Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old's hair = Kick a$$

Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

I would've done the SAME thing. I'm totally feeling you. Right now I'm always afraid when my daughter goes to spend time with her dad becuase I fear his mother will do this bs. I always braid her hair up and tell them DO NOT TOUCH her hair for any reason. If she goes swimming I just tell her to get in the shower and rinse her hair out. I'd rather clorine dry her hair out than anyone attemtping to do it. His sister's daughter got a relaxer at age 5 or 6 and she did not need it. The last time I saw her her hair was breaking. If they even tried to anything like this I'd literally go crazy.

A few years ago my son went to visit the grandma and he had his hair in criss-cross braids. You know just at the top. Do you know she had his uncle cut them off. And then had the nerve to say he asked them to cut it. Then the kicker was when HE said, I need to wait until I'm a pre-teen. What the heck did he know about a pre-teen? It was all her. She had filled his head up with BS. At any rate, I do not blame you one bit. They know I'm crazy and I will show out...especially abot my kids. So they better not test me. Her hair is so thick and long now, I fear the jealousy factor may come into play and she may do it outta pure evil and deal with the consequences later. Honestly after I kicked her a$$, I'd take her to court and sue the mess outta her.

I feel so bad for you. I'm so sorry this happened. Shoot I'm sitting here steaming right now
. I don't even think there's anything I can say to make you feel better. Damn, I'm pissed
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

OMGoodness,that b*t%h has got a lot of nerve
, too much as a matter of fact. You did the right thing. I bet she won't relax anyone else's child's hair. If you whipped her good enough
she may not relax her own anymore. I am so sorry this happened to you and your daughter.

Regardless, we're here for you and your daughter, I think everyone can agree that LHCF is here for emotional support (morally, however, a few of us agree that kicking her A$$ was the RIGHT thing to do
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

I'm so sorry this has happen but what's done is done. I think you handled it way you thought best at that moment. It could have been worst...Thank goodness it wasn't. If you feel that you reacted solely out of anger and it could have been handled differently then apologize for your behavior not your belief (she was wrong). I personally would have thought to sue her for the cost of having my child's hair done professionally until it grew back (yea the mouth would have been busy because of the
). I don't know legally if it would of stood up in court though.

I hope your sister in-law has learned to be more respecting of other people's right (a lesson her momma wasn't able to teach her). I hope you have learned to be aware of other peoples belief system before leaving your child with them.

Allandra said:
I think you should let it grow out, and in the mean time, treat it with lots of tlc.

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Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

AllAboutTheHair said:
If you whipped her good enough
she may not relax her own anymore.

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Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

woah, i would have wooped some @$$ too!
i want to know who told her it was okay to do something like that without consulting you?!

If there's a way to make her pay via court, I say go for it.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

i am PISSED! i havent read all the responses..but i am SORRY! i would let the relaxer grow out though and take care of her hair. i had 5 yr olds in my class this past school year whose scalps were so damaged by relaxers. just my personal opinion...she is too young and we all KNOW that relaxed hair requires upkeep..on a child just as you would an adult.

UGH...i just hate that because ....never mind...i am SORRY!
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Ohhhh man, that would have really made me mad!!! I think I may have done the same thing. I'm sorry that happened.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Usually don't condone violence, but in this case....Whoo-weee!! That nut did it on purpose!! I just cannot believe that she didn't have the common sense not to do that without at least asking you first!!! She planned to do that from jump!! I hope that you put a HURTIN' on ole girl!! Maybe, it'll teach her a lesson!!

Please grow that baby's hair out and when you see your brother, kick him where it hurts!! That's his neice, after all, he should've been watching her!!
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$


That is outrageous. I'm so sorry that happened to your daughter.

The good news for your daughter is that she has a mother who cares enough and knows enough to make the transition easier.

Good luck.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

my mom did this to me sort of. I got my daughters hair permed because no matter what we put on it it was extremely wiry and tended to break detangling was a nightmare. I made sure her first perm was really a texturizer trying to please my mom/daughter. When her hair got wet it still shrank up. Then they moved while I was still in school and took her. When I visited her, her hair was bone straight and I was pissed. Not to mention the fact that she only got 2 perms a year under my watchful eye she was getting a touch up every month and a half. Now I might have slapped old girl but I'm not sure a full blown beat down was necessary
Based on her lame excuse I dont think it helped anyway but hey I forgive you!
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

msportugal said:
my mom did this to me sort of. I got my daughters hair permed because no matter what we put on it it was extremely wiry and tended to break detangling was a nightmare. I made sure her first perm was really a texturizer trying to please my mom/daughter. When her hair got wet it still shrank up. Then they moved while I was still in school and took her. When I visited her, her hair was bone straight and I was pissed. Not to mention the fact that she only got 2 perms a year under my watchful eye she was getting a touch up every month and a half. Now I might have slapped old girl but I'm not sure a full blown beat down was necessary
Based on her lame excuse I dont think it helped anyway but hey I forgive you!

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LOL @ i might have slapped old girl! lawd, not moms! i bet she woulda pulled out her belt for old time's sake, girl!

your SIL was way out of line. i might have taken it there too. even though violence isn't the answer, she'd think twice about doing that to someone else's kid...
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

She should have never touched your daughters hair with harsh chemicals without your concern.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Girl, I feel you. I know that giving her a beatdown didn't change things, but I certainly hope it made you feel better.
Because I probably would have done the same thing. Is she on drugs?!!

Let your daughter's hair grow out, moisturize and condition it like there's no tomorrow, and keep her far away from your sister-in-law in the future. Woman obviously has no sense.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

[/ QUOTE ] But i agree, let the relaxer grow out. That damn *****, it wasn't even my kid and I want to kick her @ss.

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Yes, I agree with letting the relaxer grow out. I don't have any children, but I know that at 5 years of age, having a perm was the last thing on my mind. Hopefully, you can use this as a lesson to explain to your daughter about perms and why you don't want her to have one.

Oh, I say your brother should have been on your side. Let me get this straight. You were only away for 3 days right? Not 3 weeks, not 3 months, but three days??? She could have left the baby girl hair alone. 3 days?? Geez, the hair is not even fuzzy by then. OHHHH, this is getting me upset. Cool down rai, cool down.

Your SIL planned this and she was very vindictive. I would call her out on her lie, and honestly I would not trust her again. I may be acknowledge her in public, but I would not go out of my way to talk to her EVER again. Not because she permed the hair, but because of the principle of the matter. She lied to you in your face and she did something to your baby girl's hair that can not be fixed over night.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

I totally support violence in this situation....not in front of the children though. Im so sorry she did this to your daughter, that was so ..disrespectful isnt even the word...more like stupid, you dont do things to other folk's children without their [email protected] aunt did this to me..well i was 9 and my mom had already relaxed my hair, but it was in good shape and the 9 yr old equivalent of bra strap or longer...well my DEAR AUNT, REST HER SOUL, decides to put a jheri curl in my hair..well needless to say a month later i had to get all my hair cut off into a twa the length of ms. kenesha' you know how traumatizing that is....ok im sorry..i thought i was in my therapist's office..
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

whoa, whoa, whoa

I just sat through ALL the posts, which sorta calmed me down, because people have stated what I wanted to say.

All I am left with, is WHY WOULD SHE TOUCH YOUUUUUUUR CHILD'S HAIR, I mean god darn. I wouldnt even think of anything like that.

A PERMMMM, not a good conditioning wash, or rebraiding, BUUUUTTT A PERMMMMMMM, can we say forever, forever, eever.

It is not like she has to keep up with it. I AM UTTERLY SPEECHLESS, right now, I CANT EVEN DESCRIBE MY EMOTIONS!
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Ok...I read the scenario to several friends...they all said the same thing.

They would not have gotten physicall...but certainly UNDERSTAND and would have walked up to old girl as she was laying on the sidewalk and said, "I guess you wont be perming nobody elses baby's hair!" and walked on.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

uh uh...i would have kicked that b**tches a$$ too. I cant believe someone would have the audacity to not only to apply a chemical to a 5 year olds still developing head, but to a child that's not even theirs. I usually dont agree with violence but this Bi**ch did deserve an a$$ whoopin...

I say you should start transitioning your daughter immediately. Keep it washed conditioned and cornrowed. And dont ever to to your SIL's house again.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Just to add to the chorus, I am so sorry about your daughter's hair. When I was looking through the posts and saw this subject, I had to read because I couldn't believe this was true. That's beyond's a total violation to you & your daughter.

By the way, Brooke007 is a trip!
(girl, you always post the most enjoyable things!)
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Syze6, I am completely feeling you right now.

First I would like to suggest that you neutralize your daughter's hair again. You never know if your SIL did it properly.

There is something about that OUT LAWS, I believed she had this planned. I was thinking about how much I can trust my
in-laws after my GrandMIL told me to put Just-For-Me in my 4 year old's hair. Her argument was that she has so much hair and it would make combing easier. I have never had a problem caring for my daughter hair. I just politely schooled her on the potential dangers and what relaxers actually do to the hair and scalp. She did quiet down but I still don't trust them based on their past actions.

Every time I see them they just investigate my DD's and my hair. They stare me up and down and make comments. What took the cake was my GMIL was acting this way at a funeral. This lady was sitting in the row in front of me, when I arrived and said hello she got up, moved to the row and seat directly behind me to just stare and breathe down my hair.

They are also very disrespectful with other things too. All the women on my FIL side smoke at least a pack a day. They see nothing wrong with holding a baby in their lap and a cigarette in their hand all while telling you how to raise your child.
Then there was the earring episodes. I didn't get my DD ear pierced when she was a few months old. So I decided that I’d just wait until SHE asks to have earrings (whether she is 2, 12 or 20 just when she's ready). They kept hounding me about getting her ears pierced. Every time they asked about earring, my DH and I would just say the same thing "When she asks, is when we'll get her ears pierced." One weekend my children spent the weekend at the OUT LAWS and when we picked them up, my MIL made a comment about how they don't allow someone other than the parents to pierce a child's ears.
WTF she claims that she didn’t try to get my DD ears pierced but I am no fool! She wanted to do it behind my back.

I don't blame you one bit. Your SIL planned it. That was relaxer in the 1st degree of an innocent child.
And I hereby agree with the sentence of a beat down.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

<font color="blue"> yes, your sister in law was WRONG. you had a right to be angry . you were also WRONG to have allowed your anger to escalate to violence. You are teaching your daughter by example. So now she knows when she is upset with someone on the playground or at school, she, like mommy can kick the person's ass, just as you did your sister in law's.

I'm surprised the peace loving, respectable folks in Bolingbrook did not call the police on you.
"ghetto is as ghetto does". it was "ghetto" to resort to violence. no wonder "others" do not wish to live around us-es. I cannot fanthom that so many other women on this board justified your actions. No wonder so many young men and increasingly women in our community are incarcerated..... behavior, moraes are taught at home.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

That's just plain crazy. What idiot would relax a 5 year old hair?
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

LOL! This is too funny! She had no right to do that to your child's hair. If she couldn't do anything with it she should have left it alone!

syze6 said:
What's up ladies!

I went on a vacation to the bahamas and my brother watched my children for three days. I returned on the third day only to find that on the first day of keeping my daughter, my sisister in-law applied a relaxer to my daughters hair.I was out of control
How dare she do that
I kicked her a$$
I had combed my daughter hair in tiny braids before I left. She claimed she couldn;t do any thing with it and they were going to a picnic. B%$$# should have left it alone. Everytime I look at my daughters hair I want to drive out to bolingbrook and kick her A$$ again. My daughter told me that the day she relaxed her hair she dropped her daughter off at school; and headed straight to the beauty supply store. She was not on the way to a picnic
I cursed my brother out and he said he didn't know. He though she had hot combed her hair as I usually do. Should I let it grow out. My brother says I went too far with the physical. Ladies who out there feels me.

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Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Sounds like she was testing your boundaries big time and may have had some jealousy going on too. I can't even imagine doing that to someone else's child, even if it was a relative! I hope all goes well for your little girl's hair as the relaxer grows out.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

she had no right to do this. i would have continue to beat her until someone had to hold me back. then maybe poured a big bucket of relaxer over her so she would get the message.
how rude. some people just lack common sense
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$

I hope your daughter's hair is ok and recovers quicky....she was way way way out of line with that...i cannot even begin to think of how i would feel or what i would do if i were in your shoes
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Oh my goodness! My little cousin got her hair relaxed when she was 5 and she is 10 now and she has nothing but disasterous breaking hair because her mother did not propperly take care of it. I'm trying to transition her know.

I would be extremely angry but violence is not the answer but I can not tell you what I wouldv'e done but I probably wouldv'e cursed my sister out for not respecting my wishes. I say transition her or maintain her relaxer if you feel her hair is strong enough and you have the time to maintain it. Best of Luck.
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Definaitely, she was out of line. H ow could she do such a thing? That was so out of order. So what is wrong with little braids for a picnic anyways. I think braids are perfect for a picnic. It is not even my child and I am so pissed. Who gave her that authority. She should not have touched the braids far more to put a relaxer in your childs hair. Three days? I can hardly believe it. The nerve!
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

CheerBear said:
I totally support violence in this situation....not in front of the children though. Im so sorry she did this to your daughter, that was so ..disrespectful isnt even the word...more like stupid, you dont do things to other folk's children without their [email protected] aunt did this to me..well i was 9 and my mom had already relaxed my hair, but it was in good shape and the 9 yr old equivalent of bra strap or longer...well my DEAR AUNT, REST HER SOUL, decides to put a jheri curl in my hair..well needless to say a month later i had to get all my hair cut off into a twa the length of ms. kenesha' you know how traumatizing that is....ok im sorry..i thought i was in my therapist's office..

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There, there Cheerbear!
A jherri curl on top of a relaxer not smart at all
Re: Sis in-law + relax my 5yr old\'s hair = Kick a$$

Has Syze6 come back to this thread? I'd like to hear an update on this situation.