Shoulder/Armpit by 2006!!!


New Member
I am about to go on a journey! A journey to armpit length hair by my birthday December 19!!! Is anybody willing to go on this journey wit me?? I am really determined to achieve Shoulder/Armpit length hair in time to bring in the new year.

Let's share our progress and demographics!
Examples of things you might want to share:

How long is your hair now? Currently shoulder length with layers bottom layer touches shoulders and shortest layer is above my cheek bone (about an inch and a half)

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes in fifth grade b4 an incident with a CON super relaxer by a stupid hairdresser

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Washing weekly!!! MTGing every other day!! Relaxing with Phyto hopefully every 12 weeks!! After 6 weeks post washing more frequently! I will also take my biotin and a multivitamin!

Whatever else you want to add
We can check in every once in a while to discuss progress (and get tips from whoever is progressing the fastest )

Shoulder/Armpit here we come!
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I wanna join!!!! my hair is like 16 inches from hairline

when i was natural, my hair was armpit length when stretched

washing twice a week, mtging after every wash, taking vitamins and stretching relaxer
sweetpeadst said:
I am about to go on a journey! A journey to armpit length hair by my birthday December 19!!! Is anybody willing to go on this journey wit me?? I am really determined to achieve Shoulder/Armpit length hair in time to bring in the new year.

Let's share our progress and demographics!
Examples of things you might want to share:

How long is your hair now? Currently shoulder length with layers bottom layer touches shoulders and shortest layer is above my cheek bone (about an inch and a half)

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes in fifth grade b4 an incident with a CON super relaxer by a stupid hairdresser

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Washing weekly!!! MTGing every other day!! Relaxing with Phyto hopefully every 12 weeks!! After 6 weeks post washing more frequently! I will also take my biotin and a multivitamin!

Whatever else you want to add
We can check in every once in a while to discuss progress (and get tips from whoever is progressing the fastest )

Shoulder/Armpit here we come!

I will definitely join this challenge. This is my first set of goals.

How long is my hair now? After a big trim, it's a little past shoulder length

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before?. The longest my hair has ever been has was mid back length (like between shoulder blade). Never armpit length

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?

I am washing weekly
Using no heat except for flat ironing my roots only at 5 weeks post relaxer
Roller setting and allowing to air dry or dry on cool under the dryer
Using my homemade creamy leave in conditioner and hair dress
deep conditioning weekly
protein treatments every 4 weeks
Dusting every 8-10 weeks (whenever I relax)
Relaxing every 8-10 weeks
Hi everybody,
I am new to posting, but have been lurking in this forum for quite some time.
Count me in on this challenge.
How Long is Your Hair Now? My hair is chin-(in the fron)to neck length (in the back)
Have You Ever Been Shoulder/Armpit length before? When I was in elementary school it was shoulder length--cut it and have been plagued by damage (coloring and relaxer and overall heat appliance abuse)
What special regimens or treatments for length? I use v. little heat and more conditioning treatments

Since I've been lurking, I've learned so much about how to better care for my hair. I think this forum is the greatest.
sweetpeadst said:
I am about to go on a journey! A journey to armpit length hair by my birthday December 19!!! Is anybody willing to go on this journey wit me?? I am really determined to achieve Shoulder/Armpit length hair in time to bring in the new year. Shoulder/Armpit here we come!

This challenge is great sweetpeadst;) b/c I am no where near brastrap by 2006.

How long is your hair now? My hair is currently about 2-3 inches past shoulder length.

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes, my babysitter decides she wants to play with my long think hair and adds gel to it to hold whatever style she was doing. Me being about 11 years old I comb through my hair thinking that its hair hasn't been the same since.:mad:

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? So far i am 8 weeks post relaxer trying to stretch to 12. My regimen consists of at least 2 CO washes a week and a deep conditioning treatment/ Lite Protein treatment w/ Elasta Breakage control serum with heat on Saturdays. Still popping vitamins to speed up the growth. Hopefully I will reach armpit length by Christmas also!
sweetpeadst said:
I am about to go on a journey! A journey to armpit length hair by my birthday December 19!!! Is anybody willing to go on this journey wit me?? I am really determined to achieve Shoulder/Armpit length hair in time to bring in the new year.

Let's share our progress and demographics!
Examples of things you might want to share:

How long is your hair now? Currently shoulder length with layers bottom layer touches shoulders and shortest layer is above my cheek bone (about an inch and a half)

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes in fifth grade b4 an incident with a CON super relaxer by a stupid hairdresser

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Washing weekly!!! MTGing every other day!! Relaxing with Phyto hopefully every 12 weeks!! After 6 weeks post washing more frequently! I will also take my biotin and a multivitamin!

Whatever else you want to add
We can check in every once in a while to discuss progress (and get tips from whoever is progressing the fastest )

Shoulder/Armpit here we come!
I'm in also

Hair length now is just touching the bottom of neck:cool:

I was 3 inches past shoulder 1 1/2 years ago:mad:

I am going to up the CW's to twice a week.... I just started MSM 500 mg and Biotin 1500 mcg... I am Surging and M-T-G... Moisturizing 2 or 3 times a day...
No heat unless needed:p ... Protective hair styles...
I would like to join

My Stats:

How long is your hair now? Currently 1/2" past shoulder length. I do have layers but I cannot really describe it,some has grown out and some hasn't.

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Nope for both.

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Taking my vitamins, drinking water, increased protein.
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I wanna be down!

How long is your hair now? My hair is shoulder length on the sides, and inch or two past shoulder length in the back and chin length in the front where I am growing out bangs.

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes, but not for awhile.

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?

More conditioning washes
Increased Water
MTG and Surge
I'm in buddy :wave:

How long is your hair now? All even, shoulder-length.

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes...but did a BC, let it grow back, did another BC (last time, because couldn't find anyone to do my hur).

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Nothing special, just use good products: keraphix, emergencee, humecto, humectress, lacio-lacio, etc.
webby said:
I'm in buddy :wave:

How long is your hair now? All even, shoulder-length.

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes...but did a BC, let it grow back, did another BC (last time, because couldn't find anyone to do my hur).

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Nothing special, just use good products: keraphix, emergencee, humecto, humectress, lacio-lacio, etc.

Hole up....Holllllle up. heart...I've peeped your hair...u don't think you'll be armpit by the end of 2005??

@SP - Good move in getting the thread started. Everybody should be covered now...;)
MonaLisa said:
Hole up....Holllllle up. heart...I've peeped your hair...u don't think you'll be armpit by the end of 2005??

@SP - Good move in getting the thread started. Everybody should be covered now...;)
I think I can make armpit by the end of 2005, beginning of 2006...did I misread again? :look:
Did SP mean the end of 2006? If so, I'll be a cheerleader anyway :yay:
Count me in!

How long is your hair now? Mid-neck

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? I was a little longer than shoulder length when I got married eight years ago and shoulder length when I had my son five years ago...been chopping it into a bob every summer since then.

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Vitamins right now: 1500 mg alfalfa, 1500 mg B-5, and a prenatal vitamin (not really for hair though). CW or rinse 3-4 times a week, and deep condition every Sunday. Just started MTG last night...want to every other night but am afraid my family will complain about the smell!

Whatever else you want to add
I love this forum! I am hoping to get to shoulder length by the end of this year, and maybe collarbone length by my one-year LHCF anniversary (March 2006).
webby said:
I think I can make armpit by the end of 2005, beginning of 2006...did I misread again? :look:
Did SP mean the end of 2006? If so, I'll be a cheerleader anyway :yay:

LOL...that's a good question...I'm shooting for armpit length by the end of 2005...but dang...maybe I need to be up on here too in case my usual summer growth spurt doesn't show up...then I can fall into the early 2006 category.

I can also be a cheerleader as well.

Okay, and Webby are on here too (to cover our behinds) and for

eta: okay...I had to go back and re-read SP original post...she is trying to make armpit December....of THIS year for her she can ring in 2006...with that length

okay, seeeeeee....

we're already on the 2005 thread for that goal...but...I guess if we spill into 2006...we're covered...

and this is good for everyone who are approaching shoulder this year...keep the encouragement up to make armpit in 2006.
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How long is my hair now? may 2 inches past shoulder in the back and a few inches short of shoulder length in the front

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before?. when i was a little girl

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?

I am washing weekly
Using no heat except when i relax
trims whenever i relax
greasing scalp with sulfur 8 2x a week
deep conditioning weekly
Relaxing every 12 weeks
plan on using MTG the start of next month
webby said:
I think I can make armpit by the end of 2005, beginning of 2006...did I misread again? :look:
Did SP mean the end of 2006? If so, I'll be a cheerleader anyway :yay:
No you din't misread!!! By the end of 2005 I want to be Armpit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am 17 inches long from hair line to longest layer!!! I have 4 1/2 inches to armpit!! Doesn't seem like alot but boy oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!! This is my first time measuring my hair!
sweetpeadst said:
No you din't misread!!! By the end of 2005 I want to be Armpit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girl...u are funny....that's why I had the 2005
we have the same goal....December '05.

but this thread is a good back up...;)
Sorry I'm late to sign up but I went out of town so with that said

YA'LL COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought there was already a shoulder length challenge started a long time ago...anyway, that doesn't matter, I'm HERE SO LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW Sweetpeadst, my birthday is December 3rd, so I'm here witcha!

How long is your hair now?
Sides: unevenly touching ears with major see-thru ends, right temple broken off.
Back: 2 inches from back with no see-thru ends.

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? [color=#ff0000N] NEVER![/color]

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?
I'm wearing microbraids for the first time ever, oiling scalp twice a day, will probably wash every 3 weeks.

Whatever else you want to add
Microbraids were put in May 22, 2005
8 weeks post relaxer
Plan to leave them in until end of July
Drinking tons of water

Shoulder/Armpit here we come!
MonaLisa said:
Girl...u are funny....that's why I had the 2005
we have the same goal....December '05.

but this thread is a good back up...;)

I thought you were saying that you were going to be Brastrap by 2006!!
My bad come to think of it I may be on that thread!!! BUt I was just reading the other thread and got jelly and wanted me a thread for my hair goals sorry!!!
sweetpeadst said:
I thought you were saying that you were going to be Brastrap by 2006!!

I'm laughing....I did say huh...

There is a shoulder/armpit thread I started for 2005...I'm trying to get to armpit by December 2005. There was only a BSL in 2005 at that time...I was like what about the rest of us? lol.

I'm shooting for Bra Strap for 2006....that goes all da way to December 2006 to achieve that....

But this was a good thread idea...cause there are a lot I'm sure that are trying to get to shoulder and armpit in ur good!;)
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shellzfoshizzle said:
I'm confused as usual, so is this challenge up and running or is it the other one that someone else already started?

I'm sure SP will follow up...

but I would think that yes, this challenge is in effect if your goal is to reach
shoulder/armpit in 2006 (the range would be Jan-Dec 2006 to reach goal length)

I want to join. I need this motivation! :)

How long is your hair now? Currently my hair is below my shoulders in the back and down to my neck in the front and on the sides

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before? Yes I have been shoulder length but not armpit since I've been in the grown years :)

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Washing 2wce a week!!! Relaxing with VitalePro. Stretching the perms to 8 to 10 weeks instead of 6 to 8. I am also taking b12 and Fish Oil vitamins just for basic health. And I'm going to drink more water.
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Yes I will join. I am a bit of beginner but this seems line a goal I can reach in a reasonable amount of time.

How long is my hair now? At different lengths from the top of my shoulder to past my shoulder.( I'll post a picture soon)

Have you ever been shoulder/armpit length before?. Yes Spring of 2004. Then I messed up for two weeks left my hair in a pony tail and did not treat the ends. Bad Bad Breakage!

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?

Washing weekly
Deep conditioning weekly
Leave-IN Condition
Protein treatments every 4 weeks
Relaxing every 8-10 weeks ( I will relax sometime this week)