Shout Out To caribgirl !!!!!

:iloveyou: ladies so very much!!! I am in tears reading your comments!!


I am so sorry that I didn't see this thread!!! I have been living in the Health and Fitness Section for several weeks now.
Thanks Ballerina Bun for starting this unexpected thread!! I learned EVERYTHING from my lovely talented sisters here!!!!! :grin:
My reggie includes:

~relaxing every 12-14 weeks wit hPhyto Index 2
~co-washing every 3 days with Nexxus Humectress as my main moisturizing con
~moisturizing with NTM leave in and sealing with EVOO daily
~alternating a protein condish (aphogee 2 min and Redken extreme con mixture :look:) on every other wash followed by a moisturizing DC
~deep conditioning at every wash works so well.
~Henna for conditioning every 4-6 weeks
~protective styling with half wigs and baggying the well-needed baby areas
~I have also been using Mega-Tek since June which is great at thickening my hair

~ And lastly, staying glued to LHCF for information and support from every poster- whether the hair experience was good or bad- I have learned so much through you guys :yep::yep::yep:!!

I thank you for all of your kind words and I so appreciate your motivation!!!!!
I never give shout outs, but her progress is really great. I wanted to give her a shout out the first time I saw her picture, but didn't because I know some people are shy and don't like too much attention drawn to them.

I just had to say that you are doing great. You should be very proud. The difference between that 2007 ponytail and the 2008 picture ... beautiful :yep: ! The first time I saw those pictures in her signature, I did a double take!!!

That's all


What a complement coming from you, sis!! Thanks a million!!!!!!!!

Great progress Caribgirl! Your hair is beautiful too Ballerina!
Thanks and Ballerina's hair is AMAZING!!

Her progress is amazing! I'm so proud of her!!! :hug3:

Go Carib, with that pretty ponytail!!!

Tiff, you are so encouraging- as always!!! Thanks for being you!

BB, would you believe that I was going to send Carib Girl a PM today just to say how much I admire her amazing progress. Her siggy flaws me every time. You grow girl!!!

Nayeli, I so aprreciate your kindness, sis!!
Her progress is really amazing!

Beautiful ponytail Caribgirl! Keep up the great work.

Thanks a bunch, msa!!!!

Yes she's one of my inspirations!! And she's very nice!
You are such a beautiful person! You have a special heart- thanks, sis!!

I know when I saw her ponytail I was shocked. Its not just longers, its also thicker and shinier. I would like to see a regimen.
I always stop to admire your hair!! You always have kind words!! Thanks!
Congrats Caribgirl, your progress is wonderful.
You are so sweet Jet!! Thanks sweetie!!

Oh Yes, She has wonderful Progress with her hair =)
One day we will meet-up and I can pair your warm sweet spirit to a beautiful face!
That's my girl right there! Hey boo! I told you your pony would be famous! Amazing progress, and she's such a sweetheart too!
GG, you know how much I love you already- you are indeed one of my hair inspirations!!! I'm blessed to have your friendship!!!


Okay, I didn't know who you guys were talking about so I had to look her up in the members list. Wow, if that's not progress I don't know what is! That is truly amazing.

Another inspiration you are to me!!!! Thanks mwedzi!!

beautiful progress :)

I thanks you so much Happily ;)

Yes, her progress is awesome! Was checking out her fotki today.
Girl, no lie!! I was looking at your pic and admiring how much your hair grew!! Thanks very much!!

Caribgirl is my inspiration, not to mention, has the sweetest personality. Hey Carib hope you see this. XXXoooXXXX

Caribgirl's hair is very pretty! Girl, you've made wonderful progress!
Another sweet spirit! You are also making awesome progress, sis!!!!
Wow!!! Fantastic progress. Now get in here and share your tips.

Aww, thanks so much bgsix ;)

Awesome progress! Keep up the good work caribgirl!!!!!

My BFL buddy- you are so encouraging!! Thanks so very much!!

Amazing progress indeed :yep: I was admiring it the other day.
KayKay, Thanks so much!!
she IS doing a wonderful job! i know she is an MTer or OCTer...

whatever she is doing is WORKING!

and i vote her to be FOTM, too! :up:

GROW, girl!

You also know how I feel about you- I live in your fotki :lachen:!!!! You are one of my inspirations too!!! FOTM should go to you and many many many many many other ladies in here as I could never have gained so much info and be so encouraged to use it if it weren't for all of you :yep::yep::yep:!

Very impressive Caribgirl. Keep doing what you are doing because it is working.

I thank you wannabe!! I love your name!

Yep, Caribgirl has made great progress. :up:

Hugs to you Miss Tress!!!
:grin: And she has a beautiful personality to go with her awesome hair progress
You are another soecial friend!!! You have a very sweet personality and a face to match ;)

Go Caribigirl! Your progress is wonderful.
Thanks double!! I so appreciate it!!
Caribgirl is my inspiration, not to mention, has the sweetest personality. Hey Carib hope you see this. XXXoooXXXX
My sweet ,SS!!! You also have a beautiful spirit and are so very warm-hearted!! You are my 1/2 wig queen!!!! Thanks, love!!
Lol Carib you are popular you have another shout out thread here:

Aww, this is so wesome! Thanks for alerting me too!

That is some awesome progress!
So shiny and beautiful. I love the ponytail.
Thanks and I love your hair so much!!

You've come a long way Caribgirl! Keep up the good work!

Ok, Sistaslick- I have to refer you to my fotki's "about me" section!!! You are the reason why my eyes were opened after living in the dark for so long!! I know that you and your family are blessed because I have asked God to provide many to you for being the first to educate me on healthy hair!! Thanks from the bottom of my heart, sis ;)

That progress is astonishing! Keep it up!

KC you are so encouraging!!!! Thanks very very much!!!
See, its people like you that allows me not to give up. That is great girl. I am soooooo amazed at your progress!! Thank you for keeping me motivated.
:yay: you have made excellent progress :yay:

Thanks for always encouraging us here, Blaque!!!!

See, its people like you that allows me not to give up. That is great girl. I am soooooo amazed at your progress!! Thank you for keeping me motivated.
:bighug:- If I can do it, you can too sweetie! We are in this together!!

Caribgirl, after wash/dc do you rollerset/airdry/blowdry? How often do you use a flatiron?

After washing/dc I apply my leave-in and airdry in a ponytail. I haven't been rollersetting b/c I am suppose to be hth but normally I would 1 or 2 a month for church. I flat iron perhaps every other month- definitely after a relaxer to check the length and to update my progress.

Gorgeous hair!
Magnificent progess!!!!
Great inspiration.

I truly thank you, sis ;).
Great progress. I was just gonna start a thread and decided to do a search first. Wonderful!!
Dlewis, thanks so very much! You taught me how to post pics on here my very first time and are always so helpful and considerate!!

Great progress!!! Very inspirational!

Shawnie, I always love seeing your family pics in your siggy- you all are so beautiful! Thanks!
Absolutely wonderful progress! Go Cari!

Jan, you always have something nice to say to your LHCF sisters!! Love your hair and thanks very much!!!
:iloveyou: ladies so very much!!! I am in tears reading your comments!!


I am so sorry that I didn't see this thread!!! I have been living in the Health and Fitness Section for several weeks now.
Thanks Ballerina Bun for starting this unexpected thread!! I learned EVERYTHING from my lovely talented sisters here!!!!! :grin:
My reggie includes:

~relaxing every 12-14 weeks wit hPhyto Index 2
~co-washing every 3 days with Nexxus Humectress as my main moisturizing con
~moisturizing with NTM leave in and sealing with EVOO daily
~alternating a protein condish (aphogee 2 min and Redken extreme con mixture :look:) on every other wash followed by a moisturizing DC
~deep conditioning at every wash works so well.
~Henna for conditioning every 4-6 weeks
~protective styling with half wigs and baggying the well-needed baby areas
~I have also been using Mega-Tek since June which is great at thickening my hair

~ And lastly, staying glued to LHCF for information and support from every poster- whether the hair experience was good or bad- I have learned so much through you guys :yep::yep::yep:!!

I thank you for all of your kind words and I so appreciate your motivation!!!!!

NOW I look at that 2007 ponytail look and I saw it right away. MUCH, MUCH, MUCH congrats. You deserve that one....