Shout Out To Tee! Wow!

I am so, so late...I'm just seeing Tee's new siggie. It took me a minute to realize I had stopped y'all know I almost passed out.:dazed: Dang girl...
Beautiful hair. I stopped and stared a bit. I REALLY love the way its cut, too. So now I'm getting ideas on how to trim mine.
I've been gawking at her pics for a while! I just wish had your health & thickness Tee!! And everyone's right you are just as beautiful (if not more) inside!!
ITA. Tee's hair is gorgeous! Since last year, it has thickened, lengthened, and shined itself up right nice!!! Soooo pretty!!! It looks to heavy and swangy, I love it!!!
Simply Beautiful!!!!

You have done an AMAZING job, Tee! I love it!

I am so, so late...I'm just seeing Tee's new siggie. It took me a minute to realize I had stopped y'all know I almost passed out.:dazed: Dang girl...

beautiful hair Tee!! congrats!

Yes!!! Tee has some BEAUTIFUL hair!!! :woot:

I KNOW I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not really she's my hair angel/idol.

Beautiful hair. I stopped and stared a bit. I REALLY love the way its cut, too. So now I'm getting ideas on how to trim mine.

Yup! Great progress!

Thats my big sis Tee!

:yay: :yay: Amazing girl!

WoWOwWoW!!! its soo gorgeous!!!! great progress Tee:yep: why cant my ends look like that.

I've been gawking at her pics for a while! I just wish had your health & thickness Tee!! And everyone's right you are just as beautiful (if not more) inside!!

she is an absolute sweetheart:yep:

ITA, she and her hair are just beautiful! Way to go Tee, work it momma!

Girl, your growth is amazing! Your hair is beautiful!

Wow, looking great Tee!:yep:

ITA with all.......Tee is the BOMB!!!

LOL @ Bomb!!!!

I said it before and I'll say it again...Tee, your hair is the business!! :yep:

The shine is amazing. Great progress!

Tee is beautiful inside and out. And yes her hair is fabulous. That's my girl!!!! Q
Thanks so much ladies. Thanks! :grouphug:
Well, dang Tee....

I now offer you cous...



a Sephora gift card for $5.76 (I found some loose change in my winter coat :look:) ...


and two jars of End All


Congrats on your hair achievement chica! :grin: :hug2: