Single Ladies who own a house, does your man mow the lawn?


Well-Known Member
My BF and I live in seperate houses. Sometimes he mows my lawn, sometimes I mow it, sometimes I pay to get it mowed.

My mother is saying he's not a real man and he doesn't really love me because he doesn't find the time to mow my lawn every single time.

I'm thinking O..K? So my question is do your require your man do to all the "manly type" things like wash car, mow lawn, take out your garbage, take your car for an oil change etc, every time?
I can't say wether he loves you or not, but when my boyfriend (now husband) and I were just dating and not yet living together he did mow my lawn everytime :yep: I never had to pay someone again after my honey :love: But if he didn't mow it, it wouldn't have bothered me.
I guess it would depend more on his attitude than anything else. Only you know in your heart what's acceptable and what's not.

Word of advice, stop telling your mother your business! That will help more than anything else!!!
In my opinion love has nothing to do with hubby takes my car to get the oil change...but I have to and don't mind at all. I take out the trash just like he does and he also does the dishes...we share the chores. Now he mows the grass because "he feels" the outside is his responsibility...however I have expressed to my hubby that I would like to cut the grass as well...but 'he feels" I might mess up the pattern...:rolleyes:...but all in all we share the chores with love...:yep:
I have a nice riding mower, and a double car garage to park it in. Don't need a man to cut my grass! LOL
im single and a very particular person when it comes to the things a bf should do..but this wouldn't bother me--if he at least offered to do it sometimes...

mowing a damn lawn aint all its cracked up to be--lol..but i think since your mom is from a slightly different generation she may feel differently on this but although i hold all bf's to a very high standard if he did mow it but not all the time it wouldn't bother me--now if he never offered or etc he got to go..
im single and a very particular person when it comes to the things a bf should do..but this wouldn't bother me--if he at least offered to do it sometimes...

mowing a damn lawn aint all its cracked up to be--lol..but i think since your mom is from a slightly different generation she may feel differently on this but although i hold all bf's to a very high standard if he did mow it but not all the time it wouldn't bother me--now if he never offered or etc he got to go..
:rofl: :rofl:
My bf and I live about 5 blocks from each other, we had a convo about mowing the lawns one day, he said when my teenage son leaves home, he'd come do it for me. However I have a lawn guy that does it and my bf hates it, he can't belive that I'd pay someone to do what my son or he could do, but hell it's hot in Houston and I don't want my son out there cutting the grass so I gladly pay that $20 for someone else to do it. And my bf helps his brother out at his business on the weekend so I don't want him getting too tired, that cuts into my weekend time. Oh and when bf cuts his grass I do go over just to watch him out there without his shirt on, all sweaty and sexy oh wait I'm wayyyy off topic :sekret:.
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I don't have a man.

However, I have a healthy 16 year old nephew.

He'll be here tomorrow to do some yard work.

I'm even going to help him out.

im single and a very particular person when it comes to the things a bf should do..but this wouldn't bother me--if he at least offered to do it sometimes...

mowing a damn lawn aint all its cracked up to be--lol..but i think since your mom is from a slightly different generation she may feel differently on this but although i hold all bf's to a very high standard if he did mow it but not all the time it wouldn't bother me--now if he never offered or etc he got to go..

Say it again.

Indeed it aint all its cracked up to be.

I'll be closing the end of this month.

My Mom wanted me to ask my retired Step-Dad to mow my lawn to give him something to do in the day. (she says he likes it)

I did and he was happy. And so was my SO:lachen: I guess he already knew what was up.

Yes I would want my SO out there had my Step Father not enjoyed it so much according to my However I wouldnt think he didnt love me if he didnt get out there and do it. I would be a little upset that he would make me pay to have it done though.
I've had my ex mow my lawn when I first got my house. He loved it :perplexed I guess guys like playing with tools and doing those type of work. Now I have a handyman, but when I do have someone in my life I would ask them to, but if he doesn't do it all the time I wouldn't sweat it.

now if he never wants to do it, I would question him.:yep: