*Sigh* what would you do?

What would you do?

  • Call him tonight and squash it

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Give him his space and wait for him to call

    Votes: 30 63.8%
  • Forget about it and move on to the next

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Call him tomorrow or another time

    Votes: 5 10.6%

  • Total voters
If there weren't any red flags in this relationship that OP herself brought to the table, we wouldn't be "reading between any lines." Good luck, OP. The quiet after the storms are what make us forget.


I think about all the times i push things under the rug. Gave n#ggas the benefit of the doubt. The red flags are blaring (I was there once upon a time).
im just now reading all of the new replies. thanks everyone for your feedback. alot has happened since that incident that i've decided that he and i should go our separate ways. im back to single again *sigh* thanks again. i will be deleting this thread dont really want to talk about it or see it again =(

So sorry things did not work out. But no regrets okay? You tried your best. You were loving, forgiving, and understanding, all wonderful traits.