Silica Information


When I hit waist I stop
Nature’s Internal Cosmetic!

Tissue degeneration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue develops an increasing inability to retain moisture when left unassisted. Silica can help slow the degenerative process of connective tissue. With silica, vitality and life, which are often lost as the years accumulate, can be naturally maintained or even restored to your skin. Connective tissue consists of collagen, elastin, mucopolysaccharides, and mucous carbohydrates which help moisture retention. Their ability to retain moisture keeps the connective tissue “bouncy” and has obvious importance in the prevention of premature aging. All these important molecules house large quantities of silica. Collagen, largely made up of silica, is the “glue” that holds us together. If our body has enough silica glucosaminoglycane, the collagen will make us look younger.

If you regularly follow a silica regimen, your skin will keep its young look. However, do not expect instant results. It is a good idea to start organic vegetal silica supplementation years before the collagen in your body has deteriorated to the point where it shows in the wrinkles on your face and body. A good silica supplementation program works far better than other products for maintaining healthier and longer lasting collagen.

Hair That Grows!

Hair is nature’s greatest beauty enhancer. It makes us sexually attractive and serves to protect us. Hair deserves to be pampered. Hair at 90 micrograms per gram is almost as rich in silica as are healthy bones, which contain 100 micrograms per gram. Silica is a major component of hair. Using a good silica supplement should be part of your ongoing hair care program for revitalizing hair. Silica helps to prevent baldness, stimulates healthier hair growth and assures beautiful shine, luster and strength.

Teeth and Gums!

By hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession that causes the loosening of teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Vegetal silica effectively fights caries (ulceration and the decay of a bone or of a tooth) and inflammation.

Tough As Nails!
Your nail plates are complex protein structures that grow four to five millimeters per month on average. In case of deficiency, the rate of growth slows. So your fingernails can be the first indicators of silica deficiency. Demineralization of the nails precedes by far any decalcification of bones. It is possible to start silica supplementation in time to prevent bone loss. With silica supplementation, fragile nails become normal within a short period of time. Silica will beautify the appearance of your nails and improve their hardness, making them shinier and less prone to breaking.
The restorative effects of silica will be most noticeable on your hair, skin, nails and teeth. Our skin and hair require silica essentially for the same purpose as do other tissues. As we know, the supporting collagen underneath the skin enhances elasticity and beauty. Collagen owes that quality to silica, which provides a beautiful complexion that is more than skin deep.
I know silica is very good for the skin. I started taking it a couple of months ago because I've had stretch marks for such a long time and I was looking for a way to get rid of them. It took about three months but my stretch marks are slowly fading. I don't use cocoa butter so it has to be the silica. I think its due to the increase in collagen production so collagen replacement is occuring a lot faster with less time for collagen breakdown to occur.
Good info that reinforces my decision to continue silica. I was considering phasing it out but now I probably keep it. Thanks for the info! :)
Good luck with those who take silica, make sure you drink double your usual amounts of water, cause when I used it, it made my face break out. I will never use it internally again.
My only issue with silica is the price. The body essential version at whole foods contains more Silica tha. Horsetail supps, but it's sooo expensive. You can buy a bottle of 30 for $ 12, but you have to take 6 a day. I want to get back into taking it. I did for a month and didn't notice much,but a month is never long enough to assess how well supplements work.
My only issue with silica is the price. The body essential version at whole foods contains more Silica tha. Horsetail supps, but it's sooo expensive. You can buy a bottle of 30 for $ 12, but you have to take 6 a day. I want to get back into taking it. I did for a month and didn't notice much,but a month is never long enough to assess how well supplements work.


I take this


and get it from for $9.79 for a one month supply. It took me 3 months to notice a dramatic change in my hair and skin, but instantly with my nails.

Guaranteed Potency
70% Organic Silica
Green Screened
Easy-to-Swallow Capsules

Bamboo is consumed in Asia, where it is known for its healthful properties. The abundance of silica in bamboo causes a silica gel to form in the hollow stem of the plant. This gel is called tabashir. Solaray Bamboo Extract is standardized for organic silica and is intended to provide nutritive support for healthy connective tissue, bones, hair, skin and nails
i wonder what foods we can get this from?

sharifeh - asparagus, cabbage, cucumbers, dandelion greens (edible weeds with an intense hearty taste and bitter tinge), lettuce, mustard greens, olives, parsnips, radishes, white onions, corn, sugar beets, bell peppers, horsetail grass (herb), soybeans, alfalfa and stems of leafy vegetables. Very high amounts of silicon are also found in whole-grain foods, such as rice and oats, as well as millet and flaxseeds.

Read more: What Foods Contain Silicon? |
thanks Poohbear
I have nothing against supplements but why not use this hair journey to try and get a better diet too? My mom has a great diet and her hair grows like a weed. Better results than I get with my 50-11 horse pills :lol:

I take this


and get it from for $9.79 for a one month supply. It took me 3 months to notice a dramatic change in my hair and skin, but instantly with my nails.

Guaranteed Potency
70% Organic Silica
Green Screened
Easy-to-Swallow Capsules

Bamboo is consumed in Asia, where it is known for its healthful properties. The abundance of silica in bamboo causes a silica gel to form in the hollow stem of the plant. This gel is called tabashir. Solaray Bamboo Extract is standardized for organic silica and is intended to provide nutritive support for healthy connective tissue, bones, hair, skin and nails

Forever in Bloom thanks! what differences did u notice?
I use the solaray bamboo too. Ladies be careful with horsetail: I didn't know it contained nicotine and caffeine so for a few weeks when I was having constant headaches and feeling miserable after starting horsetail pills, I was super confused. After i found that out I stopped taking it and switched to bamboo. No more headaches, excellent growth, and improved hair and skin quality. I think bamboo silica is a keeper!
I take Now Foods Silica Complex 500mg (bought on Amazon). I been taking it for about a month now. I have seen great results with my skin. My face is so radiant and clear now. I think it's too early to see any hair benefits. Only thing is must consume a lot of water with this supplement, for me, it makes me constipated.

sharifeh , I totally agree with you and would like to transition off of supplements and consume more healthy rich soon as I can get out of this "microwave" society mentality (fast, easy and now).