Since we all want a pibbs 514....


Well-Known Member
UPDATE 12/25/07 @ 9.39 pm

Imperial Sales......

PIBBS 514 (includes shipping)

514 @ $235

PIBBS 512 (includes shipping)

512 @ $180


Prices are good till January 31, 2008

YOu can pay by check. Will update when VSLADY get back to me on how to make your payment.
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Tenjoy, if you can figure out someway for us to get a significant discount then I'm all for it! Just look at my avatar...I'm obsessed!
ok girls im on this. I will begin my callin/emailing faxing and what not. just post in if your interested!
ok. heres what I have so far. I talked to the wholsaler and quantity does effect price! So there would have to be a minimum order. He is able to get me a price. I would like to also set a target buy date, sometime in very early 2008, enough time to get everyone to save up money or minimum order. He will call me back tommorrow morning with number! so excited!

Now I have to figure out shipping and what not. Maybe they can shop direct. have to find out.
I'd love to get in on this but I have a few question.

Is he willing to ship and accept payment from everyone separately?

Or does he plan on sending X dryers to one place and that same person is collecting all the money.
I'd love to get in on this but I have a few question.

Is he willing to ship and accept payment from everyone separately?

Or does he plan on sending X dryers to one place and that same person is collecting all the money.

im still figuring that out, he is going to call me back in the morning with quanity/cost ratios. Then we will talk about shipping, maybe that can be discounted also. I think they are capable of shipping individually, since you can order directly from them. Maybe we can set up a group code to call in order. I by no means want your money in my hand. If it came to that it would be by check or money order only made out to the company (Pibbs). If you guys have any other suggestions/opinions please post. :yep: Your input will be very helpful.

What kind of price are you looking for (other than free:grin:)?
Sounds like a good idea, maybe it can be thru a link from this site and we can get discounts if we can guarantee that X amount of folks will order thru the link.
Absolutely count me in - I am so on this. I do have a quesstion - which model are we talking about?

never mind the question - I just saw.
I want one too. What is the "right price?" for most? $200? $175?? Just curious.

Good Question! And lets be realistic. The regular price for the PIBBS 514 is about $289 online right now excluding shipping. Of course I am shooting for way cheaper, but savings is in numbers. So get at the non members you know!

Remember this is NOT THE 512.