Signs of Love...


New Member
Let's talk about a little astrology...for those who are game... Please state your sign, and tell us about your experience with men of different signs...It should be fun to see if we have common ideas about men of various signs and our compatablility with them!

I'll start...I'm a Capricorn.

Mr. Virgo- Ahh my experiences with him... 2 had my heart. The one I wil always love...he was a neat freak, super analytical, and very very good in bed... Slow and steady with everything

Mr. Sagittarius- Charismatic, very VERY critical of himself and others...great body/in shape. Very goal driven and charismatic. He got great opportunities, and always seemed to know the right person. Speaks his mind...whether you like what comes out or not. Pretty straightforward in all aspects...

Mr. Scorpio- Still trying to figure him out...SUPER sexy, and SUPER enigmatic...this man oozes sex appeal.

What say you, ladies??? Spill!
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I am cancer

Mr Scorpio- Self-indulgent, passionate, sexy,likes being the victim, selfish, demanding

Mr Taurus- his lack of spontaneity killed me, i also felt he could be emotionally abusive because they never forget a da*n thing and they use it against you, likes to provide, sex was pretty vanilla

I am not going to mention too many men 'fore i get put on the 'heauxs of lhcf' hotlist!
Let's talk about a little astrology...for those who are game... Please state your sign, and tell us about your experience with men of different signs...It should be fun to see if we have common ideas about men of various signs and our compatablility with them!

I'll start...I'm a Capricorn.

Mr. Virgo- Ahh my experiences with him... 2 had my heart. The one I wil always love...he was a neat freak, super analytical, andvery very good in bed... Slow and steady with everything:blush::lick:

Mr. Sagittarius- Charismatic, very VERY critical of himself and others...great body/in shape. Very goal driven and charismatic. He got great opportunities, and always seemed to know the right person. Speaks his mind...whether you like what comes out or not. Pretty straightforward in all aspects...including the bedroom:spinning:

Mr. Scorpio- Still trying to figure him out...SUPER sexy, and SUPER enigmatic...this man oozes sex appeal.

What say you, ladies??? Spill!

At the red bolded: doesn't that get boring after a while? 'Making love' ain't what its cracked up to be! Sometimes you just know what i'm talking bout!
I am cancer

Mr Scorpio- Self-indulgent, passionate, sexy,likes being the victim, selfish, demanding

Mr Taurus- his lack of spontaneity killed me, i also felt he could be emotionally abusive because they never forget a da*n thing and they use it against you, likes to provide, sex was pretty vanilla

I am not going to mention too many men 'fore i get put on the 'heauxs of lhcf' hotlist!

Exactly! No Heauxs over here:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Mr. Cancer- Never gave him a chance past friendship because he was too sensitive for me...He always wanted to share "feelings" and have deep emotional convos, and Ms. Capricorn isn't too fond of that!
I am a leo with a libra moon (virgo rising). I state my moon bc I feel its more impt and i see it more in people's personality including my own.

Leo with Gemini moon- Very polite and charming and loves to joke around. Will play around a lie and go along with it as long as you believe it. I told him you always good at telling tales. He said yeah I am but I always tell the truth afterwards which is true...leos can't lie for to long, well im speaking for myself and those i know. He said I gotta keep you thinking, that is one things a learned about gemini influences and I love it but hate it was a HS crush and we still stay connected. I can call him my friend.

Scorpio with Sag moon-Very affectionate and sweet. Very Friendly Always saw the good in others regardless of the person character..easily influenced. Mr. Fix it, he fixed everything. Secretive especially with his feelings. Was very sensitive and kept alot of his problems with me to himself. My first love of 5.5 years. We are not on speaking terms in my eyes but he still finds way to try to stay connected. He has a girl but still can't seem to let go of me I feel.

Gemini with Aries moon- Very handsome and charming but a jerk. He just wanted one thing.

Libra with Gemini Moon- Very charming and polite but he dragged his feet with me. He liked me and I liked him but never initiated anything to go forward but we were friends. He tried to after I loss interest. He still contacts me time from time to catch up and say he miss me.

Virgo with Gemini Moon- He was older and we were platonic. I enjoy talking with him bc I can actually talk about things that interest me (which are unconventional topics) and he know about it. He is well read and open minded. But he annoyed me to a certain extent bc everything turned into a debate and this dude would not back down and I would not either. I ended up always telling him to shut the F up or something. Plus he was passive agressive and that is not attractive to me, especially with a male. Another thing that bothered me was the fact that he wanted me to tell him everything about astrology but he did not believe it really. For me to know what I know takes hours over a long period of time and why would I waste my time telling you about it if you don't believe it forreal (his gemini moon, wanting to know a little bit of everything without knowing the detail).I stopped speaking to him for a year and he DJ events and saw me at one recently and said hey over the mic, I waved and kept it moving.

Cancer with Aquarius Moon- He is a young one, won't be able to buy a drink until the summer but he is extremely mature. I could talk to him about many things that I cannot talk to just anybody about. I also loved that he actually read books. He is definitely a leader, I think of a young Obama or something. He wants to be a politician but he is so honest and warm hearted, I wonder how that is going to work out. I had a crush on him but he is now engaged to a young lady and they are suppose to be getting married next year I believe.

Sagittarius with a Gemini Moon-This man right here is my mirror. I knew he had a strong gemini aspect when I starting chilling with him. This boy can't stay in one spot if someone paid him. I asked him, does your mind feel like its racing, he told me that I must be in his head. He loves cars and motorcycles (almost died in a motorcycle accident-so happy he made it through and I was able to meet him), Fast things. He is a straight shooter, says what is on his mind, and he has a potty mouth. He gets on me bc I am more indirect (Libra moon). Loves to push buttons to get a reaction. This one like to debate, do the back and forth thing...Plays with words...he definitely has a gift of gab, he was a car salesman for goodness sakes. He loves history and abstract things but does not like to read and horrible If you can't tell, he is my favorite one..He definitely plays with words sometimes he says something and then when I think about it kind of means something else...hard to explain. He has a lot of female friends and he is a huge flirt..He does not like emotional things at ALL. I feel like he has a great sense of the world but when it comes to him and his emotions, thats where it gets confusing which is why he avoids it. He says emotions affects good judgement. Me on the other hand, have a great sense of self and my emotions and still striving to learn the world around me...I use my heart to make decisions. That is why I say he is my mirror. We both are striving for the same goal we just go about it the opposite way. He said I think our bond is strong bc we both have the ability to say what we want without feeling like we are being judged. I can honestly say that he has become a bestfriend.

I noticed that I am drawn to Gemini moons. I love Air, Fire, and Some water....Can't do the Earth.

My fav is Air bc of the intelligent factor, you can talk for hours with these types.
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tinkat thanks for including the moon signs! I definitely think that the entire chart is important as far as personality/ compatability... but I find it too invasive to ask all of the birth hour, etc. questions that it takes to figure it out.
Ok I'm a capricorn...

Mr. Pisces:My first love, although we never oficially hooked up we were just very close friends, we still are. He is very sensitive, caring, and a doormat in a way lol. He had my heart, but could never admit to loving me, so being the hard headed goat that I am, I never told him how I felt.

Mr. Virgo: Mr. clean indeed, very straightforward and analytical. He was kind of demanding at times. He never forgot a thing too, and would always throw past mistakes in my face. He left me heartbroken. :perplexed

Mr. Libra: My current love who is very energetic, sexual, and wild. He can be secretive and not like to talk about things that hurt him. Somehow he does balance partying lifestyle with being a full time student and working two jobs. And yet still have time for me, it's impressive really.

Astrology speaking I am only suppose to be compatible with the first 2 , but I find myself very close with my libra love.
Conqueror_aka I understand girl, I know bc I either knew these people for years or we just talked a great deal to where it was not...but its funny when you study it enough, you can guess without knowing birthdates.
I'm a Scorpio:grin: with Sag on my Ascendant/Moon/Venus. I post all this because Scorpio/Sag are contrasting energies and I feel them both play out in my life and they come into play here. (For those who don't know, Venus is what a man is attracted to in a woman, and for women, her Venus is how she looks at love. It's the reverse with Mars.)

Mr. Sagittarius
--His birthday is the day after mine, although he was born the year before me. He's the first guy I technically dated though I don't count him because we were kinda pushed together. He liked me, I didn't feel the same way about him, 1) because he was exactly like me in all the wrong ways and 2) I felt no power coming from him. We Scorpios love power and we're drawn to men we feel have it.

Mr. Capricorn #1/Venus in Sagittarius--The first guy I ever fell for. He wanted to date me but we're in different states and both busy in grad school. Me in law school, him in med school. I was drawn to him because he was the first person I met who was ambitious/goal-oriented like me. Yet we could also goof around and be silly too. But where Scorpios put the same amount of energy into everything we do i.e. family, career etc., Caps are known to get caught up in career success so much that they let their relationships slide. He even told me stories where it happened. He's also a perfectionist. If he can't do something exactly perfectly right he doesn't do it at all. I mention the Venus in Sag because we share it. I guess it's no coincidence we met in study abroad program in Spain (Sag is associated with travel). We don't really speak anymore, just briefly on FB because we're both so busy. I'm glad I met him but I'm not sure I'd date him now if distance wasn't an issue.:perplexed

Mr. Capricorn #2/Venus in Sag--My ex-roommate. We never actually dated, though everyone around me said he wanted to. Similar issues as Mr. Sag and I wasn't feeling it. He too was also caught up in his career, although his problem was he spent a lot of time talking instead of doing.

Mr. Picses--My last crush. One of the finest men I've ever laid eyes on. Not only that, he's super smart/passionate about what he does and we're in the same field, kinda. He's also Egyptian and I have a weakness for foreign men.:lick: But he's 2 years younger than me and appeals too much to my Sagittarian energy and not enough to my Scorpionic side. I'm already imbalanced enough.:ohwell: There's always a chance I'll run into him so I keep my distance and remind myself why it would never work.
I'm a Libra.

Mr. Capricorn- Stubborn. Too focused on work and not focused on me enough for my liking.

Mr. Aquarius(s)- So sweet- Awesome communicator. Arrogant; it can be cute then it can be a turn off.

Mr Gemini- Nuts. Idk how we are supposed to be compatible. Like's attention more than I do.

Mr. Leo- Seriously I've generally liked every Leo guy I dated personality wise. I just feel like they are cheaters. But they sweat me the way I like. Not too much but enough to keep me interested, lol. I have yet to take one serious. They can be a little dominant or maybe territorial is a better word.

Mr. Pisces- Slippery mofos. Pisces men are deceptive IMO. I've fallen for one too many.

Mr. Libra- Can't do it. I like to be sweated. He likes to be sweated. We both are waiting on the other to make a move.

Mr. Aries- Way too dominant.

Mr. Scorpio- Weirdos but it's always love, lol.
I'm a Libra.

Mr. Capricorn- Stubborn. Too focused on work and not focused on me enough for my liking.

Mr. Aquarius(s)- So sweet- Awesome communicator. Arrogant; it can be cute then it can be a turn off.

Mr Gemini- Nuts. Idk how we are supposed to be compatible. Like's attention more than I do.

Mr. Leo- Seriously I've generally liked every Leo guy I dated personality wise. I just feel like they are cheaters. But they sweat me the way I like. Not too much but enough to keep me interested, lol. I have yet to take one serious. They can be a little dominant or maybe territorial is a better word.

Mr. Pisces- Slippery mofos. Pisces men are deceptive IMO. I've fallen for one too many.

Mr. Libra- Can't do it. I like to be sweated. He likes to be sweated. We both are waiting on the other to make a move.

Mr. Aries- Way too dominant.

Mr. Scorpio- Weirdos but it's always love, lol.

Well this explains a lot with Mr. Libra. :nono: I certainly miss him. I think I want an earth sign now. I get along best with Virgo.
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I am an aquarius and I'm layed back...kinda quiet.

I have been with more leo men than any other sign. 2 exes and my current SO are all leos, very strong sign..and leo men have some arrogance in them but as long as u keep them in their place its all good lol. Seems like i always end up with a leo man and we are complete opposites which helps us balance eachother.
Mr. Cancer- Never gave him a chance past friendship because he was too sensitive for me...He always wanted to share "feelings" and have deep emotional convos, and Ms. Capricorn isn't too fond of that!



Cancer men are some punks. :lol:
I am a leo with a libra moon (virgo rising). I state my moon bc I feel its more impt and i see it more in people's personality including my own.

Leo with Gemini moon- Very polite and charming and loves to joke around. Will play around a lie and go along with it as long as you believe it. I told him you always good at telling tales. He said yeah I am but I always tell the truth afterwards which is true...leos can't lie for to long, well im speaking for myself and those i know. He said I gotta keep you thinking, that is one things a learned about gemini influences and I love it but hate it was a HS crush and we still stay connected. I can call him my friend.

Scorpio with Sag moon-Very affectionate and sweet. Very Friendly Always saw the good in others regardless of the person character..easily influenced. Mr. Fix it, he fixed everything. Secretive especially with his feelings. Was very sensitive and kept alot of his problems with me to himself. My first love of 5.5 years. We are not on speaking terms in my eyes but he still finds way to try to stay connected. He has a girl but still can't seem to let go of me I feel.

Gemini with Aries moon- Very handsome and charming but a jerk. He just wanted one thing.

Libra with Gemini Moon- Very charming and polite but he dragged his feet with me. He liked me and I liked him but never initiated anything to go forward but we were friends. He tried to after I loss interest. He still contacts me time from time to catch up and say he miss me.

Virgo with Gemini Moon- He was older and we were platonic. I enjoy talking with him bc I can actually talk about things that interest me (which are unconventional topics) and he know about it. He is well read and open minded. But he annoyed me to a certain extent bc everything turned into a debate and this dude would not back down and I would not either. I ended up always telling him to shut the F up or something. Plus he was passive agressive and that is not attractive to me, especially with a male. Another thing that bothered me was the fact that he wanted me to tell him everything about astrology but he did not believe it really. For me to know what I know takes hours over a long period of time and why would I waste my time telling you about it if you don't believe it forreal (his gemini moon, wanting to know a little bit of everything without knowing the detail).I stopped speaking to him for a year and he DJ events and saw me at one recently and said hey over the mic, I waved and kept it moving.

Cancer with Aquarius Moon- He is a young one, won't be able to buy a drink until the summer but he is extremely mature. I could talk to him about many things that I cannot talk to just anybody about. I also loved that he actually read books. He is definitely a leader, I think of a young Obama or something. He wants to be a politician but he is so honest and warm hearted, I wonder how that is going to work out. I had a crush on him but he is now engaged to a young lady and they are suppose to be getting married next year I believe.

Sagittarius with a Gemini Moon-This man right here is my mirror. I knew he had a strong gemini aspect when I starting chilling with him. This boy can't stay in one spot if someone paid him. I asked him, does your mind feel like its racing, he told me that I must be in his head. He loves cars and motorcycles (almost died in a motorcycle accident-so happy he made it through and I was able to meet him), Fast things. He is a straight shooter, says what is on his mind, and he has a potty mouth. He gets on me bc I am more indirect (Libra moon). Loves to push buttons to get a reaction. This one like to debate, do the back and forth thing...Plays with words...he definitely has a gift of gab, he was a car salesman for goodness sakes. He loves history and abstract things but does not like to read and horrible If you can't tell, he is my favorite one..He definitely plays with words sometimes he says something and then when I think about it kind of means something else...hard to explain. He has a lot of female friends and he is a huge flirt..He does not like emotional things at ALL. I feel like he has a great sense of the world but when it comes to him and his emotions, thats where it gets confusing which is why he avoids it. He says emotions affects good judgement. Me on the other hand, have a great sense of self and my emotions and still striving to learn the world around me...I use my heart to make decisions. That is why I say he is my mirror. We both are striving for the same goal we just go about it the opposite way. He said I think our bond is strong bc we both have the ability to say what we want without feeling like we are being judged. I can honestly say that he has become a bestfriend.

I noticed that I am drawn to Gemini moons. I love Air, Fire, and Some water....Can't do the Earth.

My fav is Air bc of the intelligent factor, you can talk for hours with these types. funny..The latest potential is a virgo with gemini moon....

Ironic bc I don't normally do earth.
Im an aries/taurus cusp

Mr Aquarius- complicated with serious committment issues. Flows from woman to woman. super romantic real nassssty freak-a-leek. Not outwardly jealous plays things off like he doesn't care when he really does. Very charming secretly possessive

Leo- Great friend but no. Wayyy toooo soppy. Very jealous (went into my emails). Not a dominant person in the relationship. Very caring always there.

Mr sag- Body like..perfection. very outdoorsy - free climbing surfing parachuting. Very family orientated. Freaks out at the fear of being tied down too much yet craves intimacy very insecure. Very romantic and thoughtful- will plan a night away without you suggesting it. Passionate amazing in le boudoir. Dominant makes it known when he's not happy with something.
OMG! This is sooo true! He was a poet too so he was in emotional overdrive! I was exhausted half the time trying to get him out of his bad moods at times :nono:

Mr. Cancer- Never gave him a chance past friendship because he was too sensitive for me...He always wanted to share "feelings" and have deep emotional convos, and Ms. Capricorn isn't too fond of that!
My SO is an Aquarius and this is him! I love me some him though :yep: I am a SAG and love my freedom and he gives me that even though he low key gets jealous, i think its cute. He has been very committed to me ONCE he trusted me and I think that is key. They will NOT latch on unless they trust you and then after that you are Golden. I LOVE his communication skills because I like to talk things out and he loves that about me and makes him open up more.

Im an aries/taurus cusp

Mr Aquarius- complicated with serious committment issues. Flows from woman to woman. super romantic real nassssty freak-a-leek. Not outwardly jealous plays things off like he doesn't care when he really does. Very charming secretly possessive

Leo- Great friend but no. Wayyy toooo soppy. Very jealous (went into my emails). Not a dominant person in the relationship. Very caring always there.

Mr sag- Body like..perfection. very outdoorsy - free climbing surfing parachuting. Very family orientated. Freaks out at the fear of being tied down too much yet craves intimacy very insecure. Very romantic and thoughtful- will plan a night away without you suggesting it. Passionate amazing in le boudoir. Dominant makes it known when he's not happy with something.
I'm a Taurus....

Leo #1 - had chemistry and a great friendship. I wanted more and he was the reluctant one. Conversations were never ending and the physical chemistry was on fire. Grr. Stupid Lion.

Taurus - we were very similar but he took indulgence to a whole other level... Which wound up taking his life... We got on great though. He was too much fun for me. High energy, magnetic, loving, positive... True shame.

Libra - I've fallen for 2 libras. They seem to be sort of conservative for me. And maybe a bit misogynistic. The first one was just a long term crush who is now one of my oldest friends and there are no romantic feelings now. He's just old school in a weird way. Not my thing. The second libra was my longest relationship. He was a caring and protective guy but also very right wing (unexpectedly) and quick to accuse. Mean sometimes. Not a match.

Leo #2 - as if I would have listened the first time.... This Leo came after me and we got along great. Had a ton in common. He was super affectionate and fun and creative. Passionate. He liked to be the center of attention though. I'm not down with that. I'm the special one.... Always!

Virgo - this is supposed to be one of my most perfect sign matches. I'm practical. He's practical. The physical connection is supposed to be out of this world bc our signs are both super sensual. Hmm. I'll say that I like this one and there is a draw towards each other. I've been gently pushing him off but like a man, they don't accept defeat well.

Mr sag- Body like..perfection. very outdoorsy - free climbing surfing parachuting. Very family orientated. Freaks out at the fear of being tied down too much yet craves intimacy very insecure. Very romantic and thoughtful- will plan a night away without you suggesting it. Passionate amazing in le boudoir. Dominant makes it known when he's not happy with something.

my first love to a T. omg. UGHHHHH.
Im an aries/taurus cusp

Mr Aquarius- complicated with serious committment issues. Flows from woman to woman. super romantic real nassssty freak-a-leek. Not outwardly jealous plays things off like he doesn't care when he really does. Very charming secretly possessive

Leo- Great friend but no. Wayyy toooo soppy. Very jealous (went into my emails). Not a dominant person in the relationship. Very caring always there.

Mr sag- Body like..perfection. very outdoorsy - free climbing surfing parachuting. Very family orientated. Freaks out at the fear of being tied down too much yet craves intimacy very insecure. Very romantic and thoughtful- will plan a night away without you suggesting it. Passionate amazing in le boudoir. Dominant makes it known when he's not happy with something.

My SO is an Aquarius and this is him! I love me some him though :yep: I am a SAG and love my freedom and he gives me that even though he low key gets jealous, i think its cute. He has been very committed to me ONCE he trusted me and I think that is key. They will NOT latch on unless they trust you and then after that you are Golden. I LOVE his communication skills because I like to talk things out and he loves that about me and makes him open up more.

I agree with the bolded. I am an Aries and he keeps me calm when I get excited. To the underlined, he communicates well once he has processed everything. He really gets in his head before he opens up, which can be reallt annoying. Other than that, we get along fairly well.

Mr. Taurus was crazy as hayle! We were oil and vingear. He was boring, cheap, and verbally abusive. I really think he was headed toward being physically abusive with his stubborn, mean, and egotistical self!!! :look: I'm an Aries and he broke my spirit, so you know this fool was crazy.
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I also think he keeps me calm I havve so much going on sometimes I am all over the place and I can get a lil stressed and he will tell me "Babe, calm down, it's gonna be alright we will get through this Then I get the :kiss:
I love how affectionate he is, really makes everything so much sweeter!

I agree with the bolded. I am an Aries and he keeps me calm when I get excited. To the underlined, he communicates well once he has processed everything. He really gets in his head before he opens up, which can be reallt annoying. Other than that, we get along fairly well.

Mr. Taurus was crazy as hayle! We were oil and vingear. He was boring, cheap, and verbal abusive. I really think he was headed toward being physically abusive with his stubborn, mean, and egotistical self!!! :look: I'm an Aries and he broke my spirits, so you know this fool was crazy.
I'm a Libra.

Mr. Capricorn- Stubborn. Too focused on work and not focused on me enough for my liking.

Mr. Aquarius(s)- So sweet- Awesome communicator. Arrogant; it can be cute then it can be a turn off.

Mr Gemini- Nuts. Idk how we are supposed to be compatible. Like's attention more than I do.

Mr. Leo- Seriously I've generally liked every Leo guy I dated personality wise. I just feel like they are cheaters. But they sweat me the way I like. Not too much but enough to keep me interested, lol. I have yet to take one serious. They can be a little dominant or maybe territorial is a better word.

Mr. Pisces- Slippery mofos. Pisces men are deceptive IMO. I've fallen for one too many.

Mr. Libra- Can't do it. I like to be sweated. He likes to be sweated. We both are waiting on the other to make a move.

Mr. Aries- Way too dominant.

Mr. Scorpio- Weirdos but it's always love, lol.

Girl I am a Libra too. I have dealt with two Gemini's!
One was my HS sweetheart....Totally flipped the switch on me. The other Gemini--dated right after 1st Gemini took a little time for me to realize, but he did too. Ugh.

Now I am married to a rough and tough Taurus. I don't know how we make it. Passion and Stubborness....Wow...just wow!