Showing Him That You Need Him.

I don't think intelligence has anything to do with it. I don't think I necessarily prioritize "my man" like some of my friends do. I do, however offer more praise, appreciation and affection. I also expect more and take substantially less sh*t than all of the combined.

I really like this. I know one thing I need to work on is the praise, appreciation, and affection part. Growing up, my dad was a soldier and my mom a nurse. And they are both air signs. So we tend to have a git 'er done, no cookies for doing what we expect from you type mode. It's very hard to switch from that over to something more (if that makes sense).

And I also like the expectations and less ish portion. It reminds me of that expression, iron fist encased in a velvet glove.
Such a timely thread. I definitely have an independent streak. For one, I'm a secretive Scorpio so I'm naturally a suffer in silence type of person. That and I don't trust easily. So it seems easier and emotionally safer to do everything myself. And in my family I've always felt that my feelings/issues take a backseat to everyone else's so I know when I do get a SO it will be weird for me to have someone who wants to put me first. But it's something I want.
im glad that this is one problem i dont have. im not going to bother to be in a relationship with someone if im not in it for what he can do for me. thats my entire point of having a partner :lol: if i didnt want to do that id just stay single and actually do everything for myself because i have to! :lol: youre here so i dont have to duh. its a little hard for me to connect to this thread because although i am very brash and self sufficient normally, im a downright damsel in distress when i am with someone. anyway, that being said im not super sure i can be helpful in this thread because having men do things for me, "help me" or believe that i "need them" comes very naturally to me, ironically because i DONT actually need them - if i did NEED them to do things for me, i would be so embarrassed about it that i wouldnt let them.

i just look at it as whatever i can get him to do for me, i want him to do it :look: :lol: once i was walking back to my apartment with the guy i was with, and i was carrying a paper bag of leftovers from the restaurant. i was like "thanks for offering to carry my bag" and he smiled and said "i was thinking about that." i told him it wasnt too late and handed it over :lol: the bag weighed like nothing, but it was the principle - you are supposed to carry my bags. im like that with everything. carrying the case of water up the stairs, opening doors, i even had a couple of guys take my coat off for me before i sat down, which was new. obviously i can get out of my own coat just fine. but if you want to help me, be my guest. once i was dating a guy and we were leaving out for the night and i had on heels. he insisted on walking in front of me down the stairs so that if i fell he would break my fall :rofl:

ive had this conversation (sort of) with girlfriends before. like once i was clubbing with a girl and meeting an okcupid guy there for the first time. the guy shows up, and we talk a bit and all go to the bar. he orders two drinks and i'm like, "oh, is that for me?" it turns out it wasnt, they were both for him for some strange reason, but he played it off and gave me the drink :lol: later, my gf couldnt believe i had done that. i was like why? idgi. another gf invited a guy over and bragged that she ordered him to bring a chaser for the cocktails they would drink. i laughed and said "yeah i make guys bring me stuff all the time." she said, YES, i was thinking of you when i did it! :lol: like, dont all girls do this stuff? is what i'm usually thinking.

im all about ego in relationships, and a large part of it is an extension of my sensuality. even at the beginning of my sex life, the dynamic was always about sex as a means to express ultra femininity and an opportunity to make him feel ultra masculine. so that general dynamic usually carries over outside of the bedroom. my view on the matter is basically, you the man. i have no problem letting you know it, because i wouldnt be with you if you werent. thats easy for me to do because i am mainly only interested in the type of man i would be able to admire. its not going to work if you dont respect the guy, which seems to be relevant IIRC.

so when it comes to important stuff, not just silly opening-the-pickle-jar-type stuff, but emotional reliance and vulnerability, i usually express it with womanly sensuality. im more physically affectionate and communicative than verbally explaining my feelings, so if i need him to comfort me, i just go in for a hug and let the rest of it flow from there. i also think it's something easy to express in short, concise sentences, especially if youre not comfortable being vulnerable. "i don't feel good" should be enough for him to understand you need his comfort. if he is trying to comfort me and is doing it wrong, i would say something like "could you just listen to me right now." not all guys are good at it, and ive found you sometimes have to guide them to understand the right thing to say or do. im the type who doesnt want a lecture or a solution when something is bothering me. i just want you to agree that its ok for me to be upset, and acknowledge that i'm having a problem. so if i'm talking about how i hate work and he's talking about how to find a new job, he needs to be redirected to smiling and nodding. even when they're supposed to be comforting you, they still have to feel like theyre the man :rolleyes: so the strength of their male ego never really leaves the room, in my relationships anyway. i kind of think thats what im for, the same way i think what they're for is to do things for me.

you sound like you are actively RESISTING that sort of damsel in distress role, not just that you arent doing it, but you don't want to. probably the first thing to do is to rearrange the way you think relationships work if you want to make room to be a little more open to "needing" him. i think of it as "surrender" or "sweet surrender." we have to give to each other to be in a relationship, and having the ability to surrender to a man is strong and beautiful in itself, IMO anyway. flat out ask him then trust that he will be there for you.

If I'm hurt or pissed about something that happened at work or with family and friends, and my husband is not getting the picture that I need his support and he starts rambling about football, instead of getting pissed over what I think he SHOULD do, I will say, "Hey baby, I'm in a lot of pain right now and I will really appreciate it if I could talk to you for a few minutes."

After that he rushes to my side, listens, wipes tears, etc. Once I've gotten my feelings off my chest, I than thank him for listening and being so supportive. Over time he may get it, he may not, but at least when I open my mouth and tell him I need him, he is there...hands down.

This is so good. I struggle so much with saying, "Hey babe, I need you to support me in xyz..." I know he will if I just open my mouth, but I want him to be a mind reader. Then I get mad when he's not reading my mind. I HAVE to work on this. When he finally "gets it" he is so supportive.
I'm not as extreme as Jordan was in that scene. I cringed so hard when she said it, lol. Mine is an issue of trust, not control. As a kid, my dad would make me feel bad whenever I had to ask for something. Maybe it was him thinking my mom told me to ask, not wanting to pay more than child support, etc. I don't know but it made me feel like a lil golddigger. Now that he's trying to repair the damage I still struggle with asking him and other men for help.

Step one is changing your perception that "chicken heads" are the only women who need men.

Men are natural providers and many WANT to provide. I don't need him to handle all the things he handles but I WANT him to do it. He's out dealing with issues with my car now, battery died since we don't drive it enough due to rotating 3 vehicles. We had to call 24 hour roadside since his slim jim broke and the metal key didn't work (pressurized locks). He just sent a text showing me that he washed it too.

I love that he carries my bags, opens and closes the car door and won't let me walk on the outside (close to the street). I love that he calls when he's on the way home to see if I need anything. I have sent him a grocery list by text and made last minute take out orders for a place he may be passing by. I'm sure some people think I'm being "extra" when I don't even reach for doors but it's the little things that make DH feel needed.

I let him do the things that make him feel needed even when it's not on my time schedule. Laundry will pile up for 2 months but he will eventually get around to doing it. Dry cleaning has been piled up since October, but he dropped it off and picked it up last week. I work from home so luckily there were not too many things I had to have in the dry cleaning hamper. It did take some time for me to give DH the chance to do things. I would just pick up the slack at first but after a while I realized we both worked full time and I was doing most of the housework too. We never talked about how we would split things and once we did he's held up his end, plus he deals with all the vehicle issues. I had to speak up. He isn't a mind reader.

When I wake up to the smell of him cleaning the floors and laundry done by 7 - 8 am, I ALWAYS let DH know that I appreciate his efforts.
Great thread. @ScorpioBeauty09 we need to talk. The qualities you mentioned sound like Mr to a T. I have trouble sometimes reading him and how to communicate so I take a @Mai Tai approach and just try to gently speak my needs. And if it first I don't succeed I try to say it another way.

For me, the thing that helped me show him I need him was when I really started to believe that he wanted to provide and protect. He was showing me in his way that was his intentions and once I believed it, I was able to start helping him show me in ways that I could understand.
Great thread. @ScorpioBeauty09 we need to talk. The qualities you mentioned sound like Mr to a T. I have trouble sometimes reading him and how to communicate so I take a @Mai Tai approach and just try to gently speak my needs. And if it first I don't succeed I try to say it another way.

For me, the thing that helped me show him I need him was when I really started to believe that he wanted to provide and protect. He was showing me in his way that was his intentions and once I believed it, I was able to start helping him show me in ways that I could understand.
Well as guarded as I am, talking about what's going on is what I want. I'm just picky about who I choose to do it with. Clear communication is key, not just about your needs but his too. I'm more likely to open up if I feel the other person genuinely wants to know.
Great thread OP! Very interesting topic.

Omg this is SO me! I'm also an Oldest Child, and I've noticed over the years that I'm starting to get sick and tired of being the "strong one", the "responsible one", the "mature one", etc. My younger sister is the youngest and I feel like she had a totally different upbringing than I did at times, and we lived in the same household! :perplexed

As a single mother, my mom depended on me a lot while growing up. To this day I STILL feel like she depends on me. Even though we don't live together, I find that I'm the one she constantly comes to for advice, for being the "voice of reason", for guidance, etc. Never my sister. At first I used to feel privileged, but now...I feel DRAINED. I feel like it would be nice to have someone comfort/guide ME instead. I find that my mom treats me more like a "girlfriend" at times, and I find that she doesn't do the same for my sister. With my sister she's definitely the "mommy" and my sister is the "daughter". I feel like I didn't really get that
. :ohwell:

Hence, this has hindered me in my relationships with men over the years as well. :ohwell: While my sister has been married for years, I'm still single and longing to be married. I'm living a fabulous single life right now (don't get me wrong lol :lol: ), but I find that my super "responsible" and "strong" "I can do it all by myself" attitude has not really gotten me far with guys/men. It's funny, because most of the guys I feel I attract are NOT men that I would want. I tend to attract more beta men, whereas I prefer more Alpha, strong, in charge, confident men. Maybe my "strong" vibe (which a LOT of bw are taught to be mind you) is turning the alpha men off, because opposites attract.

Idk...I feel like I'm having some sort of epiphany here...

I definitely need to work on being more vulnerable and open, and LESS "oh I'll just do it myself" mentality.

This is GREAT advice!! :yep: This made me think as well.

We are the same person. I completely identify with ALL of this! Except I have a younger brother.
Why The Woman You Love Should Want You, Not Need You

Feb 3, 2015 • 11:25am

There are some people in this world who find people in need of saving, attractive. I understand the concept very well, as it was this idea that initially turned my world upside down.

There’s just something attractive about a woman who needs saving — who we believe needs saving. It makes us feel… needed.

It gives us a sort of purpose, a reason for falling for and pursuing her. You find a woman whom you believe needs saving and all of a sudden you have an outlet for how wonderful you are — or at least, for how wonderful you believe yourself to be. It’s all just an ego trip.

Maybe it’s all the movies we grew up on, where the prince saves the damsel in distress.

Finding yourself in such a one-sided relationship makes you feel as if you yourself are a part of such a story. You feel like the hero in your own personal fairytale.

Here’s the problem: The story can only end in two ways. Either you don’t manage to save the woman you have fallen for and the relationship falls apart (a woman who needs saving is only attractive if you believe you can save her) or you do save her. And then what?

Once you save her, that’s where the story actually begins. In our minds, however, it’s where the story ends.

Take it from someone who’s been there; you’re much better off finding a woman who is capable of saving herself. In the end, we’re all looking for partners, not charity cases.

1. She’s Strong.
If a woman needs saving, then she either can’t save herself or isn’t willing to save herself. Either way, she’s weak. Weak people don’t make it very far in life and whatever they do manage to accomplish is never really an accomplishment of their own.

Such women like to ride the backs of others. Not just men, but their female friends alike. Just about everyone can name such an individual — it’s common. Weak and common. How exactly are such qualities attractive?

A strong woman can take care of herself. She can do what needs to be done without having to be reminded or coerced. She believes in herself and her abilities.

Will she accept help when help is offered? Sometimes. But she likes to do things her own way, so usually she just lets you watch.

2. She’s Independent.
Human beings want to feel wanted. You surely want a woman who needs you, which is why you’re falling for women who need saving.

The point of relationships, however — in large part — are to allow you to expand your scope of reality. You don’t need someone in your life who does exactly the same things you do, who likes the same things you do, and who spends every waking moment with you.

No matter how much you love someone, you still need to be your own person. Love is tricky because it makes us want to give up our independence. Until, of course, enough time passes and you realize you need your independence.

An independent woman already understands this, and because she does, the relationship the two of you have is more likely to succeed.

3. She’s Smart.
This is just evolutionary theory. Human beings evolved their intellect in order to survive. Nowadays, we do our best to expand that intellect not only in order to survive, but to flourish.

A woman who truly needs saving can’t possibly be smart. She either isn’t capable of doing the most basic of things — like surviving on her own — or she refuses to do what’s necessary in order to strive. Either way, from an evolutionary standpoint, she’s a dud.

It’s not easy saving yourself. It takes focus, dedication, perseverance and — most importantly — the hunger for a better life.

If your woman isn’t going after what she wants in life, then don’t expect her to stick around when your relationship hits a rough patch.

4. She Can Handle Cleaning Up Her Own Messes.
Don’t get me wrong, a man ought to get down on his knees next to his woman and mop up whatever mess she accidentally made. Yet, he should only follow suit, not be the one leading the cleanup crew.

Sometimes the messes we make are too chaotic to clean up on our lonesome. If your woman doesn’t at least attempt to do so herself, however, and instead relies on you to clean up her messes, what exactly is it you’re getting out of the relationship?

You may think you enjoy helping her now, but imagine the umpteenth time. Will you still be willing to clean up after her? Even when she doesn’t bother trying to fix the situation herself?

5. She Can Help You Clean Up Your Messes.
More than that, she can teach you a thing or two about life itself.

Life is messy. It’s difficult to both navigate and comprehend. When it comes down to it, you want a woman in your life who has your back just as much as you have hers. You want her not only to accept your help, but to offer it.

A woman who can’t save herself won’t be capable of saving you either — and believe me, the chances of you needing saving at one point in your life or another is almost certain.

But it’s more than just about helping and saving, and cleaning up messes. It’s about finding a woman who can show you another side of life.

It’s about finding a woman who can show you, teach you and force you to try things you never thought you’d experience.

A woman who needs saving will never add to your life; she’ll only take from it.

6. She’ll Never Really Need You.
We all want to feel needed, but at the same time, as soon as we believe we are truly needed, we get bored. We want to be needed, until we’re needed. Once we realize how much we’re needed, we look for our independence.

It’s a part of the human psyche — a seeming contradiction, but emotions are rarely logical. To love is to want. How often do you want something you know you can have any time you want? Someone you know you have no chance of ever losing?

People only appreciate those things that are fleeting. We like what we either can’t have or know we won’t have forever. Most people try to remove tension from a relationship when what they really ought to be doing is figuring out a way to hold on to it.

Find a woman who will never need you, but will always want you and you’ll be the happiest man alive. That much I can promise.

Step one is changing your perception that "chicken heads" are the only women who need men.

Men are natural providers and many WANT to provide. I don't need him to handle all the things he handles but I WANT him to do it. He's out dealing with issues with my car now, battery died since we don't drive it enough due to rotating 3 vehicles. We had to call 24 hour roadside since his slim jim broke and the metal key didn't work (pressurized locks). He just sent a text showing me that he washed it too.

I love that he carries my bags, opens and closes the car door and won't let me walk on the outside (close to the street). I love that he calls when he's on the way home to see if I need anything. I have sent him a grocery list by text and made last minute take out orders for a place he may be passing by. I'm sure some people think I'm being "extra" when I don't even reach for doors but it's the little things that make DH feel needed.

I let him do the things that make him feel needed even when it's not on my time schedule. Laundry will pile up for 2 months but he will eventually get around to doing it. Dry cleaning has been piled up since October, but he dropped it off and picked it up last week. I work from home so luckily there were not too many things I had to have in the dry cleaning hamper. It did take some time for me to give DH the chance to do things. I would just pick up the slack at first but after a while I realized we both worked full time and I was doing most of the housework too. We never talked about how we would split things and once we did he's held up his end, plus he deals with all the vehicle issues. I had to speak up. He isn't a mind reader.

When I wake up to the smell of him cleaning the floors and laundry done by 7 - 8 am, I ALWAYS let DH know that I appreciate his efforts.
Just to clarify I don't think "chicken heads" are the only one that need men. These are just the only examples of women close to me with examples that I can see where the man completely provides for them. In my household my parents each take care of their own needs. Their relationship is kind of life business or roomate. 50/50 which ends up being 80/20 because my mother does it all. I can't see inside the marriages of the other older couples around me such as at church and etc. I just have problems saying a need of mine and getting it met. I either feel bad for asking for it because I can provide it for myself or get mad when it doesn't get done because I feel the should just know to do it.
I'm in that boat as well and add in I don't know how to be vulnerable with my words. I hear women,"Bae!" and "Sweetie!" their mate all day long and end conversations with "I love you!" For the life of me, I can't utter those words easily and I haven't figured out why. I can call some one pooh bear and not often but Bae and Sweetie just doesn't roll off my tongue. Even with touching, I keep my distance while my mate is always grabbing something. It's crazy because when he does I have to stop myself from feeling uneasy. I know I sound like a nut!

I would like to be more affectionate but that comes with being vulnerable as well. The killer part SO craves all those things and I can't figure out why I don't give them often. Even ending a phone conversation with, "I love you!" on a constant basis makes me feel a certain way. I think I have built a wall of protection around me and it keeps me from being. I don't expect a compliment when my hair or clothes look nice. Where as he would like a compliment, even if he has had his hair cut the same way every time! LOL! I do compliment, but honestly it's not a daily thing.

I am the only girl out of brothers and I was raised to be strong. I am very independent and always have been. So like the poster, I do whatever I can by myself because I can do it. I'm even the girl that will change her own tire and oil because I was taught all those things by my dad. He taught me things so I don't have to be helpless and always depend on a man. It has made me hardened in a way.I got to do some soul searching and find out the root of my issues.
I didn't follow any of this advice. I just read it. Put it in the back of my mind and thought I was doing it.

-I still storm around mad when I open my feelings to him and he seems aloof. And complain to my friends instead of telling him.

Or don't say

-I would love it if I could look pretty for you can I have $XYZ. Well I do it but it's not feminine. It's like for my birthday this a list of stuff you can get me. I want VS by the end of the week. You need to figure out how to do xyz by the summer.

I gotta long way to go.
I'm in that boat as well and add in I don't know how to be vulnerable with my words. I hear women,"Bae!" and "Sweetie!" their mate all day long and end conversations with "I love you!" For the life of me, I can't utter those words easily and I haven't figured out why. I can call some one pooh bear and not often but Bae and Sweetie just doesn't roll off my tongue. Even with touching, I keep my distance while my mate is always grabbing something. It's crazy because when he does I have to stop myself from feeling uneasy. I know I sound like a nut!

I would like to be more affectionate but that comes with being vulnerable as well. The killer part SO craves all those things and I can't figure out why I don't give them often. Even ending a phone conversation with, "I love you!" on a constant basis makes me feel a certain way. I think I have built a wall of protection around me and it keeps me from being. I don't expect a compliment when my hair or clothes look nice. Where as he would like a compliment, even if he has had his hair cut the same way every time! LOL! I do compliment, but honestly it's not a daily thing.

I am the only girl out of brothers and I was raised to be strong. I am very independent and always have been. So like the poster, I do whatever I can by myself because I can do it. I'm even the girl that will change her own tire and oil because I was taught all those things by my dad. He taught me things so I don't have to be helpless and always depend on a man. It has made me hardened in a way.I got to do some soul searching and find out the root of my issues.
I could have written this post myself. I'm just having a hard time showing the amount of affection I need to. It's nauseating to me and demeaning. Man my best friend's ex girlfriend is like this. She was all like "oh I just love being around my sugarplum" in a baby voice. Running up behind him. Being all under her coat. I'm standing on the sidelines like girl bye. Where is your dignity.

But on the inside I envy that ish. I went on a double date. I don't like the girl so O was mocking her every move. I started talking all soft like her. Wiping ice cream off my DH lip that wasn't there just to touch him. Asking him with puppy dog eyes to get me some napkins. And everything I said he obliged like a lol puppy. He was smiling the whole time. Chest stuck out. Bruhhhh. My soul was burning on the inside. Like I was stuck in Barbie's dream house and couldn't get out
...I don't know how to let a man do things for me. If it's something that I can do, I never give a man the chance to do it for me. I go ahead and do it. Some of it is fine, but it's also one thing to be TOO independent.

And then it's really a struggle for me to say thank you for the things a man does to me. It's like pulling teeth with my soul. My mother has NEVER said thank you. Instead it was "That's what you're supposed to do. You're the man of the house". That in turn creates an environment where he doesn't feel motivated to do anything for her. She never shows appreciation and she can do it herself so...he lets her...
But this also means there are things you can't do for yourself, right? You don't have to feign helplessness to make your partner feel appreciated, just make him the first person you go to when you need help (because ALL of us need someone's help at some point). As far as the second issue goes, acknowledging that this is a problem is a HUGE first step. Since you know that not saying thank you is not only the wrong approach, but will also keep you from getting the response you want from a partner, just make a conscious effort to say "thank you" when a man has done something for you.
I had my check engine light, oil light, and tire pressure light on in my car ( within three days they all showed up lol). I needed gas in my car so he was driving and saw all the lights and asked me if I knew what they meant. Of course I knew what they meant :rolleyes: but instead I said "Well I was gonna go through my manual on my day off to figure out and then take it to a repair shop." He literally looked me like :confused: and demanded I take his car while he fixed mine. When I got my car back the first thing I said was "Did you fix all that for me?" (In that sweet, I can't believe you did that for me, voice) he was beaming ear to ear and said "I would do anything for you :)"

Given the opportunity I would trust him to do his part :2inlove:
I can say a lot of my problem is I don't LET people do things for me. I noticed now that I've given him a chance to step up he does it more often.

My alternator went out on my older car while I was two hours away from him about a month ago. He offered to pay for everything without me asking and made are I got home safely.

He drove me to a convention four hours away just because he didn't want me driving in the rain.

He got my nails done without me asking once. I do realize that a closed mouth doesn't get fed so I did the whole "can ai have $30 so I can get pretty for you" last week. It burned my soul because I told him Monday. Saturday I said in my sweet voice oh baby did you find any extra money to get my nails done? So I was irritated because I had to remind him again. I don't like that. Then He said he had it but forgot to take it out the atm. So I told him I was going to run an errand but I'd come back to the house. He gave me exactly $30. I don't know why but I don't like that knowing the atm gives $49 bills. I feel he should have given me $40 and kept it moving. I feel if I would have asked for 7.59 he would give that to me instead of ten lol. But I already know I'm petty so I'll let that go. I'll just ask for $50 next time
I had my check engine light, oil light, and tire pressure light on in my car ( within three days they all showed up lol). I needed gas in my car so he was driving and saw all the lights and asked me if I knew what they meant. Of course I knew what they meant :rolleyes: but instead I said "Well I was gonna go through my manual on my day off to figure out and then take it to a repair shop." He literally looked me like :confused: and demanded I take his car while he fixed mine. When I got my car back the first thing I said was "Did you fix all that for me?" (In that sweet, I can't believe you did that for me, voice) he was beaming ear to ear and said "I would do anything for you :)"

Given the opportunity I would trust him to do his part :2inlove:

You go Gurl!!!
I had my check engine light, oil light, and tire pressure light on in my car ( within three days they all showed up lol). I needed gas in my car so he was driving and saw all the lights and asked me if I knew what they meant. Of course I knew what they meant :rolleyes: but instead I said "Well I was gonna go through my manual on my day off to figure out and then take it to a repair shop." He literally looked me like :confused: and demanded I take his car while he fixed mine. When I got my car back the first thing I said was "Did you fix all that for me?" (In that sweet, I can't believe you did that for me, voice) he was beaming ear to ear and said "I would do anything for you :)"

Given the opportunity I would trust him to do his part :2inlove:
I'm taking notes (I'm always taking notes lmao) but isn't this the whole, "playing dumb/losing at the game so he can feel like a man" deal?
I'm taking notes (I'm always taking notes lmao) but isn't this the whole, "playing dumb/losing at the game so he can feel like a man" deal?
I don't know the first thing about cars, especially when it comes to repairing them. I may know what the light means, but actual knowledge on how to fix it is totally lost to me. I might've exaggerated how little intelligence I truly had, but I doubt any love was lost over the fact that he had to "teach me" what a check engine light is.

ETA: Playing dumb on useless information is easier than acting like a smartazz
I don't know the first thing about cars, especially when it comes to repairing them. I may know what the light means, but actual knowledge on how to fix it is totally lost to me. I might've exaggerated how little intelligence I truly had, but I doubt any love was lost over the fact that he had to "teach me" what a check engine light is.

ETA: Playing dumb on useless information is easier than acting like a smartazz
Noooo! It's soooo hard. For real. I don't know if you watch Scandal but Mellie was having a hard time not being a know-it-all/smarta$$ and I understood completely. It hurts when I have to play dumb on anything (are y'all understanding more why I'm single lmao). If it's legit something I don't know then I'll fess up. But if I know ANYTHING about it then I say so. It's difficult for me to vulnerable/give up control.

So in the situation you posted I would have told him straight up that I knew what they meant and that I had made an appointment with my mechanic or was going to later this week. And if he would have offered to check for me it would have taken A LOT of convincing (does he REALLY know cars? For how long? Has he ever effed up a car?) for me to say yes.

I say thank you to men who do stuff for me like open doors or take heavy stuff, but I rarely ask them to do it. They'll usually say no anyway. So it's a pleasant surprise when someone does it for me.
Noooo! It's soooo hard. For real. I don't know if you watch Scandal but Mellie was having a hard time not being a know-it-all/smarta$$ and I understood completely. It hurts when I have to play dumb on anything (are y'all understanding more why I'm single lmao). If it's legit something I don't know then I'll fess up. But if I know ANYTHING about it then I say so. It's difficult for me to vulnerable/give up control.

So in the situation you posted I would have told him straight up that I knew what they meant and that I had made an appointment with my mechanic or was going to later this week. And if he would have offered to check for me it would have taken A LOT of convincing (does he REALLY know cars? For how long? Has he ever effed up a car?) for me to say yes.

I say thank you to men who do stuff for me like open doors or take heavy stuff, but I rarely ask them to do it. They'll usually say no anyway. So it's a pleasant surprise when someone does it for me.


EYE wouldn't have responded super positively to "do you know what the lights on the dashboard of your car are?" umm it's my car. I drive it, don't I? :look: you think I'm just out here diving everyday, don't know nothing about my car? What you think was happening before you, o savior? So, in your mind, ima basically die if you don't help me with my car? And this pleases you (him)? :lol: nah.

I would've responded very positively if he had just offered to fix it. "Oh, I see your dash is lit. I'll take care of it" cool! Please do. Thanks! But dont insult me and call me stupid in the process. Just fix it and shut up :confused:

I'M SINGLE :lol:

Eta: I guess I don't like the implication behind: she has no clue about basic ish, so I have to save her, and it makes me feel good to do so. I'd much rather it center: I know you're capable and I can articulate that to you, but here, I'll do it so you won't have to worry about it, and it makes me feel good to do so.
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EYE wouldn't have responded super positively to "do you know what the lights on the dashboard of your car are?" umm it's my car. I drive it, don't I? :look: you think I'm just out here diving everyday, don't know nothing about my car? What you think was happening before you, o savior? So, in your mind, ima basically die if you don't help me with my car? And this pleases you (him)? :lol: nah.

I would've responded very positively if he had just offered to fix it. "Oh, I see your dash is lit. I'll take care of it" cool! Please do. Thanks! But dont insult me and call me stupid in the process. Just fix it and shut up :confused:

I'M SINGLE :lol:
Loooool and this entire post would be me! Lol. Exactly. Why I gotta dumb myself down to get what I want

EYE wouldn't have responded super positively to "do you know what the lights on the dashboard of your car are?" umm it's my car. I drive it, don't I? :look: you think I'm just out here diving everyday, don't know nothing about my car? What you think was happening before you, o savior? So, in your mind, ima basically die if you don't help me with my car? And this pleases you (him)? :lol: nah.

I would've responded very positively if he had just offered to fix it. "Oh, I see your dash is lit. I'll take care of it" cool! Please do. Thanks! But dont insult me and call me stupid in the process. Just fix it and shut up :confused:

I'M SINGLE :lol:

Eta: I guess I don't like the implication behind: she has no clue about basic ish, so I have to save her, and it makes me feel good to do so. I'd much rather it center: I know you're capable and I can articulate that to you, but here, I'll do it so you won't have to worry about it, and it makes me feel good to do so.
Now if he had said the bolded we wouldn't have a problem. I've had an ex friend (mechanic) do that. I told him my brakes were squeaking and that I hoped my rotors weren't damaged. So he offered to check them for me. Dude took my car to his work and looked at my brakes and told me how mm I had left and how long I could go until I needed them changed. And I bought him lunch. Now THAT'S how you come at me.

Loooool and this entire post would be me! Lol. Exactly. Why I gotta dumb myself down to get what I want
That was my question! I guess you can nicely call it "humbling yourself?"

@frogkisses :sneakyhug: sorry for obsessing about your post. I'm not downing how you handle it at all, I'm just trying to figure out how that would work in my own life with my personality lol.