How can you have your wig on to have Sex?

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First of all LMAO @ Njoy! Secondly, what could I possibly add to this?? Basically, I would ditch the wig all together and wear different pretty silk scarves...I mean I do this anyway. How can you possibly "get lost in the act" worrying about your wig falling off. If you can't fully focus on getting yours then what's the point of having a buddy anyway??? Maybe there is a part of you that wants to impress this guy and possibly turn this buddy into a boo. Basically if you plan to be with this dude for any length of time he will need to know eventually. Good Luck!
Yep - it seems like there's a pattern, she's looking for information, but it doesn't appear that she's doing it to stir up trouble.

But OP's situation is a little different. It would seem that she doesn't have long hair and wears a wig just for fun - she says she has severe hairloss and wears wigs coz she has to. Because the relationship is in no strings attached status she doesn't feel like telling him about the hair loss which is understandable.


Overall, smh at the judgmentalism in this thread.

I have an announcement to make. Me thinks this is a troll. And I'm out..

Thank you. OP came with her outrageous topic then dipped on us.
Regardless, I'm not really interested in op's relationship. I just want to know in general. Im sure its different from the hook ups i see in college...i assumed it was a more mature and rational decision. Anyone with experience, including op, feel free to hit me up with a pm :-) want someone to give you a tutorial on FWB relationships via PM? :lachen:I wouldn't even be surprised if someone PMed you. "Well when a man really likes a woman....or at least finds her a** nice and round...." :lol:
ehh i really dont think the OP shouldve included details about her personal life because a lot of women[especially older women], including myself, look down upon or dont agree with purely sexual relationships... or as they call them,"fck buddies"
yeaa ok i understand tht all women have needs but thats what they make toys if youre really that desperate just go buy a freaking vibrator dont lower yourself to the level of a fck buddy because then that guy will have no respect for you and it makes you look like you have no respect for yourself. maybe its just me..but my mom taught me better[shrugs].
and like others said dont expect posting personal information like that on a forum full of women and not expect any negative or opposing comments.
smdh im just shocked by this thread
Girl, how old are you?

Some of y'all need to sit down. She's probably getting more booty than the ones slamming her for being TMI when asking her question. :lol:

Take that wig off and get to business, OP!
Unless you both anticipate on having some hardcore, rough, hanging from the chandelier feet sitting on top of your forehead nookie, then I don't think you have a problem with it coming off.......I say just tell him you have a wig and you don't want it to fall off.
This thread is jokes, troll or no troll, and smh @ folks acting all shocked about f-buddies. Welcome to the new millennium. We also got a black president. :rofl:

@ op, re: coloring while bewigged. I've done it. Others already gave my suggestions, but to recap, 1) use a silk scarf to make a head-band, or just tie it and let the hair hang down (like them lil thug girls in the 90's, might lead to an interesting night, lol), and 2) "saddle up." :look:
I'm going to keep the "PRUDE" part of my opinon to myself. But I have to ask/say this.

A buddy has your back (pun intended). (seeing as to how the hairloss is a sensitve issue for you)It sounds like you're about to set yourself to be in a sit-u-i-ation that can be v-e-r-y embarrassing for you.

If this person is not worthy of you sharing such a personal and intmate secret with THEN he's certainly not worthy of you sharing your "intimate" areas with. Picture this:
:badidea: Ya'll gettin' it, and to his surprise you hair get's caught-up in the headboard/covers :oops: , & all of a sudden he's lookin at a bald piece of *** and treats you like you're one :busted:, . At best he'll politely excuse himself; most likely he'll laugh at you as he's leavin :cowgirl: , and several times more as he relays this to others :lachen::lachen: :lachen:.
Invest your energy in finding someone who you can "be real" with till then I suggest "you" do you. :prettyplease: Pun intended, again.
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UGH why are you even worried about what he thinks about your wig/hair issue if all he is interested in is your cookie, as you put it (sex buddies). Either wear a scarf, buckle the wig on tight, or dnt say anything. All he is trying to do is get his rocks off...apparently if he was interested in anything else then he wouldn't be trying to be just a fk buddy with you. duh

My fiance' knows I wear wigs, but also knows my own hair is WL. So, it's no issue, but why even ask when your friend with benefits just wants to do the damn thang and bounce? No point in mentioning it...hell tie a scarf over the wig and call it a day. Geesh these threads are so LAME
Umm, that's great that your hair is WL underneath your wig. But her hair isn't. In fact, she says she almost has none. I can understand your frustration, but it's got to be a big deal for her if she were to feel she can't even have the pleasure of having sex without thinking about her condition. So it doesn't affect you but it affects many people out there who, even if this person is a troll, may identify with the issue. A man knowing that you have hair underneath is a whole different issue than a man knowing you have nothing. If you lost all your hair, you'd still want to be sexually attractive. And no matter what it's going to affect your esteem in some way. Tired of people thinking it's no big deal. Losing hair is devastating for women. I'm GLAD she can lead such a life without feeling like she has to hide from the world.
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Ivonnovi, if this is a real, non-trolling post, I'm certain she's considered the possibility. Which is why she came to us for help. Not moral judgments.

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y do ppl judge others situations as opposed to giving advice, or suggestions?? i dare not be the one to cast the first just sayin
You should probably duct tape it. Just wrap the tape over the wig, down the side of your face, under your chin and back up until it meets the tape again. No more problems. But duct tape would be kinda obvious, so clear tape might be better.
You should probably duct tape it. Just wrap the tape over the wig, down the side of your face, under your chin and back up until it meets the tape again. No more problems. But duct tape would be kinda obvious, so clear tape might be better.

omg I hate you :lachen::lachen:
I think the double sided velcro is the best option. Put one on the front, one in the back, on on each side, and one in the middle to top it off
No way it would fall off then
Unless you both anticipate on having some hardcore, rough, hanging from the chandelier feet sitting on top of your forehead nookie, then I don't think you have a problem with it coming off.......I say just tell him you have a wig and you don't want it to fall off.

Oh child..Zane ain't got nothing on you!
Ivonnovi, if this is a real, non-trolling post, I'm certain she's considered the possibility. Which is why she came to us for help. Not moral judgments.


Understand that I was not passing "moral" judgement, most of the times I try to address the "issues" as presented.

I wrote my response with the thought that she should reconsider sleeping with "this" guy; given the circumstances and the "sensitive issue" she presented. ALSO, 'cause I've unwittingly been in the "audience" of many a recollection like I described above.

Sometimes having someone "rethink" their intended course of action is "helping". Besides she's already been provided serveral methods of securing the hair. Hoooah!!!
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