Should Women be Pastors?

I encourage everyone to read the book Searching the Scriptures: Women's Ordination and Call to Biblical Fidelity by Samuel Koranteng-Pipim. It is very good with Scriptural references all the way through.
And still there are NO scriptures forbidding women from holding the office of Bishop, Deacon or Pastor. When God has forbidden ANYTHING he clearly states that it is forbidden. He does not lean towards, He does not hint nor does He imply. He is consistent, He changes not.
Like I said before pray to the Lord before going to your male authority and then ask your male authority what the Lords stance is on women holding these position. The Lord will give you the answer but you have to pray to Him first. Otherwise you're liable to get that person's personal opinion which is irrelevant and which this thread is full of. If you pray to God first then you are guaranteed the truth, that is His promise to us. Now if one chooses not to do this then they need to consider why.
It doesn't matter how may commentaries are for or against it. Remember that commentaries differ per religious affiliation or the lack thereof and there is no where in the bible where He says rely on commentaries. What He does say for us as women is that if we have a question ask our husbands at home? Isn't this the very scripture that the whole discussion stemmed from? And for those of us that are single, doesn't the Lord say for us to go to the male who is our next line of authority? God is not the author of confusion and that is exactly what this and many threads like this are. I suppose that many of us have chosen not to ask that authority or have even rejected what that person has said.
And still there are NO scriptures forbidding women from holding the office of Bishop, Deacon or Pastor. When God has forbidden ANYTHING he clearly states that it is forbidden. He does not lean towards, He does not hint nor does He imply. He is consistent, He changes not.
Like I said before pray to the Lord before going to your male authority and then ask your male authority what the Lords stance is on women holding these position. The Lord will give you the answer but you have to pray to Him first. Otherwise you're liable to get that person's personal opinion which is irrelevant and which this thread is full of. If you pray to God first then you are guaranteed the truth, that is His promise to us. Now if one chooses not to do this then they need to consider why.
It doesn't matter how may commentaries are for or against it. Remember that commentaries differ per religious affiliation or the lack thereof and there is no where in the bible where He says rely on commentaries. What He does say for us as women is that if we have a question ask our husbands at home? Isn't this the very scripture that the whole discussion stemmed from? And for those of us that are single, doesn't the Lord say for us to go to the male who is our next line of authority? God is not the author of confusion and that is exactly what this and many threads like this are. I suppose that many of us have chosen not to ask that authority or have even rejected what that person has said.

It's a matter of conviction. Secondly, please do not jump to conclusions. I, for one, can say that I prayed AND asked the male in the next line of authority - my father, who actually happens to an elder. Thankfully, I am visiting home this weekend and he recommended the commentary that I shared here that rely on the Bible to explain these issues, and well as other books that are in his library. He has over 1,000 religious books and each one of them he has read, the Bible first of course.

So yes, I can personally say that I have asked the authority and have accepted what he has said. He has given me evidence from the Bible itself. Honestly, I grew up in a home were we studied together as a family and with other Christian families. There's never a day that I cannot go to my father and ask him about a religious issue. He always directs me to the verses in the Bible and can over other books to explain as well.

We ought to be careful not to assume how people's beliefs have come about on the forum. One's opinion or rather personal beliefs are certainly important. They are often shaped through reading, study, consulting the line of authority etc. The Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. It's through the careful study personally with the Lord and with others that we develop our beliefs. The Lord did intend it that way.

Have a great day!
Divya, you can quote me all you like I'm not addressing you any more I told you that.
As I said before and will say again pray to God for the answer FIRST and THEN go to your next male authority. It doesn't matter what the persons opinion is of what God says or how many books and commentaries they've read or written, those can be religiously affiliated opinions or the lack thereof and are totally and completely irrelevant. There are people who have done the same and have come up with a totally different conclusion. So what? I can go to many religious leaders and get differing opinions. Just because some denominations allow or do not allow women to be pastors proves that some have there own interpretation of the Word. The key is to pray to God first and then ask. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, AND the Life not your denomination. It is assinine to believe that your church is the only way to God and the truth and all others are wrong.

I am trying to understand this issue in the church. I attended a church where there was a female pastor but her husband was the Elder. I was a little torn because the Bible says that a woman should be "silent" in the church.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (New International Version)

34 women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

So what do you all think about women being pastors?

After you have read all the scriptures that speak on this subject the answer is quite clear, there is no human reasoning needed. The Bible says whether or not women should be pastors.

As for what I think about women bing pastors; it's not something I agree with. Just think about it, get out a pen and a piece of paper and write down all the other things that women are responsible for in the home and then try adding the title Pastor to the list under that add all the hard work and dedication that is required to lead as a Pastor.

Just don't make sense for a woman to add that title to her list from a thinking persons point of view and we know what the bible says on it so...........

Soon enough the Messiah will return and teach all the pure unadulterated truth on all matters. In the meantime thanks for the thought provoking thread:grouphug2:
Divya, you can quote me all you like I'm not addressing you any more I told you that.
As I said before and will say again pray to God for the answer FIRST and THEN go to your next male authority. It doesn't matter what the persons opinion is of what God says or how many books and commentaries they've read or written, those can be religiously affiliated opinions or the lack thereof and are totally and completely irrelevant. There are people who have done the same and have come up with a totally different conclusion. So what? I can go to many religious leaders and get differing opinions. Just because some denominations allow or do not allow women to be pastors proves that some have there own interpretation of the Word. The key is to pray to God first and then ask. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, AND the Life not your denomination. It is assinine to believe that your church is the only way to God and the truth and all others are wrong.

God bless you dear.
After you have read all the scriptures that speak on this subject the answer is quite clear, there is no human reasoning needed. The Bible says whether or not women should be pastors.

As for what I think about women bing pastors; it's not something I agree with. Just think about it, get out a pen and a piece of paper and write down all the other things that women are responsible for in the home and then try adding the title Pastor to the list under that add all the hard work and dedication that is required to lead as a Pastor.

Just don't make sense for a woman to add that title to her list from a thinking persons point of view and we know what the bible says on it so...........

Soon enough the Messiah will return and teach all the pure unadulterated truth on all matters. In the meantime thanks for the thought provoking thread:grouphug2: true!
Some of ya'll are unbelievable...but, I digress:rolleyes:

Asking this question again.....

How many of you lead people to salvation? How many of you pray with people on a regular basis? How many of you counsel people who are having difficulties in their lives? How many of you minister to those who have lost a loved one? Are you there with them, helping them through their time of grief, with prayer and supplication? How many of you minister the Gospel to hundreds or thousands of people? Do you know how? If so, how many times have you done this and how many people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ after you share this Gospel? How many of you get up at 2, 3, 4am to go to someone's home to pray for them because their child just died, or some other type of horrific tragedy, or for a couple who are having abuse issues in the home and need help? How many of you listen, truly listen to those who are struggling with drugs and alcohol dependency, and then are able to help them along in their struggle? How many of you counsel the youth in their struggle with sex, pregnancy, diseases, etc.? How many of you help people with necessities for living: Food, clothing, shelter...on a weekly basis?

I can go on and on but I would really like to know.

Now, I can answer all these questions and say YES, I do these things on a regular. How can I do these things? Because I have been called by God to do them...that's why He made me a Pastor.

That's all I'm going to say about this in this thread. Say what you must...but remember this: We will be held accountable for what we say and do in this life. I know God will say to me in the end..."Well, done thou good and faithful servant...enter into the joy of the Lord!!!
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Non-demoninational...and we have women ministers.

Yes, my faith does have women pastors as well. However, generally people are understanding of the fact that there people hold different views on the issue. The individual churches/divisions decide on whether or not it will be accepted. We are a movement, not denominational or non-denominational.
After you have read all the scriptures that speak on this subject the answer is quite clear, there is no human reasoning needed. The Bible says whether or not women should be pastors.

As for what I think about women bing pastors; it's not something I agree with. Just think about it, get out a pen and a piece of paper and write down all the other things that women are responsible for in the home and then try adding the title Pastor to the list under that add all the hard work and dedication that is required to lead as a Pastor.

Just don't make sense for a woman to add that title to her list from a thinking persons point of view and we know what the bible says on it so...........:nono:

Soon enough the Messiah will return and teach all the pure unadulterated truth on all matters. In the meantime thanks for the thought provoking thread:grouphug2:

What about those women who may not (presently) have such certain responsibilities in the home (marital elitism in the church is ALIVE and WELL!)

What about women who are FUNCTIONING in the role of pastoring (in proper order and authority) WITHOUT the title?

What about women like Phebe and Priscilla in Romans 16, both operating with male covering (Phebe=Apostle Paul; Priscilla=Aquilla (her husband))? When Apostle Paul is talking about them in Romans 16, he does not split the couple apart. He talks about them in their functions and roles TOGETHER:

1I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:

2That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also.

3Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus:

4Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.
5Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ.
Look: Apostle Paul lists Priscilla first! That does not seem to be proper cultural order.... maybe it is by calling?

Paul says that they BOTH laid down THEIR NECKS....So Priscilla is just standing on the sidelines? I think not.

And look! It says in verse 5 "greet the church that is in THEIR house" (Priscilla and Aquila's house), yes? Aquila wasn't running that church on his own. Priscilla, the good wife and helpmeet she was, was CO-LABORING, or CO-PASTORING alongside her husband. And Paul gave them a shout-out for their laboring....

A woman can be a pastor under proper (male) covering. The Bible does not indicate otherwise. Or the contrary has yet to be presented here. And I'm quoting DIRECTLY from the KING JAMES VERSION!!! (:grin:)
What about those women who may not (presently) have such certain responsibilities in the home (marital elitism in the church is ALIVE and WELL!)

What about women who are FUNCTIONING in the role of pastoring (in proper order and authority) WITHOUT the title?

What about women like Phebe and Priscilla in Romans 16, both operating with male covering (Phebe=Apostle Paul; Priscilla=Aquilla (her husband))? When Apostle Paul is talking about them in Romans 16, he does not split the couple apart. He talks about them in their functions and roles TOGETHER:

1I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:

2That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also.

3Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus:

4Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.
5Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ.
Look: Apostle Paul lists Priscilla first! That does not seem to be proper cultural order.... maybe it is by calling?

Paul says that they BOTH laid down THEIR NECKS....So Priscilla is just standing on the sidelines? I think not.

And look! It says in verse 5 "greet the church that is in THEIR house" (Priscilla and Aquila's house), yes? Aquila wasn't running that church on his own. Priscilla, the good wife and helpmeet she was, was CO-LABORING, or CO-PASTORING alongside her husband. And Paul gave them a shout-out for their laboring....

A woman can be a pastor under proper (male) covering. The Bible does not indicate otherwise. Or the contrary has yet to be presented here. And I'm quoting DIRECTLY from the KING JAMES VERSION!!! (:grin:)

Ahh Ree Ree you always gettin on me :spank:
Just kidding:giggle:, I know it's with the utmost respect and love of God!!
Anywho, whether women have the title or not or are married or not the Bible says what it says and ain't no changin that. And I still personally don't think that women should be preachers/pastors. I know the Priscilla story she was helping her husband but if I remember correctly He was doing the teaching and not her. Of course she was laying down her neck by her accompanying her husband to help him out she was obviously showing that she was a believer too.
Ahh Ree Ree you always gettin on me :spank:
Just kidding:giggle:, I know it's with the utmost respect and love of God!!
Anywho, whether women have the title or not or are married or not the Bible says what it says and ain't no changin that. And I still personally don't think that women should be preachers/pastors. I know the Priscilla story she was helping her husband but if I remember correctly He was doing the teaching and not her. Of course she was laying down her neck by her accompanying her husband to help him out she was obviously showing that she was a believer too.

Full love and respect back atcha!

Once again, exactly WHERE does it say that women cannot PASTOR?

Why do we want to discount the service of these women?
Full love and respect back atcha!

Once again, exactly WHERE does it say that women cannot PASTOR?

Why do we want to discount the service of these women?

1 Timothy 2:11-13

When someone says Pastor I picture a person who is over a congregation/church/is a spiritual leader, you know the person in the pulpit giving the sermons every Sunday. In order to be in that position if you are a women that means you are having authority over men right, unless you have a church that is for women only?

Depending on what someone thinks a Pastor or Preacher is then of course their view on this subject will be different.

I'm not discounting the service of the women in the bible, they did wonderful work, but they were not pastors or preachers or spiritual leaders of a church or congregation. My mother in law is a 'pastor' and that was her choice I don't love her any less, she is a grown woman and she makes her own choices. Like I said before when the Messiah returns he will teach us the truth on all matters.

I don't know what else to say:fridge:
Women can be ministers but not heading a about Miriam (in Exodus) the prophetess and Mary who saw Jesus after resurrection...they had a message but they weren't heading churches.
1 Timothy 2:11-13

When someone says Pastor I picture a person who is over a congregation/church/is a spiritual leader, you know the person in the pulpit giving the sermons every Sunday. In order to be in that position if you are a women that means you are having authority over men right, unless you have a church that is for women only?

Depending on what someone thinks a Pastor or Preacher is then of course their view on this subject will be different.

I'm not discounting the service of the women in the bible, they did wonderful work, but they were not pastors or preachers or spiritual leaders of a church or congregation. My mother in law is a 'pastor' and that was her choice I don't love her any less, she is a grown woman and she makes her own choices. Like I said before when the Messiah returns he will teach us the truth on all matters.

I don't know what else to say:fridge:

1 Timothy 2:11-13 links to 1 Corinthians 14, which speaks to WIVES DISRUPTING the SERVICE by asking questions to their husbands and DISRUPTING the minister. Again, this scripture does not forbid women to teach or preach IN PROPER ORDER AND AUTHORITY given to her BY HER MALE COVERING, e.g., HER HUSBAND or OTHER APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY (e.g., a bishop).

I'll even go as far as to say this: I REFUSE to believe that the Lord would punish a woman for pastoring and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ (if that's what the Lord told her to do and she did so within proper authority).
1 Timothy 2:11-13 links to 1 Corinthians 14, which speaks to WIVES DISRUPTING the SERVICE by asking questions to their husbands and DISRUPTING the minister. Again, this scripture does not forbid women to teach or preach IN PROPER ORDER AND AUTHORITY given to her BY HER MALE COVERING, e.g., HER HUSBAND or OTHER APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY (e.g., a bishop).


Can you clarify this? Do you mean to say that only if a woman has a
"male covering" can she "pastor"? What if a woman was a pastor but her husband was not? Would it be ok for her to pastor? Or if it were a single woman without a husband? Would it be ok for her to pastor?
Can you clarify this? Do you mean to say that only if a woman has a
"male covering" can she "pastor"? What if a woman was a pastor but her husband was not? Would it be ok for her to pastor? Or if it were a single woman without a husband? Would it be ok for her to pastor?

Not to throw off, but my thoughts on the questions you've asked here have been answered upthread....

>>What I mean by male covering is that a woman can be appointed to a pastorship by, for example, a bishop (a male, according to the Word). That pastor (male or female) oversees the day-to-day responsibilities of pastoring while that male covering oversees that pastor (male or female).

>>In the case of a husband and wife co-pastoring, they are both pastoring. The woman is pastoring alongside her husband; the husband is the headship of that pastoring couple, just like the husband is the head of the wife, and Jesus Christ is the head of them both.

>>Or, say the woman is called to pastor but the husband may not be. That woman/wife still has to come under submission of her husband. And so as that husband ALLOWS his wife to flow in her pastoral assignment, that husband is covering his wife.

>>Or, in the case of a single female: this goes back to first/second paragraph where a (single) woman who has been appointed to a pastorship by a bishop or a single woman who believes/knows the Lord has called her to pastor, she would seek out a male authority (e.g., a bishop) who would be willing to cover her pastorship.
In Judges, Deborah was the Judge over Israel, a position of authority over the men, correct? The bible also mentions her husband in the same verse. THAT is the example of a woman in authority over men under the covering of her husband.
An unmarried female pastor would be under the covering of a male who is her next line of authority. When I've heard married women pastors or women who were elders in the church preach they always start by saying that they are preaching the sermon under the covering of their husbands. I have not been to every church so I don't know what all married elders say before preaching but that has always been my experience.