skinny and/or short ladies...would you date a man skinnier/shorter than you?


Well-Known Member
My friend told me she met the perfect guy for her (personality wise). They get along great and have so much in common. He's also good on paper (educated, hard working, well-traveled, etc etc). She says he's also very cute (facially.)

But she told me he's skinnier and shorter than her. And she's already short (5'2) and she's skinny (normal BMI range.) She said he's about 5'1 and she told me his thighs are smaller than hers. :look: He's also Asian, so with his height and size descriptions, I'm guessing dude can't be more than 100 pounds.

I'm not sure what to tell her, especially after reading these micropeen threads, other than check the package and do what you feel is right. One on hand, it's important to be with similar goals/interests/lifestyles and who can provide for a family and you shouldn't let a good guy go over shallow reasons. On the other hand, it's also important to be physically attracted to your man.

I'm always reading posts on here saying that women are way too picky over stupid things. So is she being too shallow?

Ladies with experiences dating/marrying short/skinny men (or men who aren't your usual type physically) please share your input. Were you able to see pass the physical? Was it worth being less picky?
lol i'm not short, but i'm pretty skinny now and I would say no. if a man was skinnier than me, i would be concerned about his health and i would assume he had AIDS or something else really chronic or systemic.

so no. i wouldn't do it.
I'm 5'0 and stocky. I prefer dating skinny guys and smaller guys. I don't nec like the big husky/chunky types. I DID have a thing with a dude that was 6'7 once.. and let me tell you, it does NOT even out when you're horizontal. lol

But dating a dude shorter than 5'0? No...and that's rare to find anyway.
I am 5'2'' seriously Oompa Loopmas, dwarfs/little person, gnomes, need not apply and yes it may be discrimination against other vertically challenged persons like myself but I do not care.
I'm avg height for a woman: 5'4"-5'5" and slender and I wouldn't date a man shorter then me, and if he weighed less then me (120) I'd be concerned for his health.

I like to feel like a man can protect me, I like to look up to my man, I like to be easily picked up by my man and I prefer more dominant roles for men so it just wouldn't work. I just love muscles and a nice towering height. Luckily the tall athletic build guys love to step to me so yea.

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meesch said:
oh his penis is definitely of jalepeno proportions, if not smaller :nono:

You are turrubuhl :lol:

I'm short and do not like short and/or skinny men. Gotta be at least 5'7 minimum and with a little thickness to him. I don't like touching on skinny little bodies
LOL@penis joke.

Get with him and make him bulk up. I believe no one is perfect and if the template is good it's time to fill in the blanks. Your soul mate ain't made for you it's trained for you.
I look at character above anything but I am 4'11 and barely 90 pounds! I can't do it!!!!
LOL@penis joke.

Get with him and make him bulk up. I believe no one is perfect and if the template is good it's time to fill in the blanks. Your soul mate ain't made for you it's trained for you.

I actually like that....
If being the same height was the only thing then I would at least give it a try. I'm 5'4 and I like taller men who are muscles. One my ex was 5'7(I swear he was shorter but he always said 5'7) I've never loved anyone more than I loved that man and I'm glad I got over my height issues to give him a chance.
i'm not short or skinny. my dood is Asian as well and we are both 5'9'' 140ish. it bugs the **** outta me that we're the same size. i will probably never date someone this size again.:nono: i wanna be picked up.:look:
i'm not short or skinny. my dood is Asian as well and we are both 5'9'' 140ish. it bugs the **** outta me that we're the same size. i will probably never date someone this size again.:nono: i wanna be picked up.:look:

LOL your posts about this guy are funny.
I'm skinny myself and I like the nba-build kind of guys. (Of course I never end up with them. :lol:) I have dated skinner than me and I'm kinda small; 5'7 and 135. I always test their strength when I jump on their back for a piggy back ride. Either I'm really light or they're really strong. :lol:

ETA: I can't do shorter though. I like wearing heels.
Couldn't date someone skinnier than me... I'm in the 120s... something would have to be wrong with him, I imagine:confused:
If he's skinny and muscular though, maybe that's okay?:confused:

would NOT date someone shorter. I'm only 5'4. Will NOT happen.
sharmeans said:
OMG this made me LMAO :lachen:

jalepeno peen :lachen::lachen:

Jalepeeno!! :lachen:

And no, could not do shorter (same height or taller, please) and most definitely not skinnier. They'd probably have some sort of illness if they were.
Hmm, I dont think so. I'm 5'2 and skinny, but every guy I've ever dated has been 6'0 and up.
But to each his own. Just follow your heart.
My college sweetheart is 5'6" and had the largest crayon I have ever seen, in girth and length. I guess all of his height and weight was in his groin area. :look:

My son's father is 6'4" and let's just say he didn't measure anywhere near the college sweetheart in that area. My point is don't sleep on the vertically challenged and skinny men when it comes to size of the crayon.
Not skinny and Im into slender type of dudes.. so I would date someone skinnier than me :yep:

Shorter? Nope! 165 cm and I need someone taller.
I'm 5'1'' and my husband is 6'00''. Before him I always liked men who were around 5'7'' or so. I can count on one hand the number of men I've seen who are shorter than
me. So a shorter man was never something I had to think about.

I can't do that to my future sons :lol: I'm petite (5'1 and 115 lbs) so if he's any shorter or smaller than me I doubt he'd be protecting me or carrying me at all. He like guys who are at least 5'7 and muscular, though I'm willing to go to 5'5 for the right guy.

Call me shallow or entitled, IDGAF
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bosswitch said:
I can't do that to my future sons :lol: I'm petite (5'1 and 115 lbs) so if he's any shorter or smaller than me I doubt he'd be protecting me or carrying me at all. He needs to be at least 5'7 and muscular, though I'm willing to go to 5'5 for the right guy.

Call me shallow or entitled, IDGAF

Say that to a five foot MMA fighter lol, knowledge and heart is a lot more dangerous than size :p