Spinoff: Giving honor to the pastor


Active Member
I really don't agree with the way Catholics bow down to the Pope. Kissing his ring??? That's a little (ok a lot) too much for me. I don't get it.
What I also don't get is why we give honor to pastors. I never did this growing up so I don't understand. I grew up in White (European)-based (not necessarily White attended) churches. My current church is non-denominational with the pastors' roots in Black-based churches. Attendance is predominantly Black. I've only experienced these type of churches in visiting them. Well, in my church we "honor" our pastors by standing and clapping. But it bothers me that we do this about 5 times a service every time someone gets the whim to say "Let's "honor" our pastors". On top of that, he does it for his wife. She does it for him. They do it for their sons. He does it for his mother. And it just goes on and on. I feel like a yo-yo getting up and down like that. Any wonder how we have time for a good word. (<---sorry just venting). The way it has been explained to me is that we don't bow down to our pastors but we give them honor the same way we would give the president of the US honor when he walks in a room. I don't have a problem with honoring my pastor (once) because I truly love him and his wife but isn't there/shouldn't there be a limit? I love love love my church but I just don't love this part of the service. Do other churches do this.
BTW, If I am off base with this thinking, someone please correct me.
I really don't agree with the way Catholics bow down to the Pope. Kissing his ring??? That's a little (ok a lot) too much for me. I don't get it.
What I also don't get is why we give honor to pastors. I never did this growing up so I don't understand. I grew up in White (European)-based (not necessarily White attended) churches. My current church is non-denominational with the pastors' roots in Black-based churches. Attendance is predominantly Black. I've only experienced these type of churches in visiting them. Well, in my church we "honor" our pastors by standing and clapping. But it bothers me that we do this about 5 times a service every time someone gets the whim to say "Let's "honor" our pastors". On top of that, he does it for his wife. She does it for him. They do it for their sons. He does it for his mother. And it just goes on and on. I feel like a yo-yo getting up and down like that. Any wonder how we have time for a good word. (<---sorry just venting). The way it has been explained to me is that we don't bow down to our pastors but we give them honor the same way we would give the president of the US honor when he walks in a room. I don't have a problem with honoring my pastor (once) because I truly love him and his wife but isn't there/shouldn't there be a limit? I love love love my church but I just don't love this part of the service. Do other churches do this.
BTW, If I am off base with this thinking, someone please correct me.

No, that doesn't happen in my church at all. We are SDA, predominantly West Indian, with some Africans, Black Americans and Latinos.
We don't do this in our congregation. I can understand why you'd feel uncomfortable. Is the service about giving honor to the pastor, his wife, sons and mother, or is it about giving honor to God? That would annoy me personally.
I grew up in White (European)-based (not necessarily White attended) churches. My current church is non-denominational with the pastors' roots in Black-based churches. Attendance is predominantly Black. I've only experienced these type of churches in visiting them

My church has its origins with European ministry /congregation
and the arts young people oriented chuch I attended to prior to becoming a member at the above..Both eventually evolved to a more multi-racial demographic...and some to extent involve honoring (but not on the scale you speak of)..so ...many White churches do this as well.
Even tho, the Black Church has a rich history of call and response.....charismatic culture within worship.......they are probably more the progenitors of interqactive worship but certainly no longer the lone wolf..in this arena.

When our Senior minister returned after a six month illness he rec'd a standing ovation...which is different than you mean ..yes?

But in my church they DO applaud the minister AND the choir AND annonuncements AND new members initiaton...baptisms
it's almost always effort appreciation......and spontaneous ..so if the angel choir of preschoolers sing.............that's guaranteed applause ...or if something funny is mentioned during announcements...more appplause and I love that..it makes our church ..alive and animated

The only time it's uncomfortable for me is appause after the sermon..
no matter how eloquently or how moving or how on pointe it is...somehow that doesn't feel right. Sometimes the minister will forestall the applause by going right to.......and let us pray.

But I honestly do not see that segregated to color/race..I believe it's across the board
I see this ..everywhere..except of course the very conservative/liturgical
We don't do this in our congregation. I can understand why you'd feel uncomfortable. Is the service about giving honor to the pastor, his wife, sons and mother, or is it about giving honor to God? That would annoy me personally.
Caramela, it is very frustrating. I don't think it's necessary. It's starting not to feel right. But I have to say that when he gets up to preach, he does make us get up and give honor and praise to God for a good several minutes. I mean I adore my pastor. He has the biggest heart for people and God used him and his wife to get me started in my process of deliverance but I'm just wondering if giving "honor" can be excessive. I don't know because I've never done this before in a church.
My church has its origins with European ministry /congregation
and the arts young people oriented chuch I attended to prior to becoming a member at the above..Both eventually evolved to a more multi-racial demographic...and some to extent involve honoring (but not on the scale you speak of)..so ...many White churches do this as well.
Even tho, the Black Church has a rich history of call and response.....charismatic culture within worship.......they are probably more the progenitors of interqactive worship but certainly no longer the lone wolf..in this arena.

When our Senior minister returned after a six month illness he rec'd a standing ovation...which is different than you mean ..yes?

But in my church they DO applaud the minister AND the choir AND annonuncements AND new members initiaton...baptisms
it's almost always effort appreciation......and spontaneous ..so if the angel choir of preschoolers sing.............that's guaranteed applause ...or if something funny is mentioned during announcements...more appplause and I love that..it makes our church ..alive and animated

The only time it's uncomfortable for me is appause after the sermon..
no matter how eloquently or how moving or how on pointe it is...somehow that doesn't feel right. Sometimes the minister will forestall the applause by going right to.......and let us pray.

But I honestly do not see that segregated to color/race..I believe it's across the board
I see this ..everywhere..except of course the very conservative/liturgical
Thanks Kayte for opening my mind. I see giving honor is universal. The churches I grew up in were so ritualistic and we never clapped, we didn't even speak through a prayer--just bowed our heads and listened, and we got through the service in about an hour. My current church is a new (and wonderful) experience for me. I just don't understand some of these new things.