Shoulder length. How many inches/centimeters?


Active Member
Can some LHCF ladies give me an idea of how long their hair is or was at shoulder length in inches or cm? Also are you tall-ish, short-ish average, short or long neck. This would be really helpful for me as I have finally found out how much hair I've been growing and retaining since November and want to play fortune teller.


The easiest and most accurate way to determine the #of inches is to use a tape measure or even a ruler. Just measure from the top of your head to your shoulder to determine how many inches to a blunt SL. Measure from the top of your ear to your shoulder to determine how many inches to reach layered SL.

Good Luck!

eta: If you don't have a ruler/tape measure, you can use an 8X11" sheet of paper. Fold it in half to measure 5 1/2"
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Thanks sipp100. That was all the advice I needed. 8-12inches all over is what I need. I have broad shoulders. At this rate I could be shoulder length by October!