What age do you relax a childs hair???

Im sorry but who in their right mind would compare vaccinations to a relaxer not putting a relaxer on my babys head is not gonna leave him susceptible to measles, polio, hepatitus and many other childhood illnesses that could possibly take my precious little one away from me. Perhaps people forget that years ago many babys did not make it to maturity because of childhood illnesses where as now these sad losses are few and far between. Its completely ridiculous to compare vaccinations to a relaxer.
So I guess chemicals are ok when its for "health" but not for looks...... that makes no sense.....

What about all the children that STILL get sick even AFTER they are vaccinated with mercury, aluminum, aborted fetuses and other byproducts...If you follow the recommended shot schedule by the CDC by the time your child is ONE you would have injected your child with these products at least 5 times with a total of 20 different toxic vaccine combinations.

Then what???

Relaxers are safe and so are vaccines.......*rolls eyes*

How can you know that a vaccine saved a life? Do all people contract all infections? How do you know how many infections have been prevented by vaccines and how many infections have been prevented by other means?

Safety studies have been too short, too small and too few in number to enable us to declare vaccines safe. In addition, the natural immune system of infants has not been studied and is not yet fully understood. The long-term consequences of vaccines on the immune systems of children under two years of age cannot be predicted. And as of yet, this information is not being tracked. If a child develops an autoimmune disorder OR cancer, the cause is not studied; instead, a therapy/medication is developed to treat it nor is the eitology or impact of the bioaccumulative effect of these toxic chemicals in the organs for long term health and morbidity.

FYI....Most of the common childhood diseases were declining in terms of morbidity (complications) and mortality (death) prior to the introduction of vaccinations, according to information obtained directly from government sources <--due to increased sanitation practices and innovations in antiviral and antibiotics.

Vaccines vary in efficacy, and many who have been vaccinated still contract the disease. Therefore, vaccines do not necessarily protect against disability and death from disease. In addition, vaccines have been documented by government and other agencies to cause certain disabilities, even death.

Did you know that the US government doesnt allow you to sue the Vaccine makers? Your tax dollars go to a special court that just tries vaccine cases because of the high volume of lawsuits and complaints. Sounds safe to me.......
The point is ...stop worrying about ONE chemical and worry more about ALL chemicals and their impact on the health and growth of our children! Time to wake up!
My daughter wont be getting a relaxer until she can do it herself, even then I am going to hope she will see by looking at her mom (me) and other women close to her, that her own natural hair is gorgeous. I WILL NOT do that to her, no matter how upset she gets at me. If she (or I) want a straight look, I'll flat iron.
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You know what would be cool? If all of this relevant scientific information could be delivered in a less condescending way. I live in the world of science myself and I agree with just about everything that's been posted, the facts (of course) as well as opinions. However, I don't think it's necessary to state job titles, degrees earned, telling people they have no idea, rolling eyes...ya know, all the sarcasm. It's a wonderful thing to spread one's wealth of knowledge but be mindful of how it's done otherwise it can come off as haughtiness rather than humbleness.
*sings* "Heal the worrrllldddd, make it a better plaaaaace...for you and for me and the entire human raceeeee"
Im sorry but who in their right mind would compare vaccinations to a relaxer not putting a relaxer on my babys head is not gonna leave him susceptible to measles, polio, hepatitus and many other childhood illnesses that could possibly take my precious little one away from me. Perhaps people forget that years ago many babys did not make it to maturity because of childhood illnesses where as now these sad losses are few and far between. Its completely ridiculous to compare vaccinations to a relaxer.

A nut case that's who!:lachen::lachen:Maybe the caustic chemicals have fried their brains to mush!
I think that when she is old enough to go to the salon and get her hair done by a professional with her own earned money from a part time job she can get a relaxer. I feel the same way about getting nails done. If you want to be grown, you have to pay your own way like grown folks do.

It seems that nothing sparks more controversy around sistas than the relaxed v. natural debate. When you feel as fly as I do with all these dreaded kinks, twists, and curls you find yourself caring less about what others are doing and more about staring at your flyness in a mirror.

How can one feel threatened when one feels so fierce?

If you feel as though you look better with straight hair or textured hair that is your choice. I don't debate why I am natural because my opinion about why I think natural hair is better for me would offend people that chose not to because they might feel as though they are being judged when it's not about them, it's about me. I could care less about their hair. :lol:

Maybe people need to keep some things to themselves? Then everyone can stop feeling so defensive about the topic. :grin:
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I thought the whole relaxed versus natural debate had finally died on LHCF.

I can see now why there is a children's hair care section on the board. So many opinions about relaxers, but when moms ask for help, there are not many responses to their questions...I'm just saying, rather than debate, help a mom out! Give helpful advice in the children's section... lend products etc. to someone you know.

A mom will feel more supported to keep her daughter natural when she is being helped rather than judged. I know a lot of posters in this thread already do the above-mentioned suggestions. Others may not realize the pressure moms and their daughters face, which is odd considering that most of us were relaxed at some point...
I thought the whole relaxed versus natural debate had finally died on LHCF.

No way... this topic is like a hydra. When you cut off one of it's heads, two more grow back.

I can't believe someone interjected a discussion of vaccinations into this madness!
You know what would be cool? If all of this relevant scientific information could be delivered in a less condescending way. I live in the world of science myself and I agree with just about everything that's been posted, the facts (of course) as well as opinions. However, I don't think it's necessary to state job titles, degrees earned, telling people they have no idea, rolling eyes...ya know, all the sarcasm. It's a wonderful thing to spread one's wealth of knowledge but be mindful of how it's done otherwise it can come off as haughtiness rather than humbleness.

^^^ This RIGHT here!!!! Saying things such as please let me educate you and stating how many degrees you have in a subject about relaxing a child's hair kind of comes off as high and mighty IMO.

Anywho... if I have a daughter, I highly doubt that I'll be relaxing her hair. Maybe when she's in her teens I'll allow it, but she'll have to go to a salon because Lord knows I can't relax hair to save my life lol. But I definitely think that relaxing a child's hair at 4, 5, or even 8 years old is too young. JMO!

Sent from my iPod touch using LHCF
Can't relaxers make you go blind if it gets in your eyes?

I understand if you are willing to use this chemical as an informed adult on your own head.

But I can't fathom having such a chemical that can damage my child's eyes near her head.
Disclaimer: I'm not yelling. I'm not directing this at OP. Don't take offense. Read it with a smile. :yep:

I understand the intent behind some of the ladies who say they'll never support their daughter relaxing her hair and wouldn't pay for it, etc.

But honestly, y'all make your daughter getting a relaxer sound like she's gettin an abortion or becoming a stripper! If your child is old enough to know what she wants to do with her hair, you should support her and help her so that she DOESN'T become a bald-headed young girl.

To me it sounds like that whole "natural is better than relaxed" mentality. There are tons of healthy relaxed women on this forum so to act like your child relaxing her hair would be like disowning her family is a little offensive, IMO.

I'd rather walk my child through the relaxing process (at the age of 13 or older) and make sure she stays on top of maintaining her hair, than to just send her out into the hair world alone just so I can say "I told you so!"

Seems like that's all Black parents know how to do is say "follow my rules or get out." But it's hair, tho?! It'll grow back. smh.

*gets off soapbox*
Disclaimer: I'm not yelling. I'm not directing this at OP. Don't take offense. Read it with a smile. :yep:

I understand the intent behind some of the ladies who say they'll never support their daughter relaxing her hair and wouldn't pay for it, etc.

But honestly, y'all make your daughter getting a relaxer sound like she's gettin an abortion or becoming a stripper! If your child is old enough to know what she wants to do with her hair, you should support her and help her so that she DOESN'T become a bald-headed young girl.

To me it sounds like that whole "natural is better than relaxed" mentality. There are tons of healthy relaxed women on this forum so to act like your child relaxing her hair would be like disowning her family is a little offensive, IMO.

I'd rather walk my child through the relaxing process (at the age of 13 or older) and make sure she stays on top of maintaining her hair, than to just send her out into the hair world alone just so I can say "I told you so!"

Seems like that's all Black parents know how to do is say "follow my rules or get out." But it's hair, tho?! It'll grow back. smh.

*gets off soapbox*

I'm not being snarky when I ask this, but are you a mother? My daughter wants a lot but she's hardly mature enough to know what she actually needs & what is best for her. My 13 yr old niece who sometimes stay with me is even worse then my 10 yr old. She can never remember to even protect her hair at night.

The subject of relaxers have not come up yet. She's still at the age where she hates getting her hair done. For her the straight look isn't worth the time it takes to flat iron her hair & right now she's clueless of what a relaxer actually is. I am sure the middle school years will bring it all to light.
I'm not being snarky when I ask this, but are you a mother? My daughter wants a lot but she's hardly mature enough to know what she actually needs & what is best for her. My 13 yr old niece who sometimes stay with me is even worse then my 10 yr old. She can never remember to even protect her hair at night.

The subject of relaxers have not come up yet. She's still at the age where she hates getting her hair done. For her the straight look isn't worth the time it takes to flat iron her hair & right now she's clueless of what a relaxer actually is. I am sure the middle school years will bring it all to light.

No, I'm not a mother. No offense but saying that a child doesn't remember to tie their hair up at night isn't news. If it were up to some children they'd never eat vegetables, shower, or sleep. As parents, you have to "force" them to maintain their bodies and health, not to mention their hair.

My point is not that kids are wise and able to weigh the pros and cons of every decision. But you know your child. At 13, I was a freshman in high school and doing my own hair anyway. So I could decide if I wanted a relaxer or not. Not every child is the same so that's why I said "or older."

My real point is: It's just hair! It WILL grow back. :yep: I got a Just For Me when I was a kid and it ate my hair off...it grew back. Then I broke it off again. And it grew back. It just kept coming back no matter what I did to it. Ripped it out with braids. Cut it. Colored it. Locked it. It doesn't stop.

And luckily kids have knowledgeable parents, like yourself, who know how to help them keep it from breaking if they'll listen. I just don't think it's a good idea to make aesthetic decisions for your children based solely on your own preferences. You're raising people. Not carbon copies of yourself.

Lastly, Natural hair requires just as much care as relaxed hair so what makes keeping your child's hair natural a guarantee that it's gonna thrive? She could end up just as bald-headed as a girl with a neglected relaxer.
I'm not being snarky when I ask this, but are you a mother? My daughter wants a lot but she's hardly mature enough to know what she actually needs & what is best for her. My 13 yr old niece who sometimes stay with me is even worse then my 10 yr old. She can never remember to even protect her hair at night.

The subject of relaxers have not come up yet. She's still at the age where she hates getting her hair done. For her the straight look isn't worth the time it takes to flat iron her hair & right now she's clueless of what a relaxer actually is. I am sure the middle school years will bring it all to light.

And, girl, half the time I don't remember either! I know. Shame! *slaps wrist* :lol:
Disclaimer: I'm not yelling. I'm not directing this at OP. Don't take offense. Read it with a smile. :yep:

I understand the intent behind some of the ladies who say they'll never support their daughter relaxing her hair and wouldn't pay for it, etc.

But honestly, y'all make your daughter getting a relaxer sound like she's gettin an abortion or becoming a stripper! If your child is old enough to know what she wants to do with her hair, you should support her and help her so that she DOESN'T become a bald-headed young girl.

To me it sounds like that whole "natural is better than relaxed" mentality. There are tons of healthy relaxed women on this forum so to act like your child relaxing her hair would be like disowning her family is a little offensive, IMO.

I'd rather walk my child through the relaxing process (at the age of 13 or older) and make sure she stays on top of maintaining her hair, than to just send her out into the hair world alone just so I can say "I told you so!"

Seems like that's all Black parents know how to do is say "follow my rules or get out." But it's hair, tho?! It'll grow back. smh.

*gets off soapbox*

Yes! I hate that & I hate it when it's the other way around too. The only thing one needs to be concerned about is what is going on with their own hair. I'm not throwing side eye to chicks w/relaxers because I could care less what they are doing to their hair! I also don't feel like somebody's my Soul Sista & we got matching Africa patches because we are natural. If you mad about what somebody else is doing w/their hair then you clearly have too much free time. If a chick wants to slather her hair in cow dung, then what business is it of mine? That's her hair. She doesn't owe me any philosophy behind it. Life your life & do you.
Yes! I hate that & I hate it when it's the other way around too. The only thing one needs to be concerned about is what is going on with their own hair. I'm not throwing side eye to chicks w/relaxers because I could care less what they are doing to their hair! I also don't feel like somebody's my Soul Sista & we got matching Africa patches because we are natural. If you mad about what somebody else is doing w/their hair then you clearly have too much free time. If a chick wants to slather her hair in cow dung, then what business is it of mine? That's her hair. She doesn't owe me any philosophy behind it. Life your life & do you.

:lachen::lachen:at the bolded...and I agree 100% with that and the rest.
Yes! I hate that & I hate it when it's the other way around too. The only thing one needs to be concerned about is what is going on with their own hair. I'm not throwing side eye to chicks w/relaxers because I could care less what they are doing to their hair! I also don't feel like somebody's my Soul Sista & we got matching Africa patches because we are natural. If you mad about what somebody else is doing w/their hair then you clearly have too much free time. If a chick wants to slather her hair in cow dung, then what business is it of mine? That's her hair. She doesn't owe me any philosophy behind it. Life your life & do you.

Ur right, girl...as long as that chick stays the heck away from me she can slather away! :look: