Shout Out to Supergirl

Country gal said:
Thanks for the tip on the Aura oil. DO they have their own website? I only see other sites selling thier product.

They do have a website. It's You will have to do a search on their site to find the product, but guess what? It is actuallly alittle less on Your local vitamin shoppe can order it for you (and save you the shipping)

Also, Whole Foods usually has it. (that's where I got it)
No, I stopped the supplements about 2 years ago. I believe they cause weight gain. (at least with me)
Supergirl said:
They do have a website. It's You will have to do a search on their site to find the product, but guess what? It is actuallly alittle less on Your local vitamin shoppe can order it for you (and save you the shipping)

Also, Whole Foods usually has it. (that's where I got it)

Thanks for the tip, Supergal.

Despite the grievances, I am glad I did a shout out thread. We need more positive uplifting threads supporting and giving out love.