Single and almost 26


New Member
So I decided to post my issues here since my few friends are so tired of listening to me. I had previously posted that my ex boyfriend had broken up with me because of his insecurities. But that was only part of the story. I met him online in October. We would text here and there. But we never went out. I finally decided to go out him in November. It was an instance attraction. I have been on blind dates before...some of them were terrible. We had many things in common. He was very handsome. We started hanging out all the time. He said he was looking for a serious relationship. Sidenote almost a year ago he broke up with his girlfriend he was living with and moved in with his aunt. Hes also an assistant manager at a fast food restaurant. Everyone has a past so I didnt think anything of these things. We decided to be in a relationship on 1/11/11. Everything was great and good until. He was suppose to get a promotion at work, which he received but it wasnt for the money he hope for. He said his life goal was to be the manager of this place. Previously we discussed him going back to Temple to finish his degree, since he has sixty something credits. He began to feel he couldnt provide me with anything or take me out as often. Another sidenote-I'm nurse and have been one for five years. His mom murder anniversary was coming up and he was feeling bum. He had misplaced his IPOD and his laptop was broken. I decided to purchase him an IPOD and I had a friend load with all his favorite music and I placed pictures of us and his mom on it. I gave it to him two days before Valentines Day. He refused to take it, he said he didnt deserve it. I was a bit shock. On Valentines Day,I had to work 7-3. We were gonna have dinner downtown. He texted around five to say he wasnt coming over. Make a long story short he confessed that he slept with his ex (the one he use to live with twice). The same day this girl had requested me on facebook. I was so shocked and devastated. But we did talk. He cried and explained all this stuff to me. Yes naive me decided to stick it out. Once again everything was great. We went away on a mini-vacay to New York. I gave him the ipod when we got back. One day I was working 3-11 and he sent me a text "I cant do this anymore, I have feelings for my ex" So three days later he came over to bring back other little things I had given him and to talk. He said he couldnt please me financially or sexually. He doesnt love himself. This ex had two abortions and he feels he owes her something. He doesnt know what he wants to do with his life and at time I was applying to schools. He said he doesnt deserve me and I was too nice. He said he doesnt know if he deserves to be happy. He said hes confused.The ex is more at his level he said. They have been on and off for two years. She has a daughter hes known since she was four months old.The ex also wrote me and said hes always like this up and a rollercoaster. Previously he had mention when we first started talking that he usually dates girls with kids and ones without careers. Its been a month since all of these things occured. I still miss him like crazy. lol. I shouldn't. I still love him. We dont really talk. I text, he doesnt answer. He told he still loves me, but he isnt good enough for me. He said hes still single but is trying to make things work with her...he doesnt know if thats the right thing to do. He said hes better off being alone. SO WHY AM I NOT OVER HIM YET???!!!!! I FEEL SO BAD I INVESTED ALL THIS TIME AND ENERGY INTO THIS RELATIONSHIP. WE REALLY HAD GREAT CHEMISTRY. WE SHARED SO MANY THINGS TOGETHER. I just had to vent. I keep sulking and thinking about him. I know it isnt right:perplexed
Girl... I don't know, but my biggest reaction is that you can probably do better than a cheating fast food worker with emotional issues that you met online and who never even seemed to completely rebound from his ex... c'mon now... pickings are not that slim.

You're probably not over him because for some reason you think you can't do any better, which is more than likely the same reason that allowed you to take this goofball seriously in the first place. I'd focus on that.
I can do better if I would get out of this damn apartment.LOL. I meet guys... I dont click with them. Being with him was effortless before he revealed his psych issues.
Unfortunately i have been in similar " unequally yoked" situations. It helps if you stop contacting him and put your focus on other things. It's a process and you have to grieve the connection/ relationship. It's not easy despite what ur logic tells you about him.

But when a man tells you that he doesn't deserve you, believe him!

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I have a very eccentric personality, and I very rarely click with guys too. There is nothing abnormal or uncommon about that. In fact I would wager most women feel that they rarely "click" with guys too. I choose to simply be single/alone than deal with a loser who, by the way, obviously isn't interested in me. Because all those "excuses" about why he's hanging on to the ex and you're too nice and he doesn't deserve you is just a nice way to tell you "you aren't the one for me and I'm not interested."
I have a very eccentric personality, and I very rarely click with guys too. There is nothing abnormal or uncommon about that. In fact I would wager most women feel that they rarely "click" with guys too. I choose to simply be single/alone than deal with a loser who, by the way, obviously isn't interested in me. Because all those "excuses" about why he's hanging on to the ex and you're too nice and he doesn't deserve you is just a nice way to tell you "you aren't the one for me and I'm not interested."

Yeah my personality is strange. So is his. I wish he would just say that instead it would make feel a whole lot better. He pursued me and led everything on. I really think hes lost and confused though. He just has past issues which he cant let go of at all.
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Let it go. He already told you he's not good enough for you and if that's how he feels, that's how it is. Why do you think he's going back to the ex? He can feel better about himself without doing a damn thing because she's had 2 abortions, a daughter, and minimal education, so even as an assistant manager at a fast food restaurant, he can feel like he's doing something (or a kang :lachen:). Bottom line is, he's not emotionally stable OR ambitious enough to come up to your level, so he stays where he is and goes with the person below his level.

It would never work in the long run because you guys are not on the same page or have the same goals. Consider it a blessing that you dodged a bullet, you didn't invest that much time, and move on.

BTW, mischka summed it up nicely about women not clicking with most guys. 95% of the guys I meet don't interest me in the least, so don't think you're that different in that respect.
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Yeah my personality is strange. So is his. I wish he would just say that instead it would make feel a whole lot better. He pursued me and led everything on. I really think hes lost and confused though. He just has past issues which he cant let go of at all.

Aren't his actions saying it clearly enough? I don't understand this tendency of some women to act like they need a skywriter to come say "I don't want you" flying over their house with the dude's SSN used as a signature. Even if a dude is directly saying "I don't want to be with you" - which, in my opinion, him saying he wants to be with his ex, you are too nice for him, and ignoring your texts is directly saying that - people still make excuses?

I'm not about to get sucked into one of these threads like ol' pink font over there.
OP, as a general rule. Men don't comunicate. They aren't going to say something so blunt as I'm not into you but it was fun. And for the most part, neither do women. This relationship wasn't going to work (for numerous reasons). But I will admit one thing he said to you was right on target. He was right. You can do better, much better.

But please stop texting him. Stop calling. If he wanted to talk to you he would call. (And there is a good chance in the distant future, he will call, you should ignore this). Doing these things just allows you to continue to be fooled.
OP, as a general rule. Men don't comunicate. They aren't going to say something so blunt as I'm not into you but it was fun. And for the most part, neither do women. This relationship wasn't going to work (for numerous reasons). But I will admit one thing he said to you was right on target. He was right. You can do better, much better.

But please stop texting him. Stop calling. If he wanted to talk to you he would call. (And there is a good chance in the distant future, he will call, you should ignore this). Doing these things just allows you to continue to be fooled.

@bolded :yep:

Also, if God made one, he made two. He's not the only guy you'll ever click with. Find one more suitable.
I'm mad that you love him and ya'll only been dating since january. I'm also mad you took his crusty butt to NY AFTER he tol you he slept with the crusty ex.

Girl forget about him. I know it's gonna be hard, but he is not a prize. You don't feel angry at him at all? Maybe it's because you guys had sex, that you feel more emotionally attached? You sound like a nice girl, you WILL find someone that is more suitable for you. :yep:
First of all, you need to let him go.

Secondly, you gave too much too soon--you body and gifts. You said that you invested a lot of time in the relationship---you guys haven't been official until just this year--that's not a lot of time.

You need to move on and do better for yourself. This man has cheated on you and he doesn't have himself together to be with anyone.

Do yourself a favor and move on---I'm really surprised you're putting up this mess :nono:
First of all, you need to let him go.

Secondly, you gave too much too soon--you body and gifts. You said that you invested a lot of time in the relationship---you guys haven't been official until just this year--that's not a lot of time.

You need to move on and do better for yourself. This man has cheated on you and he doesn't have himself together to be with anyone.

Do yourself a favor and move on---I'm really surprised you're putting up this mess :nono:
Dont worry my family and friends wer surprised to. Im still little shock. Yeah it was too much, too soon. I just miss the companioniship. I feel like Im getting old and everyone around me is having babies or getting married.
Aren't his actions saying it clearly enough? I don't understand this tendency of some women to act like they need a skywriter to come say "I don't want you" flying over their house with the dude's SSN used as a signature. Even if a dude is directly saying "I don't want to be with you" - which, in my opinion, him saying he wants to be with his ex, you are too nice for him, and ignoring your texts is directly saying that - people still make excuses?

I'm not about to get sucked into one of these threads like ol' pink font over there.

OP i'm sorry you're hurting, however reading your post made me shake my head:nono::nono: several times. This man has done the absolute worst by you by violating your trust on two separate instances that you know of and yet you still want him?

The only way you'll get over him is if you stop contacting him and accepting his phone calls. One month is not nearly enough to get over someone, so please give yourself enough time to heal and move not look back on this relationship because he's right, he has nothing to offer you:yep:

You're very young, focus on building your life and learning from this relationship. There is someone 100x better suited to you than he ever was

Yeah you are probably the long run, we wouldn't work,

Are you willing to continue to be with someone he cheated on you so soon into your relationship. His job aside, he couldn't even commit to you for a few months.

I know you're hurting, but look at the signs--there are red flags all over this relationship--the hurt you're experiencing now is going to be small compared to what you'll face if you continue with this man.

Make sure you get yourself tested if you've been having sex unprotected. I doubt that his ex is the only woman he's been having sex with--and if she is the only one, who has she been sexing?
I'm mad that you love him and ya'll only been dating since january. I'm also mad you took his crusty butt to NY AFTER he tol you he slept with the crusty ex.

Girl forget about him. I know it's gonna be hard, but he is not a prize. You don't feel angry at him at all? Maybe it's because you guys had sex, that you feel more emotionally attached? You sound like a nice girl, you WILL find someone that is more suitable for you. :yep:

Yes I am angry. I probably more angry at myself for being so damn foolish. Lol.
I'm mad that you love him and ya'll only been dating since january. I'm also mad you took his crusty butt to NY AFTER he tol you he slept with the crusty ex.

Girl forget about him. I know it's gonna be hard, but he is not a prize. You don't feel angry at him at all? Maybe it's because you guys had sex, that you feel more emotionally attached? You sound like a nice girl, you WILL find someone that is more suitable for you. :yep:

I had to go back and read the OP again because I was hoping that it was a typo and she meant 1/11/10.

It seems like so much drama and heartache over someone you've only known for a short period of time. OP let the man go!!! He doesn't sound like he has much to offer.
Yes I am angry. I probably more angry at myself for being so damn foolish. Lol.

I'm glad you see it. Seriously, because some women don't like to admit that they were foolish. We all make mistakes. This is a lesson learned. :yep: 26 is not old. You have a whole lot of time to find a man. Don't rush it and settle for anything.
Yes I know Im foolish. More foolish after he explained their whole relationship. He cheated on her all the time. He also told me wanted to have a he would feel like he accomplished something. He got mad at me when we were in New York. I told him you shouldnt view kids as life accomplishments, especially when you havent accomplished anything yet. So I guess they will be together and finally have their baby.
He has made it very clear that he doesn't want to be with you, period. Don't ever want someone who doesn't want you. All the bs about you being too good is just talk. He doesn't want you, he wants his ex. Let it go. Have a little pride. And he may have issues, yada yada yada, but he is playa for real--he got two women (at least) who know about each other, and still stay chasing after him.
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I'm struck by the fact that you titled this thread "Single and almost 26." Your age has nothing to do with giving this guy more than he deserves. Yet you seemed to want to settle for him because "at this age," you think he's the end all, be all.

Twenty six is not that old. Honestly honey a few years from now you'll be saying, "What was I thinking?!"

Yes, what was I thinking?....started to ask myself that
Throw yourself into something else so you can be too busy to text/ call him.

You know he's sorry, so I won't go into that.

Work some ot so you don't have time for him, get yourself geared up for school, buy YOURSELF an ipod and a trip to the beach, and chill. *hugs*

And on a very serious note, go get tested, because his sorry self has told you he sleeps with ol girl without wrapping it up (2 abortions) and your wrapper could have had a weak spot or something.
Hey, I recently turned 26, and the only things I regret are wasted time with men who weren't worth it. Don't let your perception of how old you are mess with your judgment. I would much rather be 26, 30, 40+ and single than any of those ages and wishing I had broken things off with a man years ago.
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