Long Haired Ladies Mbl Length And Beyond, How Long Did It Take To Reach Your Current Length??

Thank you !! For this thread !! And especially for the bolded !! Not that I knock anyone’s growth but girlfriend my lil sis is just 5 foot and trust she doesn’t need anything near the inches I do to reach MBL, esp since I have a long torso.

And it’s so helpful to get a peek into others journeys and realistic time frame. Thanks ladies for all the great responses. Keep em coming!

Cosigning. I've been here long enough to know that if someone reaches milestones a lot quicker than most that sometimes it has to do with height. Of course it's also their regimen and what they're doing to retain, but all things being equal a shorter person will reach those milestones quicker.
It's helpful for newcomers to realize this and not get so frustrated in the beginning.

Signed, a 5'8 hair grower.
Cosigning. I've been here long enough to know that if someone reaches milestones a lot quicker than most that sometimes it has to do with height. Of course it's also their regimen and what they're doing to retain, but all things being equal a shorter person will reach those milestones quicker.
It's helpful for newcomers to realize this and not get so frustrated in the beginning.

Signed, a 5'8 hair grower.

Good point.

I just checked and it's at least 4 inches for me from top of BSL to MBL.

Double Good point.
What pitfalls did you have to climb out of to make it?

From scalp to Waist it was two years.
From waist to hip, about 6 months.
From Hip to Passed Tailbone a solid year.
Come August of this year, it will be four years since starting my hair journey, but I probably won’t reach Classic length until the end of this year. So 4 and a half years.

I’m five feet even. So with that being said, while my hair is long, it hits certain milestones quickly. I have a very short waistline, but from my hips to just under my butt is an entire foot. So I think body composition matters as well. Some women have long torsos but shorter pelvic areas so it can differ.

The most recent pitfall I’ve been experiencing is breakage at the middle towards my crown. It’s sensitive, prone to dryness more due to how I sleep, and tangles a lot more than any other section. It’s been thickening up, but I definitely have to keep my eye on that area.
I am 5'8.5 and it takes me about 2.5 years to reach Waist Length from APL. Waist Length on me is about 25 inches, and Hip Length is about 3o inches. I have found that co-washing and regular deep conditioning, bunning, and eating good food helps my hair grow very fast. My hair grows at a rate of 0.75 inches per month, especially with good water intake.

ETA: I also have Scoliosis in my spine, so that may also alter my growth rate.
5" 6'. It took me two years to go from mbl to hl taxlaxed, but then I transitioned for another two years to waist length as a natural straight hair, and after a year now I am maintaining the length at HL.

I am not so much about length as a goal right now . I cut off a lot of heat damage few months ago, and I want my curls to be back and for my hair to be lush and healthy over all.
My hair grows the standard .5”/month without intervention. I can grow more hair in a month with interventions— anywhere between .75”-1”/month.
I have reached waist length in 2 years 4 months, from my nape, which is ~13” of hair. Scalp to ends is about 18” of hair on my sides. From my crown, waist length is about 24” of hair. So different parts of my hair reach waist length at different times.
Retention is my most obvious hurdle. Between trims, over manipulation, and the odd experiment that goes awry, I could reasonably retain 4.5-5.5”/year.
So, the first time I hit waist length, I basically lived in protective styles for a year. I don’t particularly like doing that, if I can help it. So a lot of my growth journey in the last 3-5 years has been about retaining as much hair as possible without hardcore protective styling.
I am now growing out (another!) super short (for me)— shortest in 10 years— hair cut and my “out” hair is so ugly that it’s the only thing that motivates me to PS.:(
I am 5’5”. For my hair to look “evenly” WL, it will range from 13”-24”(back to front) and takes 2-3 years depending on the section of hair.