Single Ladies: More Prayers For a Godly Husband.


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Dear Heavenly Father, please provide me with the husband that You have chosen for me that I need according to your will. Lord, in Your word it says that You desire for us to marry and raise a family (Gen. 2:24; Mk. 10:6-9).

Bring to me the Christian husband and faithful lifetime companion that You have chosen for me when the time is right (Gen. 2:18,20; Matt. 19:6; Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:39; 2 Cor. 6:14). Give me a good husband who will love and cherish me as Christ loved the church (Eph. 5:25-33; Col. 3:19). Give me a responsible husband who will honor me and adequately care for me and our future family (1 Tim. 5:8).

Grant to me a man who would fulfill the desires of my heart (Ps. 37:4). Help me fulfill the conditions You have set forth in Your word for the promise of a good mate (Ps. 37:4,5; Isa. 34:15,16). Bless my future marriage and let it be an honorable marriage (Heb. 13:4), a faithful marriage (Matt. 19:9), a fruitful marriage (Gen. 1:28; Ps. 127:3; 128:2,3; Prov. 17:6) and a successful marriage (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 128). Help me to always be a good wife who honors and respects her husband (Eph. 5:22,23; 1 Pet. 3:1).

Help me to be a prudent and gracious wife who fulfills her Biblical duties and responsibilities (2 Ki. 4:8; Prov. 11:16; 12:4; 14:1; 19:14; 31:16-31). Let this be a successful marriage where all marriage covenants are honored and Biblical commitments are fulfilled (1 Cor. 7:3-6; Eph. 5:22-24; Col. 3:18; Tit. 2:1-5; 1 Pet. 3:1-6). Give me patience and confidence as I wait on You to lead me to the right mate that You have ordained for me to have (Ps. 52:9; 62:5; 123:2; 130:5; Mic. 7:7). Remove any and all hindrances that might block the blessings I seek from You, Lord (Jer. 5:25).

Thank You, Lord Jesus for Your goodness and faithfulness to me as You fulfill the desires of my heart for a God-fearing man (Lam. 3:23-26; Mk. 11:24). Bless me with the right Christian spouse that I need and bless our future marriage according to Your will, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen

“Therefore I say unto you, What things sover ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24

“Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate:” Isa. 34:16

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” Ps. 37:4, 5

“…observe to do according to all that is written therein…then thou shalt have good success.” Josh. 1:8

“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.” Song of Solomon 2:10
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Holy Father, You said that woman was made from the rib which was
taken from man. Therefore I come to you now, asking for the man whom I was created for – a true steward of God. He shall leave his father and his mother and cleave unto me, and I will be his help meet.

I thank you for a husband who will love me even as Christ also loved the church, and we shall be heirs together of the grace of life according to Your Word.

O Lord my God, You said that the man is the image and glory of God. Therefore I come to you now, praising you for a husband who will nourish and cherish me and not be bitter against me.

He will be blameless, vigilant, sober and apt to teach. He will be patient, respectful, of good behaviour, and will hold the mystery of faith in a pure conscience. He will be a just, holy, temperate man - holding fast the faithful Word as he has been taught.

I thank you for a husband who is not covetous, self-willed, easily angered or lifted up with pride. And because he rules well his own house, our children and I will be in subjection to him according to Your Word.

Father, you said that the head of every man is Christ and he who walks in uprightness fears the Lord. Therefore I come to you now, thanking you for a husband who will give honour unto me, as unto the weaker vessel, so that his prayers will not be hindered.

My husband is blessed; therefore he does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful. His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in that law, he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall prosper.

I thank you for a trustworthy husband who will please me and render due benevolence unto me according to Your Word.

God Most High, You said that a wife should not depart from her husband and a husband should not put away his wife. Therefore I come to you now, vowing that when my husband is bound unto me, he will not seek to be loosed. I will hold my beloved, whom my soul loves, and I will not let him go. According to Your Word, I decree and declare that whom.

God has joined together, no man shall put asunder. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Amen. :yep:
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Lord I'm asking you for a Godly Husband. A man that would love me for me and not for what i have or what i do, love my children as his own, have respect for me and my children, a handsome, tall and a strong christian believer in the lord.

A man that is not afraid to call your name, praise and worship you unconditionally, a man that is willing to provide and protect his family, a man that has a wonderful sense of humor and a great personality, a man that is trust worthy, a man that will have eyes for only me, a man that only speaks kind and joyful words,a man that loves his mother, father, brothers, sisters, and a man that you know who will be the perfect match for me.

Please lord i ask you to show me who he is, or even give me a conformation on who my Godly husband will be... Thank you lord, I love you lord so much and with all my Heart!!

Praise You Father God.. I leave this to you lord.. In Jesus Name.. ~Amen~


Affrimative Prayer for a Husband

Knowing God’s Plan for You Regarding Marriage

Unto You, O Lord, do I bring my desire to find a godly husband. Lord, I trust in, lean on, rely on and am confident in You. Let me not be put to shame or be disappointed; let not my enemies, the spirits of rejection, hurt, inferiority, or unworthiness triumph over me (Psalm 25).​
Heavenly Father, it is written, “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you”, says the Lord, “thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” says the Lord (Jeremiah 29:11-14 amp)​
Heavenly Father, I am looking for Your plan, Your answer for my life. It is my desire to be married. But I must be sure in my decision that I am living as You intend and than I am accepting whatever situation You have put me into. According to Your Word, marriage will bring extra problems that I may not need to face at this time in my life.​
Lord you weigh the spirits, the thoughts and the intents of the heart (Proverbs 16:2), therefore, I give them wholly to You. I ask that You cause my thoughts to become agreeable to Your will, and so shall my plans be established and succeed. Because You Lord, are my Shepherd and I have everything I need! I trust to You my life, Lord, that You will let me rest in the meadow grass and lead me beside the quiet streams. You will give me new strength and help me do what honors and glorifies You the most. Heavenly Father, help me to not be afraid, and to know that You are close beside me, guarding and guiding me all the way as I seek Your will for my life. Lord teach me to always pray and not to faint, lose heart, or give up that I may know Your will for my life. I ask You Lord to give me strength to accept Your will even if that means that it is not Your will for me to be married at this time (Luke 18:1). In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!​

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I think God wants you all to be honest with him by saying, "God, please bless me with a man that I can have sex with within the boundaries of marriage..." :smirk:
^^ I disagree. If that were the case, the prayer wouldn't be for a "godly" spouse; it would be for "any" spouse...

BlackHairDiva, I will definitely remember to include this in our prayers on Thursday night. :yep: Thanks for posting this.

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Can we keep the negativity out of the thread please? I think its beautiful they even acknowledging God in it, instead of going out and getting one on their own..

Carry on ladies....:yep:
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Sex is sanctioned within marriage and we have sexual desires because we were fashioned and commanded to procreate as sexual beings. We have a spiritual side as well but it's natural and normal to want to have sex and to want to get married. We burn with passions because that's how we get married. Don't fool yourselves. If we didn't have this "lustful" desire towards sex, no man/woman would marry. G-d always makes provision.
^^ I disagree. If that were the case, the prayer wouldn't be for a "godly" spouse; it would be for "any" spouse...

BlackHairDiva, I will definitely remember to include this in our prayers on Thursday night. :yep: Thanks for posting this.

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TraciChanel - I disagree that the prayer would be for "any" spouse... there are non-godly men that are not just about sex. Plus, God wants couples to have sex within marriage.

And if your boyfriend ended up like this guy named Ian in this video, would you marry him?
We understand that sex is for marriage and it is a gift. But sex is not the ONLY reason people want to be married. and if it is..then thats a problem...

Sex is sanctioned within marriage and we have sexual desires because we were fashioned and commanded to procreate as sexual beings. We have a spiritual side as well but it's natural and normal to want to have sex and to want to get married. We burn with passions because that's how we get married. Don't fool yourselves. If we didn't have this "lustful" desire towards sex, no man/woman would marry. G-d always makes provision.
We understand that sex is for marriage and it is a gift. But sex is not the ONLY reason people want to be married. and if it is..then thats a problem...

We know sex isn't the ONLY reason, but why else would someone get married then? If you had a husband, would you be ok with him having sex with another woman and not you? But he feared, worshipped, and praised the Lord 24/7?
What? Your post is so....random. And I am not trying to be mean at all, Im not..

This is a thread about women offering up godly prayers for godly husbands and YOU came in here and posted think God wants you all to be honest with him by saying, "God, please bless me with a man that I can have sex with within the boundaries of marriage..." :smirk:

Where did that come from? Of course we know that sex is apart of the package. We are adults here. Now you saying we would be ok with him having sex with other women??? OF COURSE NOT. I just dont understand where all this came from.....

We know sex isn't the ONLY reason, but why else would someone get married then? If you had a husband, would you be ok with him having sex with another woman and not you? But he feared, worshipped, and praised the Lord 24/7?
What? Your post is so....random. And I am not trying to be mean at all, Im not..

This is a thread about women offering up godly prayers for godly husbands and YOU came in here and posted think God wants you all to be honest with him by saying, "God, please bless me with a man that I can have sex with within the boundaries of marriage..." :smirk:

Where did that come from? Of course we know that sex is apart of the package. We are adults here. Now you saying we would be ok with him having sex with other women??? OF COURSE NOT. I just dont understand where all this came from.....

It came from the fact that I think it's sad that I keep seeing all of these single women praying for something that does not exist... a godly husband. No man is godly or perfect. Yes there are good men out there but not godly, holy men that are God-like.

Not only that, but why is so so SO much focused put on wanting a husband so so SO bad!? Why isn't there much focus on Jesus Christ in this world? I think that's why people are so messed up because there is so much pressure put on single women about getting married and they feel like marriage is the end all be all goal in life.
We understand that sex is for marriage and it is a gift. But sex is not the ONLY reason people want to be married. and if it is..then thats a problem...

From my comprehension of that post, it was saying to the ladies here that they might as well be honest that the reason they did want to marry was for sex. From my post, you should glean that sex is natural and normal and a desire that G-d put into place because, without it, people would not marry and procreate. We wouldn't get physical with each other. There are many levels of a relationship and sexual attraction is one of them. No one said it's the ONLY reason to get's the impetus that drives them to consider marriage in the first place. When you look at a man and feel attraction, it's sexual because it involves the hormones. Selecting the right mate for you and especially when considering their spirituality just adds another dimension to the desired relationship.

Editing: Marriage is the is part of marriage and is non-negotiable imho. If I just wanted to talk to somebody of the opposite sex, then I wouldn't seek marriage. No, I want him sexually and it's sanctioned within marriage. No one is discounting the spiritual component to life...but I'm not getting married to have a eunuch talk me to death like a girlfriend.
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Godly men do exist..All a godly man is, is a man of God...So does that mean they are not any men of God around??? We know that's not true. If we are blessed with marriages, no he isnt going to be perfect or already "completed", but that is process that takes time. Godly man is just a man that has a heart for God, and seeks the will of God for his life. So God is not capable of making godly man anymore? Was that just in the "bible days"? The bible says he will never leave himself without a witness. You may not know some, but there are sill godly men around...

Just because a woman is praying for husband, does not mean she is consumed with the idea of being marriage. He said to acknowlegde Him in all of our ways. These women are simply acknowledging God on their desire. No one in THIS thread ever stated about wanting a husband "so so so bad". I have stated in MANY thread that a woman should not be "desperate" to be married, but what i see in here is prayer, and thats beautiful. Women who are making there petitions known to God for what they desire.We get strength, answers and understanding through prayer
And for you to come in here with negative remarks about this thread, because YOU have issues with it, is wrong.

It came from the fact that I think it's sad that I keep seeing all of these single women praying for something that does not exist... a godly husband. No man is godly or perfect. Yes there are good men out there but not godly, holy men that are God-like.

Not only that, but why is so so SO much focused put on wanting a husband so so SO bad!? Why isn't there much focus on Jesus Christ in this world? I think that's why people are so messed up because there is so much pressure put on single women about getting married and they feel like marriage is the end all be all goal in life.
From my comprehension of that post, it was saying to the ladies here that they might as well be honest that the reason they did want to marry was for sex. From my post, you should glean that sex is natural and normal and a desire that G-d put into place because, without it, people would not marry and procreate. We wouldn't get physical with each other. There are many levels of a relationship and sexual attraction is one of them. No one said it's the ONLY reason to get's the impetus that drives them to consider marriage in the first place. When you look at a man and feel attraction, it's sexual because it involves the hormones. Selecting the right mate for you and especially when considering their spirituality just adds another dimension to the desired relationship.

Editing: Marriage is the is part of marriage and is non-negotiable imho. If I just wanted to talk to somebody of the opposite sex, then I wouldn't seek marriage. No, I want him sexually and it's sanctioned within marriage. No one is discounting the spiritual component to life...but I'm not getting married to have a eunuch talk me to death like a girlfriend.


I guess I assumed you was agreeing with the other poster's comment about sex. I apologize. I do agree that sex is a natural thing that happens within marriage. I just didnt want people to think the women in here was only praying for sexual reasons...:yep:
^^To tell the truth, I was confused by what was and still is meant...??? I've seen this argument before. What's wrong with wanting to have sex? If you just wanna pray with someone in a benign relationship cuz you're so holy, join a prayer group but reserve marriage for those of us who wanna play monkey jungle love in the bedroom after prayers .:lachen:
I think its wrong when the ONLY reason you want to be married is because you want a orgasm. I am not trying to be explict but real. If you only want a husband because you need sexual "release"..that is wrong. Is it wrong to look forward to having sex when you get married? no...but it should not be your only focus. A wife was made to be a help meet for the husband. You should want a husband to help and assist him, to help him be a better man of God. You should look forward to yall union glorifying God and becoming one with love someone. Marriage is a a example of the realtionship that Christ desires to have with us.

Again it is nothing wrong with the sexual part, but it should not be the foundation and sole reason for a couple to be married. Because after the sex is over, what will you have?

^^To tell the truth, I was confused by what was and still is meant...??? I've seen this argument before. What's wrong with wanting to have sex? If you just wanna pray with someone in a benign relationship cuz you're so holy, join a prayer group but reserve marriage for those of us who wanna play monkey jungle love in the bedroom after prayers .:lachen:
Godly men do exist..All a godly man is, is a man of God...So does that mean they are not any men of God around??? We know that's not true. If we are blessed with marriages, no he isnt going to be perfect or already "completed", but that is process that takes time. Godly man is just a man that has a heart for God, and seeks the will of God for his life. So God is not capable of making godly man anymore? Was that just in the "bible days"? The bible says he will never leave himself without a witness. You may not know some, but there are still godly men around...

Just because a woman is praying for husband, does not mean she is consumed with the idea of being marriage. He said to acknowlegde Him in all of our ways. These women are simply acknowledging God on their desire. No one in THIS thread ever stated about wanting a husband "so so so bad". I have stated in MANY thread that a woman should not be "desperate" to be married, but what i see in here is prayer, and thats beautiful. Women who are making there petitions known to God for what they desire.We get strength, answers and understanding through prayer
And for you to come in here with negative remarks about this thread, because YOU have issues with it, is wrong.
I'm not making any negative remarks, just speaking on the reality of things. People can get so caught up in their own wants and desires that they forget about what God wants and desires. That is not negative. God says to have faith in him, why pray so much for a husband if you are suppose to believe and trust in God? Pray once and let God do the work in your life. A husband may or may not be for all single women. Let it happen naturally.

Would you say a husband is godly if he has this heart of God and seeks the will of God for his life but decides to go out and have a one night stand with another woman that is not his wife? He has this heart of God now and seeks God's will most of the time. If you say no, then why not? You said a godly man is not perfect or complete yet. So what separates a godly man from a regular man?

And you still did not answer "why else would a man and woman get married if it wasn't for sex?" What other reasons would you get married for besides sex and/or children?
OK which one is it, Poohbear? :ohwell:

Laela - I have a different view about holiness than many of you have here.

You all feel like any man can be godly even if he still sins and is not perfect. As long as he's praising the Lord and going to church, you think a man is godly.

To me, If the man is not perfect and still sins, he is not godly. A godly man is someone who believes and confesses the Lord Jesus and does not commit wilful sin.
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I think its wrong when the ONLY reason you want to be married is because you want a orgasm. I am not trying to be explict but real. If you only want a husband because you need sexual "release"..that is wrong. Is it wrong to look forward to having sex when you get married? no...but it should not be your only focus. A wife was made to be a help meet for the husband. You should want a husband to help and assist him, to help him be a better man of God. You should look forward to yall union glorifying God and becoming one with love someone. Marriage is a a example of the realtionship that Christ desires to have with us.

Again it is nothing wrong with the sexual part, but it should not be the foundation and sole reason for a couple to be married. Because after the sex is over, what will you have?

But I agree... There is this tendency I've noticed in this community to talk down sex as important in marriage. The fact of wishing to get married in the first place as christians means you are looking to "make house" with someone and that is a physical union linked to the spiritual. You can't have one without the other unless there is illness or you were the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. I'm not at all stating that it's the only reason...I'm saying that, in biology, we have sexual attraction by DEFAULT and the provision that G-d makes is in the marital union. That's where all the spiritual links occur and grow. But removing the physical attraction because we're trying to say we're truly looking for the spiritual union is false, imho. You are primarily attracted because of your biology and G-d made it that way. One is truly inextricable from the other. Not just christians get married and it's older than the religion.
Say wha? :lol:

Laela - I have a different view about holiness than many of you have here.

You all feel like any man can be godly even if he still sins and is not perfect. As long as he's praising the Lord and going to church, you think a man is godly. If the man is not perfect and still sins, he is not godly.

A godly man is someone who believes and confesses the Lord Jesus and does not commit wilful sin.
If there is a man in this world who doesn't commit willful sin, then all the other men in the world in comparison should not get married or even confess G-d because they aren't "holy." This viewpoint is not at all biblical. I'm not g-dly either, neither was my mother, father, aunts, uncles, Pope, priest, teachers...nobody is g-dly in this world, according to that description of christian life.
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