the Moroccan Lunar Cutting Method for thick hair growth. I am really not that concerned about length as I am about achieving thickness at the moment. I hate long sickly stringy-looking hair anyway, so I am praying that this works well. Next year I may concentrate some effort on trimming for strength and length alternately.


I'm going to try this too! My dates fall on root work and lengthen! I hope it works!
Alright y'all! My SO challenged me to try just washing my hair once a week and cornrowing it instead of washing twice a week. I accepted so from here on out I will be following his suggestion combined with this regimen suggestion I found on the silk dreams website:

gentle moisturizing shampoo* (GS)
clarifying shampoo (CS)
skip shampoo (SS)
conditioning treatment (T)
moisturizing conditioner (MC)
super conditioning treatment (ST)
protein treatment mild (PT)
leave-in conditioner (LI)
air dry (A)
apply hair-friendly oil (O)
moisturize throughout the week as necessary (M)

4 Week Regimen

Week 1: GS, T or ST, LI, O, A and M, O

Week 2: SS, MC, LI, O, A, M, O

Week 3: GS, T, LI, O, A, M,*O

Week 4: CS, GS, PT, MC or moisturizing CT, LI, O, A, M, O

My wash days are Sundays. Since I cowashed yesterday I will cornrow today. Next wash will be with a GS.
Getting ready to start my Sunday/Wednesday ritual. Co wash with Tressemme, black tea rinse under As I Am Hydration Elation, air dry with Infusium, seal with coconut oil, cornrow, braid out. Maybe I will clarify to add a little excitement...

SL 2013, APL 2013, BSL 2013, Challenge for our Children 2013
I forgot to add...All while bangin Elle Varner through the house! If all hearts and minds are satisfied, Church is over.

SL 2013, APL 2013, BSL 2013, Challenge for our Children 2013
Halfway done! I'm on your tail SL!

SL 2013, APL 2013, BSL 2013, Challenge for our Children 2013


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I put my hair up in a ponytail. Tuck in the ends. Then use a pack of hair, divide by two the twist it. Put it on the ponytail and wrap it around and pin. Then im good to go

glad I did it early and not later i'm still hoping to get to SL in December
Hey my ladies!! I had a tonsillectomy done on Friday morning so I'm not able to lean over the side of the tub like I need to. So on Saturday, I co-washed with Herbal Essence Hello Hydration then used some Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner while standing in the shower. I haven't used Motions Moisture Plus in a loooong minute & now I don't like it. My hair was manageable but it wasn't moisturized like my Elast QP DPR has it so I'll be pushing that one to the back of the cabinet. I have been M&Sng with Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter & ECVO everyday for about a week now & doing my scalp with Mega Care Tea Tree oil. Since I won't be working out for a few weeks I'll have my hair wrapped under my wig versus cornrows.