Should I tell him it's a wig?


New Member
I met this new guy online and we're really hitting it off. The only thing is that in the pictures I have online I am wearing a wig due to thinning hair (in the crown area) from braids in the past. I am currently cbl.

So the other night while we were talking he was giving me so many compliments about my " nice full head of hair." I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'm wearing a wig in the picture. What should I do? Should I tell him now or wait until after we meet to break the news. :blush:

-Thanks in advance-
tell him. it's like wearing contacts in a pic and being complimented on your eye color.

if he really is a hair guy, and some men are, you can find out how he feels.
I have a friend who always dyed her hair red up until her marriage..her hubby thought he was marrying a redhead, and had a rude awakening when he found out she was a brunette.
She didn't think he'd care, but I think he was a little dissapointed...

So I'd tell him upfront.
When I first met my boyfriend, I had in a weave (for the first time in my life) for my friend's wedding. So one day we're on the phone, weeks after meeting, and he said one of the things that attracted him to me was my "long beautiful hair" and I doubled over in laughter. I thought it was HILARIOUS...and he was quiet.

So I explained to him that I put in a weave for my friend's wedding, and its my first time ever. I promised him I had a long hair, just not as long. He was so disappointed and I think he thought I was lying to him. After I took the weave out and went to see him with my real hair - I thought I heard a sigh of relief. LOLOLOL.

My point in the story is disappoint him early on, because I think it's harder to take in weeks or months later.
girl you better tell him. waiting will only make you more apprehensive about it and make it harder to tell him the truth.
yes tell him. Honesty is the best policy and since he already commented about your hair then you need to tell him the truth so he won't believe something that is not true. Or you can send him another pic w/ your hair in a different style maybe short so he can see your different options.
Tell him. The fact that it looks so good he THOUGHT it was yours is really a compliment if you think about it. That's always my response to a fake hair hating man "Yeah, you don't like weave, but it looks so good you THOUGHT it was mine, right? So what's the problem?" lol.
I was faced with a similar situation and I purposely made conversation about me wearing wigs like Solitude suggested you do. Well with me doing that he naturally asked me if my hair in the pictures was mine and I said no and wearing wigs was a way for me to protect my hair so that one day I would have hair that long. Unfortunately he started to let me know he didn't like wigs and I kindly said oh well I love them. Never came back up :-)
I don't really see why you
would have to explain anything women often change there hair styles color length etc we wear wigs weaves synthetic natural and yarn in our hair and i think most GROWN men of color know this so I don't see what's the big deal
Tell him.

When my SO and I first got together, I was relaxed. I told him that I wore wigs and I literally heard him groan internally. :lachen: I told him that I had hair I just liked being able to change my look without spending alot of time in the salon (not to mention it's cheaper and less damaging.) He gave me the side eye. :lol: Sooooo I took my hair down, let him see me take it down and when I got ready to put it up into a bun, he asked me to leave it down. :lol:

Just be honest wearing wigs/wigs is nothing to be ashamed of.
Tell him. If he's as shallow as the guy who thought he was getting a redhead, then you're luckier. You'll know well in advance.
I intentionally wore my own hair on my first date with my SO and eventually told him that I do wear wigs and weaves and stuff. On one date I wore a wig and he complimented my hair and I told him and he didn't believe me. lol.

Maybe send him some pics of you w/o your wig and he will put two and two together.
Tell him....but inform him that he should think of it less as a wig and more as a hairy hat...I mean who doesn't like a hat...GL!
OP do you feel comfortable wearing your hair? I was just asking because if you tell him it's a wig,he may want to see your real hair..
Just wear a short wig next time you see him. If you are like most of us on here you probably own a bunch of wigs. That way you will have to discuss it and you can do so in a light way.
Yeah i would just tell him right away. I usually tell guys right cause if you touch my hair and my wig moves how am i explaining that one??? At least that's the thought in my head.
I'd be shy to tell him so instead I'd send some wigless pics or post
them wherever you meet him and see what his response is
Wait until you meet him, and wear your real hair when you do.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using LHCF

I think I like this answer...I have really only worn wigs around people I know, so they know it's a wig and I don't mind, so I was at a loss. To me, if he complimented me and my response is, "Oh yea that's a wig" [compliment null and void], I think it would be kind of awkward...
I would have told him the moment he complimented me on my hair and I knew it wasn't mine. I know it sucks because that's part of his attraction to you but, tell him. Don't will be BSL soon enough and won't have worry about moments like this again because when a guy compliments you on your hair, you will be able to swang it knowing that its yours. :D
Is your hair anything close to what the wig looks like? If not, I'd tell him prior to meeting. If it is similar, I'd just wear my real hair upon meeting and try to pass it offLOL.
But what if you stop talking to him soon? Then you'd have told him for nothing. What is wrong with saying thanks and KIM. Do you think he suspects something and is trying to get you to fess up?