Father In Law Hates natural Hair!!!..VENT!

UPDATE: Well i just finished talking with my husband he apoligized for not saying anything at the BBQ, and called his DAD and let him know "that was innapropriate and that it upset me and made us feel uncomfortable" his father apoligized and said "he didn't mean it like that" and that he was "Sorry" and would not say anything like that again....My husband did mention while we were talking that his dad is getting old and most of the family just ignore him now because he's getting "senile" and says "off the map" stuff all the time, my mom said she noticed that as well and even ignored him herself a few times.

-So i feel better now ladies and from now on we will make it known RIGHT then when (IF) something like that happens :yep:

Good :yep:
Woo HOO tell your Hubby Way to Go!!!!
Make him his favorite tomorrow, and if you don't cook get the chinese people to do it:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:They deliver

UPDATE: Well i just finished talking with my husband he apoligized for not saying anything at the BBQ, and called his DAD and let him know "that was innapropriate and that it upset me and made us feel uncomfortable" his father apoligized and said "he didn't mean it like that" and that he was "Sorry" and would not say anything like that again....My husband did mention while we were talking that his dad is getting old and most of the family just ignore him now because he's getting "senile" and says "off the map" stuff all the time, my mom said she noticed that as well and even ignored him herself a few times.

-So i feel better now ladies and from now on we will make it known RIGHT then when (IF) something like that happens :yep:
I don't think you should stop going there because of a comment and a way of thinking. Is your father's husband we're talking about, a member of your family. You should be able to talk to him, calm and polite, explain to him (and the rest of the family) what you think about natural hair, and what you feel about your daughter's hair, and most important how they makes you feel anytime they talk in that way about this topic.

I gues that if you talk to them - even they don't change their thinking about natural hair - they will double think before going on the natural hair looks again.

Good luck!

I agree with most of this.
#1. I think it is good that you didn't say something right then because you may have been too angry and come off in a way you didn't mean to.

#2. I do think you should be able to say something to him removed from the incident. I feel that him & the family should know your feelings and know that you don't desire to have negativity directed to you or your child.

I don't think avoiding family is the best course of action at this point.
But I don't think you have to be timid about the conversation. I think being direct and logical and compassionate witll do the trick. If it does not then it might be time to stop going there.
Yup, you should definitely say something next time. Be calm but firm when you do it. Let him know in no uncertain terms that you do not allow negative talk about your daughter's (or your) hair and that since you are her parent you will do her hair how you see fit.

I hate when people talk like that around kids because that's how they start getting complexes about their hair.

The end of discussion.